View Full Version : Bad reaction to new meds

26-09-12, 22:16
Started citalopram today 10mg and have had the worst few hours, have literally been squirming around, muscle spasms, feeling sick, feeling like my blood is boiling? Feel awful, crying, terrified

26-09-12, 22:17
Yes sounds like typical side-effects which aren't nice.

26-09-12, 22:19
Is this normal?

26-09-12, 22:20
yes it is normal
i tried them once had this and couldnt carry on now cant start again
i urge you to keep taking them and give them a real chance to work
try to chill have a cuppa watch tele read etc x
it WILL get better x

26-09-12, 22:23
Oh god I had no idea the side effects were that bad, it's eased now to just a feeling of hypo tummy if you know what I mean by that, and a clenched jaw and muscles. That was just awful, I was thinking I was having a bad reaction. X

26-09-12, 22:24
i hope u start to feel better soon
youve taken a step in the right direction by having the courage to take the meds Xx

26-09-12, 22:26
Thanks Emma, but I honestly don't know if I can take them tomorrow, that was just horrible, how can I cope with my kids if I am curled up in a squirming ball like some mental case, I could just sob my heart out right now x

26-09-12, 22:28
If you speak to your Doctor they may give you a short course of diazepam to try and help with the start up process.

26-09-12, 22:31
The blood boiling feeling, that's normal? I just can't believe that what happened tonight is what is supposed to happen, why didn't my doc tell me this, I wasn't prepared. Thanks for replying guys, I need you all right now, feel like a wreck :( x

26-09-12, 22:39
Cit seems to be one of those drugs that has side effects.
Although saying that I've had side effects of all antidepressants.
What do you mean by your blood boiling?
Is your temperture normal?
From what I've read on here side effects ease off, but might come back for a while after the dosage is upped.
Some people are so lucky n get no side effects!
Also it can be hard to tell what's a side effect or what's just anxiety symptoms.
If doctors told us about side effects no one would take meds lol!

Here's a link to a post same feeling n medication,

26-09-12, 22:42
It was like I was burning inside, but I was shivering cold at the same time, my ties were curled up so tight and I couldn't keep any limbs still I was sort if just curled on the sofa, wriggling about like I had no control over it. I felt utterly helpless and a bit out of it and I could hardly speak my jaw was clenched so tight. It's scared the crap out of me to be honest. Xx