View Full Version : Appt. Friday...nervous

26-09-12, 20:53
Hi Everyone,
I have anxiety about my bp after a couple of higher readings at the doctor's office three years ago. Since then I have been checking my bp obsessively sometimes multiple times a day to make sure that it is normal (my average is 110/75). 91 days ago I decided to stop checking at the advice of my gp, therapist, everyone I know, etc. I have felt so much better since I stopped checking but I knew eventually I would have to face the dreaded doctor's appt. again. I am out of my meds and he said it has been six months since I have been there so I have to go.

Going Friday now and I am starting to dread the bp check but even worse the process after where I will have to recheck to make sure it goes down (assuming it is high at the office which for me is anything above 120/80 even 122/82). I was considering telling him not to tell me the number and to just tell me if it is ok but I don't know if I would rather just know what it is.

I hate this......


26-09-12, 22:42
Ivy, I completely understand what you are going thru. I had a high bp reading after my son was born a few years ago and could not get it out of my head, I took my BP incessantly, even though my dr and a cardiologist said "you are fine, it was transient and will resolve-stop taking your BP all the time!!" My #"s were always much like yours- 110's and honestly 122 is not high and our BP naturally fluctuates all day according to what we eat, drink, exercise,hormones, stress just to name a few. Sounds like you have developed "white coat hypertension" now the thought of going to the doc and having it taken makes you anxious. My doc knew this about me and she and I talked about them taking it towards the end of my appt after I have relaxed a little and am not thinking about it so much. We did that for over a year. My BP is back to ranging in the 110-115 range and I don't think anymore about it.
Perhaps you could discuss a strategy like that with your doc and try some deep breaths thru your nose and release slowly thru your mouth like you are blowing thru a straw. All the best to you!!

fozzy is crying
26-09-12, 22:46
I try and avoid seeing my Doctor with my BP. Last time nurse at surgery checked it she ratted on me to my Doctor there and then and he rechecked it and sent me straight to A&E:weep:

But he was right to do so. As a week or so later I had two T.I.A's.

26-09-12, 23:00
Hi kivyt73. From the sounds of it you have nothing to worry about, 110/75 is absolutely fine and it definitely isnt high, it is probably a little lower than average and very healthy. My blood pressure is usually about 100/55 which is quite low but still fine.

27-09-12, 16:28
thanks everyone for the great responses. I think you are all right that I have nothing to really worry about with regard to the appointment, I just don't want to get in to the checking cycle again and I hate the anxiety that goes along with the anticipation of the appt. I am already worn out from just waiting for the time to come and wanting to get it over with.


28-09-12, 01:27
Well, I got the appt. bumped up to this afternoon so I already went and it went very well. My bp was 126/74 which he thought was great....but I want it to be 115/75 or less so of course I went home and started checking, and checking. I must have checked 60 times and couldn't get below 120/80, most of the numbers were around 124/84 or less with the worst being 131/91 I think but now I am sooo worked up. I left the last check at 127/80 and figured I better take it and then I threw away the machine.

Now what....I feel exhausted and stressed and now I am thinking can I really be ok with 127/80 and not check again?


28-09-12, 08:48
its fine!! massively STOP checking it, throw the monitor away for your own sanity!! you will drive yourself crazy. its not healthy to keep worrying, you will make yourself ill. believe me..............ive been there! xx