View Full Version : Second driving test on Friday...nerves in tatters

26-09-12, 14:38
Guys i need some words of reassurance.
I have my second driving test on Friday, my first i failed miserably.
I desperately need to pass this time, I have my car sitting on the drive & I cant use it.

I am awful at manouveres (parking etc) I'm also very anxious and hesitate more than I should.
I keep having mini panic attacks and i can't stop thinking about it.
Can anyone give me some words of reassurance?

26-09-12, 14:44
The point if a driving test is to show you can drive safely, so all you can do is practice as much as you can, then try and relax durning the test.
It's natural to be nervous but just take a deep breath and concentrate on driving.
It's not the end of the works if you don't pass, plenty of people have to try a few times :)
Good luck

26-09-12, 14:48
Good Luck for Friday Girl afraid xx:hugs:

26-09-12, 14:48
good luck you can do it and its not the end of the world if you dont ,keep calm and posivtive I passed on my third go GOOD LUCK XXXX :D

26-09-12, 15:05
The worst thing is that I have spent so much money on driving as I have been doing it for a long time now, it took me around 6 months to get the hang of it and even now I'm not great. Its really upsetting.
I passed first time on my theory test because I'm good at theory things but never ever good at practical.
I'm panicking that on friday I will crash or kill somebody through anxiety

26-09-12, 15:16
Good luck and just try and relax, when i took my driving test i was convinced i failed so i just sort of relaxed thinking 'oh well ive failed anyway' and infact id passed!!!!! xx

26-09-12, 16:07
It took me 2 years of lessons and 5 tests to pass - I am convinced it made me a better driver - if I had passed first time I would have been a danger on the roads. I too had a car ready and waiting and a poorly mum needing a taxi service but unfortunately none of that matters to the examiner. Good luck x

26-09-12, 18:40
Hey, like others have said try to relax and not worry about Friday - maybe try some Bach's rescue remedy, it can be good in situations like this!

I passed my test third time around and i remember after being in the car for about 5 mins thinking to myself, right you have failed now so just get through the rest of the test so you can go home and guess what, it helped me relax and stop stressing about passing that i actually passed! I remember the examiner telling me and i asked if he was sure!

Good luck on Friday, sending you lots of :hugs: