View Full Version : So so so scared. Mouth cancer?!

27-09-12, 00:16
Well, I just read an article about mouth cancer on BBC news, saying that symptoms are one or more painless ulcers which last more than three weeks.

I've had an ulcer on the roof of my mouth for over a year now. Feels like a tiny hole, and just infront of it is a raised sore area. The hole itself does not hurt unless I swallow (not the swallowing action itself, but only if I create a lot of suction in my mouth). I also noticed a red dot few months ago, along the back of my inner cheek. On top of this, I've had an enlarged, slightly hard lymph node on the left side of my neck for nearly a year. My doctor said it was due to my lip piercing that I had, which I took out but the lymph node stays the same.

I'm so worried now, as its obviously not normal to have them for this long... Any advice would be great :(. I'm 17, don't smoke and drink very rarely.

27-09-12, 00:19
Has this been looked at by a doc or dentist?

27-09-12, 00:43
Nope. I've never really took much notice of it before reading the article :/ I've had dentist appointments before, last time about 7 months ago where I had two fillings (need to go asap for a checkup anyway) and it was there then, and they didn't mention anything.

---------- Post added at 00:43 ---------- Previous post was at 00:22 ----------

Thought I should add that its never got bigger since I've noticed it. If it was cancer, wouldn't I know it well over a year on of the hole/lump/ulcer or whatever it is appearing? And wouldn't it be growing?

27-09-12, 00:46
It could be a wart - I had one on the roof of my mouth and had it removed.

27-09-12, 01:04
Never knew you could get warts in your mouth! What did yours feel like? I can only feel it when I rub my tongue over it, and it does hurt a little. Its like a tiny hole.

27-09-12, 01:06
mine was more a raised bump to be honest than a hole.

I would think a hole was more an ulcer.

I would get dentist to look at it

27-09-12, 01:20
I'm going to ring my doctor in the morning to check if everything is okay, and will also check with my dentist as I was due to go a month ago anyway. I just looked at it in the mirror and you can't even see anything. There's a miniscule white dot infront of where I feel the hole, other than that, nothing. My mum also had a peek and saw nothing :s if it was anything cancerous it would be a bit more visible right?

27-09-12, 01:24
well after a year yes it would be a lot worse

27-09-12, 01:30
I'll just remind myself of that until I see the doc to hopefully put me at ease. Will try and get an appointment booked for tomorrow if they let me! Thanks nicola

27-09-12, 01:41
Try not to worry ok

27-09-12, 01:44
I'll try! But I'm sure we both know how hard that can be at times lol.

27-09-12, 01:46
I don't suffer with HA but anxiety itself is very draining

27-09-12, 11:25
Yeah it is. I've got an appointment in two hours time so let's see how it goes. So nervous though that she will give me some bad news :(

---------- Post added at 11:25 ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 ----------

The doctor said she couldn't see anything and said its not cancer, phew! Although I don't feel very reassured for some reason :/ although it does help a lot. She said to see the dentist as they check for things like cancers too and they should be able to reassure me further.