View Full Version : Does anyone get this?

26-09-12, 20:39
So I agreed to go to my sisters for tea this evening. I arrived and felt ok but still alittle anxious. We had tea and discussed anxiety throughout. I just wanted to explain abit more about what is going on with me. We then decided to watch some tv after and I felt quite anxious and tried distracting myself with some games on the ipad. I still couldn't shake the dread feeling..My logic tells me everything was fine. I knew it was so don't get why convincing myself and actually knowing this still didn't reduce the anxiety. I just got more and more fuzzy headed and disconnected. I managed to stay for a few hours and it was once again a matter of endurance. I drove home feeling pure doom and have this burning sensation in my stomach...Not like indigestion or anything like burning adrenaline that comes in regualr intervals. I really did fight past the sensations and stayed as if I had to...like I'm considering returning to work soon and imagined I was in a situation that I couldn't leave.

If I am honest. Tonight has made me really feel that I will always be this way and I am destined to spend my life in my room shut away from it all. It really is pure dread and doom out there. Despite there being no rational reason for it. Now I know this is an anxiety forum but does anyone feel this way? I really need reassurance here. Why is this so hard? I feel like I am trying all I can. I am getting out there. I am doing all I am supposed to do but with no relief. :weep:

26-09-12, 20:49
i totally understand. Its such hard work, with NO REWARD!! i have suffered with lightheadedness/DP/Palps/fear of fainting/falling feelings for over a year now and really only seem to be making fairy steps in my recovery. I have had CBT and i think it has helped but BOY is it a slow, slow progression!
what insences me is that the things i do, are things i enjoy! so WHY do i feel like this?. a simple activity like tea with your sis should be enjoyable, it just doesnt make any sense! my only conclusion is that anxiety isnt rational so thats why the we struggle with the day to day noraml things.

26-09-12, 20:52
Maybe today just wasn't a good day for you anyway because you were quite anxious this morning too, so considering that, you did really well to go out to your sisters. It was good that you could talk to your sister about how you feel about your anxiety but sometimes when we talk about it (although it is good to do that) it can bring more anxious thoughts to the surface. You will get relief but it just doesn't happen overnight. You have had some good days recently so think positive...it will get better but you need to build your confidence in yourself :hugs::hugs:

26-09-12, 20:56
The thing with anxiety, is to live like you don't have the condition...it's hard but you have to lead as normal a life as poss, or recovery will be harder...

26-09-12, 21:01
i totally understand. Its such hard work, with NO REWARD!! i have suffered with lightheadedness/DP/Palps/fear of fainting/falling feelings for over a year now and really only seem to be making fairy steps in my recovery. I have had CBT and i think it has helped but BOY is it a slow, slow progression!
what insences me is that the things i do, are things i enjoy! so WHY do i feel like this?. a simple activity like tea with your sis should be enjoyable, it just doesnt make any sense! my only conclusion is that anxiety isnt rational so thats why the we struggle with the day to day noraml things.

Exactly my point. I love nothing more than spending time with my sisters and family. The situation was relaxed. She nderstnds he situation so there was no reason for the fear. It is so annoying. I am also in CBT and after two sessions realised that this is going to be very lengthy and very costly indeed!

---------- Post added at 20:59 ---------- Previous post was at 20:56 ----------

Maybe today just wasn't a good day for you anyway because you were quite anxious this morning too, so considering that, you did really well to go out to your sisters. It was good that you could talk to your sister about how you feel about your anxiety but sometimes when we talk about it (although it is good to do that) it can bring more anxious thoughts to the surface. You will get relief but it just doesn't happen overnight. You have had some good days recently so think positive...it will get better but you need to build your confidence in yourself :hugs::hugs:
I am hoping it is hormones due to the time of the month causing this spike in anaxiety. I totally agree that talking about it definitely makes the awareness of sensations stronger. Today has been stressful with regards to me asking my housemate to move out. I have had alot of stress/problems and enough is enough so I have made the steps in trying to rid my life of negativiy and stress triggers. I don't want to live alone and fincially with being off work it probably isn't the best time but I really can't live in this current situation any longer.

