View Full Version : anxiety

26-09-12, 10:09
I've been living with anxiety all my life, only I never knew it was anxiety until recently. I always thought it was just the way I was. Anyway, it seems that my 9 year old daughter has anxiety. We still believe that she has aspergers but camhs have said no and that she has anxiety disorder, but that's another story. She worries about anything and everything, and this week she seems to have gotten worse. When she goes to school she starts getting upset, tearful, saying she has tummy ache and that she's got the nerves again. Yesterday she ended up being sent home because she got herself worked up and said her tummy was hurting. Within half an hour of being home she was fine. She was the same this morning but we got her to school. Had a phone call from the school saying she was crying, wanting to come home, yet she wasn't looking ill. I'm hoping that she calms down and stays at school for the duration. Not sure what to do about it. She's too much like me except that I could hide my feelings and no-one had a clue.