View Full Version : frequant urination/health anxiety

26-09-12, 17:13
hi everyone i am a female aged 21 and have been suffering with anxiety for around 3years recentlyi have been having frequant urination on and off my doctors kinda useless and i had a uti test and it came back clear so all i am thinking is i am going to die i have been toldit could be a symptom of anxiety but it come even when i dont feel anxious i am really worrying about it and dont no what to do please help :weep:

26-09-12, 17:30
It's a good sign there's no infection.
Maybe you have an irritable bladder that reacts to stress?
The only other thing is to see a specialist.
How often do you get the urge to go?
When you do go is there much liquid?

I sometimes get horriable sharp pains in my urethra, that makes me feel like ill wet myself!
Only happened a few times, the urine tests came back clear.
So I figure maybe it was a tiny stone or a hair somehow got up there.

26-09-12, 18:59
I had frequent urination and had all the tests performed and everything was normal.

In the end it was anxiety and as soon as another health anxiety sympton arrived the frequent urination stopped as usual.

26-09-12, 20:01
I am 22/female and i suffer from anxiety and one of the main symptoms for me is frequent urination to the extent that i go to the toilet a million times even if it is a dribble. It is that bad that i am terrified i will lose control of my bladder. I have started CBT for this but it is definately a symptom of anxiety. I hope u get over this as i have let it go on for too long and i am now scared that i have weakend my bladder due to using the toilet constantly.

26-09-12, 20:28
Hi there

I had this symptom for a while this year and last year and had every test under the sun! And guess what I didn't need them, it's all anxiety and worrying about it makes it worse!

My doc told me from the beginning that it was anxiety and should try to retain my bladder ie wait another 15 mins when u need to go and so on, I wish I'd took more notice of them and then I wouldn't have wasted months continuously worrying!


26-09-12, 21:19
Hi there

I had this symptom for a while this year and last year and had every test under the sun! And guess what I didn't need them, it's all anxiety and worrying about it makes it worse!

My doc told me from the beginning that it was anxiety and should try to retain my bladder ie wait another 15 mins when u need to go and so on, I wish I'd took more notice of them and then I wouldn't have wasted months continuously worrying!


So how did you overcome it? Sometimes i actually think i am going to loase contol of my bladder and i constantly tense up to try and avoid this happening, although one side of my mind knows it wont.

26-09-12, 21:24
I suffer with this too. Does anyone else find that they are worse at night time? When I go to bed I have to get up 3 or 4 times to go, as soon as I put my head down on the pillow it starts.

26-09-12, 21:26
I only really get it when i am in social situations, which is basically anything that means i am not in my own house (my safe place). I usually only get up once overnight

26-09-12, 21:37
I don't actually know how I overcame it just clicked one day that it didn't matter how many times I went and just thought if I need to go I need to go! Also thought I'm no worse now than 3 months ago so just getting on with it! I also found a glass of wine would relax the muscles! Xxx

---------- Post added at 21:37 ---------- Previous post was at 21:36 ----------

I also get up sometimes 3 times a night to go! Xx

26-09-12, 21:38
Thank you both!

26-09-12, 21:39
Ok well i hope CBT works for me thanks x

---------- Post added at 21:39 ---------- Previous post was at 21:39 ----------

Your welcome and i find it helps to know your not the only one going through this. best of luck

26-09-12, 23:26
thanks everyone its just so scary i just dont get how anxiety can do this even when im not anxious or stressed its so annoying and so worrying and my doctors are rubbish

---------- Post added at 22:26 ---------- Previous post was at 22:16 ----------

does anyone ever feel any pain i have slight pain in my lower back its not always there so maybe its down to my matress odr somthing and also when i feel like i need to go it feels as though i have been holding it for ages and starts to hurt does anyone else experience this? x

30-09-12, 18:13
I had this, like really, I had this and it wouldn't go away no matter how much I told myself it wasn't real. My Clitorus and pee hole got so sore with me tensing my muscles down there but I just knew it wasn't real. One morning I got up and was too busy to think about it, and guess what, it went!