---------- Post added at 21:01 ---------- Previous post was at 20:59 ----------

The thing with anxiety, is to live like you don't have the condition...it's hard but you have to lead as normal a life as poss, or recovery will be harder...

Well that's the thing. I agreed to tea despite the thought making me anxious because this is something I would never think twice about doing. I arrived with good intentions and even endured the initial stirrings of doom and dread which usually triggers my attacks. I tried acting normal and tried breathing/distracting with games etc but tonight...nothing helped. Only since arriving home have I felt ok. Although..exhausted I must add!!

26-09-12, 21:04
You have had a lot of stress factors together with your hormones all over the place at this time of the month so even a person who doesn't suffer from anxiety would be feeling a certain level of stress under those circumstances. Give yourself some TLC and I hope tomorrow you wake up feeling better than today :hugs:

26-09-12, 21:08
But think how you'd feel if you avoided going...if you let the Anx beat you and stayed home...so good for you for going..we have to live in the real world, not in our heads all the time... I've read that you shdnt spend all day reading and talking about Anx, it doesn't help with recovering if all we do it live and breath it all day... Easier said than done, but I've found it to be true, I don't spend my days letting it consume me. The less I spend thinking about it the less it pops in my head now...

26-09-12, 21:09
Thanks Annie! I always feel better when I speak to fellow sufferers. I am feeling alot more relaxed and clearer minded now I am home. I am so tired today! The thing is..I want to be better! I want to go out and enjoy life! Awful when you feel like you are drunk all the time! lol x

26-09-12, 21:12
It is and we will get there! have a nice cup of chamomile tea before you go to bed :)

26-09-12, 21:23
But think how you'd feel if you avoided going...if you let the Anx beat you and stayed home...so good for you for going..we have to live in the real world, not in our heads all the time... I've read that you shdnt spend all day reading and talking about Anx, it doesn't help with recovering if all we do it live and breath it all day... Easier said than done, but I've found it to be true, I don't spend my days letting it consume me. The less I spend thinking about it the less it pops in my head now...

You are completely right Stormsky! The days were I get up and go are always better! I am going to put this into practice tomorrow! I know exactly what you mean by living in your head. Like eg..In between posting on hre I am watching a movie on the laptop. I forget all anxiety during the distraction times.

26-09-12, 21:29
People that don't suffer Anx don't spend all day thinking how they feel, worrying about sensations etc, we just have to get back to that! We weren't born with Anx, it's a learnt thing, and we need to unlearn it!

26-09-12, 21:35
Do you still have your bad days?

26-09-12, 21:38
Yer, but more good than bad... Bad days are when I let myself think too much or don't keep busy... I never get panicky tho, just a bit of Anx.

26-09-12, 21:44
I know it is conflicting to our dicussion but how does anxiety feel to you? Did you ever have pure dread feelings when you were in the worst of it? What were your triggers etc? I just like to know how you have gotten to such a good place.

26-09-12, 22:30
I know it is conflicting to our dicussion but how does anxiety feel to you? Did you ever have pure dread feelings when you were in the worst of it? What were your triggers etc? I just like to know how you have gotten to such a good place.

I've been to hell and back believe me, feeling complete despair, terror...I've always used positive thinking, the more you practice it, the more natural it comes... At worst times, when i feel like im losing it and going to collapse with anx, I've told myself what's the point in panicking? It won't make it any better , and the panic dies off, I always refuse to panic. .. I don't give in to negative thoughts and feelings, when I feel them coming, I tell myself something positive..and distraction is key, I go do something to distract the scary thoughts. Don't dwell on bad days either, don't dwell on scary thoughts... Just say, oh well bad day, be better tomorrow..