View Full Version : Anybody els get worst in winter???

Jack the lad 24
27-09-12, 13:10
Is it just me or dose anyone els go downhill big time in the winter.i suffer with depression and panic attacks but during the summer months I am able to deal with it a lot better whereas when it gets into winter I really go downhill I've just been signed off work for a week and put up my medication I just feel so sluggish and I can't eat properly or face work and this always seems to happen around this time of year :-(

27-09-12, 13:13
Maybe you have Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) I have a SAD lamp which I use as soon as the nights start to get darker. You just switch it on and sit near it for about 20 mins each day (best on a morning).

27-09-12, 13:17
Annie, did you research which lamp to buy? I've thought about buying one of these, but there is such a wide range and prices too. Money doesn't really matter though...he says


Jack the lad 24
27-09-12, 13:21
Dose the lamp help you out much?i have heard that you can go on sun bed type ones but I haven't tried yet

27-09-12, 13:24
Annie, did you research which lamp to buy? I've thought about buying one of these, but there is such a wide range and prices too. Money doesn't really matter though...he says


I've thought of buying one but not sure which one and what price - they range. I might put up a post and ask :)

27-09-12, 13:36
I bought the britebox it isn't cheap but I think it was the best choice

---------- Post added at 13:36 ---------- Previous post was at 13:34 ----------

It costs £189 You can get cheaper ones but I think this one has really good reviews

27-09-12, 14:08
I can relate to u a lot I do fine during the warmer days (summer)in the winter I get bad pani attacks it's awfull :( hope u feel better soon

27-09-12, 14:15
I bought the britebox it isn't cheap but I think it was the best choice

---------- Post added at 13:36 ---------- Previous post was at 13:34 ----------

It costs £189 You can get cheaper ones but I think this one has really good reviews

Thanks Annie, I think it will be getting add to the Christmas list for definite :D x

27-09-12, 18:44
Yes getting dark early, lack of sun , vit d as said.... Have to try and look for positives though, like cosy nights in, Xmas etc!

27-09-12, 20:11
It does sound like you could have SAD. I'm the other way round - I usually feel worse in the summer!

28-09-12, 10:01
Try living here, where it is only light for 4-5 hours a day and is -10 :P

I find it depends on your environment and what you to pass the time.

28-09-12, 10:07
Try living here, where it is only light for 4-5 hours a day and is -10 :P

I find it depends on your environment and what you to pass the time.

Oh no...England is bad enough...I think I should move to a warmer country!

25-10-12, 20:10
Oh no...England is bad enough...I think I should move to a warmer country!

And me.

I'm really struggling with this too, along with being stressed/anxious/depressed waiting for surgeries.

I've thought about going to see my GP about upping or changing my meds, although he said a while ago 'well, people usually find a dosage that works for them and that'll always be the right one for them'. I don't agree :huh:

25-10-12, 21:30
I think it must be quite a common problem. I too have a tendency to feel worse during the autumn/winter. I think someone already mentioned that it is like being hemmed in, curtains closed, can't see any signs of life going on outside, the feeling of isolation. Some evenings I find more difficult than others, weekends I feel very depressed, don't know why weekends in particular though. Does anyone else feel that way?
Has anyone tried those SAD lamps?

25-10-12, 21:36
I Use a SAD Light in the winter months.

25-10-12, 21:42
I also get worse in the winter, and I agree with all the above, getting darker earlier, more time to sit in the house and think!!!!! Can you guys tell me what a SAD light is? Do we have them in the US. I need one:D and were can I get one.

25-10-12, 21:50
I am sure you will be able to get one in the USA. If you type SAD light box in the search engine it will show you them. It is a very bright light box and you sit by it for 20 minutes each morning and it replaces the light you would get from daylight in the summer months

---------- Post added at 21:49 ---------- Previous post was at 21:47 ----------

This is the one I have http://www.britebox.co.uk/ but you can get many different types

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They have some different ones on Amazon

25-10-12, 21:53
Ahhhh thank you. You guys have the best stuff over there. If I could get over that darn fear of flying, I would visit!!!!!:yesyes:

25-10-12, 23:13
Annie how does it actually work, I mean do you feel differently after using it?

26-10-12, 07:35
i really get bad in summer, maybe the heat. here in malta it gets very humid so maybe its the humidity, i don t know, i just stick to my daily routine, cycling reading good books etc

26-10-12, 09:11
Although I suffer from anxiety & depression throughout the year I find it is much worse through the winter.

Ive looked into lightboxes and found they are really expensive but I did once find a company who rented them out but they were usually always rented out by October, people must put their orders in during the summer!!

26-10-12, 10:17
i've got 2 lamps made by Lumie. One is a "Bodyclock Starter 30" £59.95
This gradually lights up the room so you dont wake in darkness
The other light's a bright light. "Brightspark" £115 http://www.lumie.com/collections/light-therapy-sad
I must admit they are both more expensive than i remember (had them probably 4-5 years now). i suppose everything goes up.
The most important thing about owning the Bright light is to make sure you use it. that sounds simple i know but at one time i was very disciplined. i'd get up specifically 1/2 an hour early & use it. i had to start doing back exercises then so i managed to find a way of having the light positioned so i could do both things together!
i used to love winter because i played ladies football. since i gave up (1996) i have missed it so much. team spirit but also having a purpose during winter. i had no idea that when i lost that purpose how dark and dismal that time of year would be.
now i make sure every day - and i mean every day - i have a lunchtime walk. i'm sure i read somewhere that even on dull days you can still soak up the vit a from the sky. so be sure to get yourself out there.
i am trying really hard at the moment not to hibernate. in fact i think i'm about to switch my bright light on and take some of this medicine myself instead of preparing to wallow in winter. Perhaps i shoudl start an action group against winter wallowing.

26-10-12, 12:46
Oh i'm certainly the same. I love the thought of winter, cosy nights, christmas time and snow but its never as you imagine! Its cold and miserable. I havent seen sunshine here in over a week, its cloudy and grey and really gets me down. Already being anxious doesnt help. I just always feel better on a nice, warm sunny day. I love the sunshine, just makes me feel better and happier.

26-10-12, 12:52
Zingything...yes the light therapy does work as the bright light releases more 'feel good' hormones.