View Full Version : the worse you are?

03-08-06, 19:10
my doc said to me today that the worse your illness is the longer it takes for ad,s to kick in. been on cit for five weeks and zilch does anyone agree or have experience with this
much appreciated**

03-08-06, 19:15
My doctor told me I had to give them 6 months to start working!

They never did to be honest so I stopped them.


03-08-06, 19:28
which one did you try next nicola if you dont mind me asking?

Two heads
03-08-06, 23:16
It took mine a good three months to really start to work!Im on 20mg of citalopram!I have the odd day where the gremlin trys to come out but i just go with that wave.xx

03-08-06, 23:34
Me too, took about 3 months before I started to feel better, On cipralex 20mg. take care Vernon

04-08-06, 08:11

I was on Dothiepin for 6 months then Prozac for a year.

I did try Citalopram once for sleeping problems but after 2 weeks had to stop them as I felt far much worse on them and the sleep never improved.


polly daydream
04-08-06, 21:27
Been on cit for about six weeks, nothing really yet but not going to give up.

Take care,


05-08-06, 18:28
same for me polly nearly six weeks feeling a bit more pos though hope its a breakthrough

Two heads
06-08-06, 19:32
Give it time chaps!
Ive been on them 5months all so,i think!And im noticeing ive def got more get up and go in me.Some days i almost feel excited,lol.xxx

06-08-06, 19:56
whats that feel like twoheads? lol
actually i had half an hour the other day of feeling really happy-breakthrough perhaps?