View Full Version : Nausea with anxiety!!

26-09-12, 09:36
Hi guys

Just wondering, I have been bad with my health anxiety and for the last week I've been experiencing quite bad nausea even from the minute I wake up, also had a few headaches

Just to add to my problems I'm also not sleeping, does anyone else have nausea with anxiety, I'm worried once again! Xx

26-09-12, 09:43
I think most people have nausea with anxiety, for me it is the worst symptom. I try to eat small amounts more often as I never feel like eating.

26-09-12, 09:54
Thanks Annie, hate this HA every time I don't feel right, I start googling the symptoms, :(((( last week was worrying about headaches now this week it's nausea and thinking alsorts, do you think the nausea could be because I'm not sleeping! Xx

26-09-12, 09:55
Don't google you will only make yourself worse. Not sleeping comes with anxiety also..sometimes I am lucky to get 4 hours sleep on a night because my mind won't switch off.

26-09-12, 10:09
I know, can't help it, I must try harder not google, just hope these symptoms go soon! Xx