View Full Version : Week 4 and fidgety!

little scientist
27-09-12, 10:26
Hi all, I am at the end of week 4 of my second stint on citalopram. Two weeks at 10mg then two weeks at 20mg.

Yesterday and today I have felt really fidgety....anyone else had this?

27-09-12, 10:59
Hi, I am now on week 9, 7 of those on 20 mg, and I still get the odd time when I am like that, it doesn't last long but it is still there, I hope it gets better for you soon, I thinki my good times are now starting to outway the bad.:)

27-09-12, 11:03
Yes, I had that a lot for the first couple of weeks or so, then it started to die down.

little scientist
27-09-12, 12:05
ok thanks guys :) I'll keep plodding along.....really wanting my appetite to pick up!

27-09-12, 12:21
I am also on day 25 so week 4 and I have LOADS of energy today! I am still biting my 20mg in half and taking as 10mg. I was orginally prescribed them as 20mg so should I be upping them now? I just worry about having to go through all the side effects again grrrr

little scientist
27-09-12, 12:32
I went through some side effects on upping them, I won't lie, but if its worth going to come out the other side.....