View Full Version : the slightest thing sends me in a panic!

26-09-12, 12:00
Yesterday I went for physio on my foot (recovering from fractures) and it felt so much better after and I was feeling so happy and positive then last night I tripped on the mat in my bare feet and bent my toes and I can hardly walk again today. My ear stopped aching yesterday but as soon as I get anxious about my foot my ear ache comes back!!! Really tearful now :weep:

26-09-12, 12:12
oh Annie, i'm sorry to hear how you are feeling. Sending lots of :hugs: your way!

You will be able to walk again and your ear ache will go away!

Here for you if you need to chat :)

26-09-12, 12:16
:hugs: for you Annie. Remember what you told me about your Physio yesterday? Healing your foot is a process, but it will get better. Tripping is unfortunate, but it's just like pulling into a lay-by on a journey - a temporary stop on the road. Keep your foot elevated and rest it (and you) as much as possible today. I'm sure you'll feel different tomorrow when you get back on your journey again.

26-09-12, 12:21
Thank you paranoidtree :) I have sent my physio a text message (I am sure he thinks I must be mad!) I just need the reassurance that I haven't done any more damage. i am really pleased I have such an understanding physio. I am sure my earache must be brought on by anxiety because it went yesterday.

---------- Post added at 12:21 ---------- Previous post was at 12:16 ----------

Thank you Elle-Kay..you have both made me feel better. Sometimes I just feel like it is never ending. Yesterday morning, my cat who follows me everywhere was sat on the edge of the bath when I was in it and he feel in! I have a few puncture wounds from his struggle to get out but at least I thought that incident was funny:roflmao:

26-09-12, 13:41
Awwww poor you! Tripping over and hurting your toes is bad enough without your bad foot! Sorry to hear this but exactly like you said to me...We all get the bad days so take it in your stride!! xx

26-09-12, 14:01
It is actually getting a bit better as the day goes on (just as my husband said it would but I can never see that and panic!). Thanks everyone for your support. :hugs:

26-09-12, 14:08
Good to hear Annie! It is always hard to see sense during panic. I thought I was checking out last night during but of course this was just silly panic!! lol

26-09-12, 14:55
Just had a text from my physio to say he is sure I have just jarred it and it will settle down in a few days and if not to phone him again so I feel more relaxed now except that I text him back to say Thank you and because I usually put x on the end of messages to friends I automatically put x on the end of my message to him so now I am worrying and feeling daft about that! He probably won't even notice, will he? :doh:

26-09-12, 18:42
He probably won't and if he does will probably just smile :)

How's your foot feeling now?

26-09-12, 18:51
My physio was right as always and my foot is starting to feel a bit better again. My husband told me this morning that it would ease off and that I had just jarred it again but I needed to hear it from my physio :)