View Full Version : I fly friday and cant stop crying!.

26-09-12, 20:13
I fly to Florida on friday for a good old disneyworld holiday. MOST ppl would be excited i on the other hand have a hugge fear of planes and all this panic has built up and today i've seriously felt out of it and i feel like i have a massive cry attack waiting to happen :(
Good news i have got some diazapem for tomo night!

Everythings built up, i was absolutely worried about a lump on my wrist docs said it was a ganglion and i was very naughty to have hit it with a book. haha

Then my bf says he has a lump behind his ear, which worries me to the high heavens because he will not go to the docs for any reason. i can't be doing with anymore panic im gona burst! So im just gona leave it and it's probably an infection ear drum or something crazy.

I now have a tight head on top and can feel my face is tight from holding back the tears. Im currently sitting in bed listening to plinky plonky music and having a good old cry to myself !!

26-09-12, 20:28
I sometimes take diazipam before a flight...I also take lots of Bach rescue remedy. Just remember that flying is the safest form of travel. I hope you have a really good holiday...say Hi to Micky Mouse and Donald Duck for me! (Donald Duck is my favourite) :hugs:

26-09-12, 20:31
Will do ! :) lol
Yeah i brought some of that bachs mouth spray today. Seems okay to do.
I strangely find that the yoga pose "legs up the wall" seems to calm my mind

Thanks for the reply x

26-09-12, 20:36
I won't travel anywhere without my Bach spray! hmm...not sure how the legs on the wall will look on the plane but you could try it! :roflmao: Have lots of fun :)

26-09-12, 20:58
I totally feel your pain! I hate flying!! Get myself very wound up. I'm afraid I take a significant amount of diazepam and snooze my way through the flight. I put eye mask on, ear phones in and block it all out.. I usually wake up in the other country feeling pretty fab!

You will have a wonderful time :) x x