View Full Version : A better day!....So far!

27-09-12, 12:19
So I had a REALLY good nights sleep. I statyed up and watched a dvd until I was really sleepy and went off without white noise/headphones or my fan on! I woke feeling really positive today. This may have something to do with taking the steps towards asking my bothersome housemate to make arrangements to move. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted already and that this is a step in the right direction. I have had a huge surge of energy today which I am putting down to hormones. I have used this energy productively and hoovered my stairs and hall way thouroughly and will be continuing my cleaning mission! A good way to distract also!!

27-09-12, 12:23
Glad you are on the up, don't overdo it though x

27-09-12, 12:25
Pleased you are having a better day :)

27-09-12, 12:33
Well that is what I was thinking..So I am having a friend visit at 1 and going to relax with a chamomile tea and wait for the washing. I will then have a relaxing bath and watch a dvd before tea and a nice relaxing night!! I feel that I have done something with my day :) Normally I don't do much lol x

27-09-12, 12:45
Do you like camomile tea, Urgh I think it's awful lol, I tried twinnings lavender tea, that's heavenly! X

27-09-12, 12:55
I have never tried lavender tea..will have to give it a try. I didn't like chamomile at first but have got used to the taste and like it now.

27-09-12, 13:04
The lavender is so lovely and soothing and not strong in lavender at all, it's my fav by far x

27-09-12, 13:08
I'm on peppermint tea at the moment

27-09-12, 13:29
I have never tried peppermint, I think I would like that x

27-09-12, 13:32
Peppermint is good for IBS

27-09-12, 13:51
I love Chamomile and Peppermint! I will defo try Lavender!! I like the sound of that! xx

27-09-12, 13:56
Glad you're having a better day today Lu :yesyes:

p.s. I don't like any teas that taste of bits of plant - yeuch! :roflmao:

27-09-12, 14:15
I bought some Epsom bath salts on eBay the other night, waiting on it arriving, Epsom baths are meant to be great for anxiety, can't wait to try it out. X

27-09-12, 14:40
I have never used Epsom salts but do remember that my Grandma had a big box of it in her bathroom. As a child when I stayed at Grandma's house with my cousins it was always my job to polish the brass taps in her bathroom so I remember it well even though it was over 40 years ago! You have brought back some happy memories for me mentioning that Laura :)

27-09-12, 14:46
Hot chocolate all the way! :D

27-09-12, 15:11
Glad you are having a better day :) you do deserve it!

27-09-12, 15:34
Peppermint is good for IBS

Oh yes, if like me anxiety plays havoc with your tummy, peppermint or mint green tea is great :D

27-09-12, 15:45
Annie my gran used to bathe my feet in Epsom salts when I was young, knights castle soap too, happy place :) x

27-09-12, 15:52
Do you know Laura..that is a great idea for my fractured foot...I am pleased you started this thread Loopylu! :D

27-09-12, 17:19
I never thought I would see the day I was excited about herbal tea and Epsom salt lol loll x

27-09-12, 21:01
Thank you everyone!! This thread has really warmed the cockles of my heart this evening. I must say...today has been great with comparison to the last few days...So as I was told...hormones really do play a huge role with regards to anxiety! As you all know..I had a huge energy surge so I cleaned and did my bedding etc and hoovered/dusted. The end results alone are always lovely and make a less cluttered mind! I had two close friends visit and didn't feel the anxious urge as strongly as usual. Which was a relief for me. I have felt the disconnection as usual ut just not to such a strong degree. So thanks for all being so supportive and positive!!

I am also really excited to try out the bath salts!!! :D Nothing like a nice soak in the tub after a dodgy day!!! Thanks again all!! xx

27-09-12, 21:09
Glad you have had such a good day toots, can't wait to be on your bus, it sounds like a much better one :) here's to tomorrow xx

27-09-12, 21:12
I have ordered my bath salts on ebay :D Have a good night and hopefully we will all have a good day tomorrow :hugs:

27-09-12, 21:15
That's the thing with anxiety...You never know which bus will be arriving the next day lol. I am definitely feeling better though..and going from not even leaving the house 3 weeks ago!! It's so hard but I am getting there! As will ALL OF US!!! I will be purchasing my salts too!! Annie...You can start the salt thread!! We can all compare lol xx

27-09-12, 21:56
I cant wait for mine to arrive, hopefully tomorrow and then i can post a fabulous thread about the joys and amazing healing properties of a salty bath lol x