View Full Version : Hit one of my goals today

Allison Jayne
26-09-12, 20:14
I reached one of my goals today with regard to my anxiety :-) I've managed to go three whole weeks without an attack! So I rewarded myself with a new tattoo lol! Words of wisdom to me though, it reads " worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength" very true words I feel. Xxx

26-09-12, 20:18
Well done Allison, and wise words indeed :)

Allison Jayne
26-09-12, 23:30
Thank you Elle xxx

26-09-12, 23:30
Congratulations! What a great reward, I may do the tattoo thing, if I can manage to go shopping and actually enjoy it I will get a tattoo saying "breathe you eejit" lol. Well done xx

Allison Jayne
27-09-12, 18:09
Ohh laura I think you're on to something there lol! I've got quite a few tattoos now but I also got one done behind my ear yesterday too! Long story but I've had loads of ops on my ear which has left me with a lovely scar, soo I had a pair of scissors and a dotted line tattooed along side the scar!!! Xxx

27-09-12, 18:14
I am actually going to get my first tattoo when I feel better, I have decided, and it will be something to fit with my recovery, something to inspire and uplift me and remind me what I have overcome, always wanted one x

---------- Post added at 18:14 ---------- Previous post was at 18:13 ----------

I love the words of your tattoo, where is it? Xx

Allison Jayne
27-09-12, 18:17
That's a fab idea :-) I wish you every luck in your recovery and hope it won't be long before you're inked! Beware its very addictive lol xxx

27-09-12, 18:17
I love the tattoo as a reward idea. Might do that myself. Great words too, you can help me think of mine lol :)

27-09-12, 20:13
Congratulations! :) I like the saying - I hadn't heard that one before!