View Full Version : A night time helpline/panic attack advisor

03-08-06, 22:36
Hello!! :D

I received some great feedback from people on the subject of being a panic attack advisor on the phone. I mentioned that I wanted to help and support anyone going through an anxious time, even if they were panicking, they could still ring. I said it would be local rate. I have experienced agoraphobia and anxiety for over 20 years and I have always wanted to do this.
Can anyone tell me if they feel they would benefit from this hotline being at night as there are very few if any telephone helplines available at night for anxiety sufferers. What do you think??
Many thanks[^]

03-08-06, 22:45
Sounds comforting! And how nice of you to even offer!
Personally i wouldnt use it. The last thing i evere want in panic mode or not is a conversation on a phone! i just stammer away all stupidly and get anxious at the thought. But i also have family around when im in need of comfort. But, those who live alone, have family out of town, or just need someon who understands etc i beleive would use your offer!
Becci x

03-08-06, 22:46

Personally i think that would be great, as you say there arent many helplines available through the night and you usually find that its an automated relaxation tape that plays, to speak to some-one personally would be ideal especially for those that live alone.
Just knowing you dont have to wait till the morning to phone a friend would be a great help.
all the best


04-08-06, 05:55
That is such a wonderful idea!1:D:D:D Just to know that there is someone to talk would be such a comfort to those of us who wake at night. It can be so scary to wake up in the middle of a Panic Attack. Thank you for caring.


Clayton the Panicked
13-12-09, 01:03
Someone to Call is HUGE for me. Nighttime is not usually a difficult time for me but during an attack I call people like you would not believe. the only problem is that people are not always available. So yes, a helpline of sorts would be enormous for me. Little else other than reassurance from someone helps me. It is terrifying and some reassurance that I am not dying and am ABLE to breath despite what I may think would be awesome.

14-12-09, 01:15
I think its a great idea!! Good luck in setting it up!

14-12-09, 19:21
this is when i suffer from my attacks the most so having someone to talk to at night would be very comforting. i think it is a brilliant idea

14-12-09, 21:14
That sounds like a great idea :-) I have a lot of night panics and talking it through with someone would be great :) (And would also please my partner as he gets woken up with me walking around the place for hours hehe) xx

14-12-09, 21:18
Yep, sounds like a great idea to me too, could have done with a service like that the other night. :)

14-12-09, 23:42
Sounds great to me like alot of people my anxiety is worse a night. Good luck with it.

15-12-09, 09:23
I noticed that the original thread about this was posted 3 years ago!!! So I guess it never happened! It would be great to have somewhere to phone "out of hours". This is when I often feel I need to speak to someone. Does anyone know if there is such a service anywhere?

15-12-09, 10:46
Hello!! :D

I received some great feedback from people on the subject of being a panic attack advisor on the phone. I mentioned that I wanted to help and support anyone going through an anxious time, even if they were panicking, they could still ring. I said it would be local rate. I have experienced agoraphobia and anxiety for over 20 years and I have always wanted to do this.
Can anyone tell me if they feel they would benefit from this hotline being at night as there are very few if any telephone helplines available at night for anxiety sufferers. What do you think??
Many thanks[^]

Sounds like a grest idea in principle, though as much as you want to do this; I wonder if that you may be taking too much on ?
I used to be advisor with Citizens Advice and I got so exausted even though I enjoy helping others, that my GP eventually told me to stop cause other peoples problems just added to my own anxities in my social life; and has my GP said it's not easy to leave work at work etc when you go home, thats something that is easier said than done!

15-12-09, 10:50

Sounds a big thing to take on to me, and a lot of pressure? Although, a lovely idea. I'm sure there would be a lot of people out there, who would find the benefit.

15-12-09, 11:12

I would love to be there on the phone for fellow suffers as well
if anyone needs to talk
Perhaps we could create a bank of numbers for eveyone to use


15-12-09, 16:42
That sounds like a fantastic idea..... just knowing that you can contact someone. Good luck.

15-12-09, 16:45
yes a bank of numbers sound good

15-12-09, 19:01
maybe rather than a phone number you could have an msn contact ? that way you could leave your msn on and when someone instant messaged you it would make a beeping noise ? actually it would probably be quite a good idea to have a few peoples msn's on here cause i find the only people who can help me are people who know whats happening to me

16-12-09, 08:18
Im having a panic attack right now i think i am having a heart attack can someone please talk to me

13-04-10, 18:27
I suffer very badly with panic attacks and only get them at night i feel very alone and frightend and just need someone to speak to to tell me that im ok an answer machine does nothing for me a comforting voice at the end of the phone would be great.

13-04-10, 18:31
NHS helpline are very helpfull to speak to if you feel that bad i ring them nearly everynight and most of the time they really calm me down!

13-04-10, 22:29
Hello,I am in Aus,we have a phone service called LifeLine,they are fantastic i have phoned them many times,mainly at night when i am having a panic attack,they help guide me through breathing and helpme calm down.Everyone there are all volunteers and are wonderful people who give up there time to help or just listen when we need to hear another voice.I rely on this service as I am on my own at the moment.
Rhonda x