View Full Version : So confused again :(

26-09-12, 14:50
I'm getting so confused that don't know were to begin. Was diagnosed with HA in June and have started meds. In general I have been feeling better, but the physical symptoms are always there. Here's the list of what I'm still experiencing:

1. Weakness/numbness on my left leg. It all started in May during an episode I though it was panic attack when in about 1-2 hours my leg felt very weak and like it was mine. I was able to get back home although it seemed the leg would not hold me. Since then the feeling of weakness has never disappeared. However after starting meds it felt better. Recently I've been lowering the Xanax dosage and the weak feeling is stronger. Another thing is that sometimes it feels slightly numb. When I take Xanax the feeling disappears. Today we moved the office and I had to do some physical work. After some work I have some pain in my left leg. It's mostly in the outer side of the knee and it looks muscular to me however I'm not sure. I keep thinking it's MS or BT (some times ALS also).

2. The same weak/numb feeling I get it at my left arm also, but it's not always like with my left leg. Also I get it sometimes in my right arm/leg but it doesn't last long.

3. I get tingling almost everywhere...not very often, but mainly when I'm anxious or after physical activity (If I do something with the arms, I get it in the arms)

4. The right side of my head (mostly around the eye) feels strange...kind of slightly numb...not sure how to describe it. Also I get headaches in this side (paracetamol helps with them). The vision in the right eye doesn't seem the same as the left one although I can't describe the difference. I'm afraid the peripheral vision on my right eye is partially lost, but with some tests I'm doing it doesn't seem so.

5. Sometimes I have nausea in the morning and bowel movements are not consistent. Also have lots of gas...I think its IBS, but it may be something else.

6. I have kind of frequent urination. During the day it's not so bad, but at night usually I'm waken up around 6am or so with the urge to go to the bathroom.

So when I try to connect "the dots" they point to either BT (right side of head, symptoms mainly on my left side) or MS. I'm 32 and ALS seems unlikely, but I fear that also...

Can all of this be just anxiety???

26-09-12, 15:54
All the things you are describing really sound like anxiety to me. I have had them all and still get them all. If it was one of the things you're thinking of, I very much doubt it would come and go. I know its hard to believe these horrible symptoms are caused by anxiety, I struggle to believe it sometimes too:hugs:

26-09-12, 15:59
Thank you abby for your response. Actually the "weak" feeling along with some aching/pain in the left leg never disappears completely. It gets better with anti-anxiety, but it's always there...this is what worries me the most....

26-09-12, 16:04
I remember from another post of yours that this is something that really worries you and you focus on which maybe why you always notice it. I really cant see anti anxiety medication improving the symptoms at all if it was a serious illness. Have you been to the doctors about this? I get terrible dizziness, weakness in arms and legs, especially when I'm anxious. Sometimes I feel like my legs wont hold me or Im going to pass out because I feel so dizzy x

26-09-12, 16:12
I hope you're right...but as I said today it got worse today with physical activity...while normally with anxiety physical activity helps.

I have been to the doctors for other issues (heart, abdomen, etc), but not for this. I'm planning to go and see a neuro soon, but I'm scared :(

26-09-12, 16:14
I know it's scary but it is better than worrying yourself sick. I honestly think it is anxiety and the worrying is making the symptoms worse but seeing a doc/neuro will put your mind at rest and then hopefully things will start to improve for you x

26-09-12, 16:22
I keep postponing it hopping the symptoms will disappear...but it seems I have no choice but go and see a neuro

26-09-12, 16:34
I do the same thing but the more we put it off, the more we worry and the worse the symptoms get, its such a pain in the backside :mad:

26-09-12, 16:35
I have little hope it's only anxiety...but somehow I'll go and see a neuro (hopefully soon)