View Full Version : MoniqueLeah Into

26-09-12, 09:38
Hi! Im a 24yo from Broome Western Australia. I have had Anxiety and severe panic attacks my whole life, however i was told and led to believe that i was a drama-queen, overacting in situations where everyone else around me was succeeding. I felt alone, and tried every possible way through my youth to fit in. I tried everything from christianity to drug and alcohol abuse to make myself fit in to everyone's normal way of life. I hated allot of people. I hated that everyday they fit into the demographic of being 'normal' while i was outside, looking in, hating who i was. The voice inside me drove me close to insanity with its constant voice of negativity. Telling me I should always be afraid, always have my defenses up, because everyone in he world was against me, even my own family. Now im alot older, and i have been though alot of terrible things, and alot of incredably amazing things and i know im not alone.

I have only recently quit smoking weed everyday (since i was 19) and it seems this has acted as a natural supressor of my anxiety. I needed to stop. I was overweight, lazy and so tired all the time. I felt like my relationship was hanging by a thread so i stopped... suddenly all the anxietly and panic that i had suppressed for years came flooding out at once. I was phisically sick and panicky for days, untill i passed out in my shower. I was only out for a second, but i came to with my face on the shower floor and water in my mouth... scared the s**t out of me. To hospital i went, shaking, sweating vomiting and trying not to scream.

Fast forward 1 week and im sitting here on my computer, realising that i need to connect with others like me so i dont feel so alone anymore. I have a mental health plan in place and am currently on cipramil everyday and diazepam as needed. I constantly feel sick and my stomach is always sore and i have lost 11kg in 2 weeks. But everyday is a fraction better than the last. I understand im not actually phisically ill, its my mind (and the starting of the cipramil) and i am lucky to have a support network of people around me, that want to see me suceed. I love them all dearly. I hope that when i beat this, i can show others the way.

Im a friendly and happy person and would love to talk to anyone that just wants to talk, even about the weather! Im just glad that there are places like "NOMOREPANIC" that provides this kind refuge for us. Thankyou. from the bottom of my heart.


26-09-12, 09:41
Hi :welcome: I hope you find lots of support here, I am sure you will :)

26-09-12, 09:51
Hi MoniqueLeah

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

26-09-12, 10:00
Hi Annie!!! thankyou!! i have seen your posts around! you must be a very caring person. :yesyes:

26-09-12, 11:41
Hi and :welcome: you'll get lots of help and support here, everyones fantastic :D xx

26-09-12, 12:33
Hello, welcome to the site :welcome: Sounds like you've had a rough time but you should find some comfort here.

26-09-12, 13:55
Hello!!! I believe we have already met lol. I can releate to the weed thing. I smoke it heavily in my teens and I ended up quitting and had fainting episodes adn that is actually now one of my main panic triggers. Fainting terrifies me..I just couldn't be relaxed about it and when I panic the first thing is "I'm going to faint" which makes the panic worse and so on. I am 26 now and would love to chat further!!!

fozzy is crying
26-09-12, 14:10

There are lots of good people here to support you. Read and use the forums and when you feel like it visit the Chat Room for more instant support.


27-09-12, 03:16
G'day! Always good to see another Aussie here. :D There are some amazing supportive people on this site. You definietely won't feel so alone on here.

27-09-12, 04:25
Thankyou so much for all the replies! it makes me feel very supported already xo