View Full Version : Alcohol and anxiety

Anxious lu
27-09-12, 14:14
I went out drinking last night with friends. I don't drink often but last night became a real session and I drank loads from wine to shots and alco pops.

Today my anxiety has been through the roof. I haven't had a panic attack for a while now but I keep gettif anxious surges of adrenaline through me and I'm really worried. I've been trembling all day.

Does anybody else experience this after drinking

27-09-12, 14:19
Yea i always find my anxiety is out of control the day after drinking especially when i have a bad hangover.

27-09-12, 14:25
Yes. I've recently stopped drinking altogether (not that I ever drank a lot) as I noticed that my anxiety was much worse after even one drink.

27-09-12, 15:26
Yes mine is really bad after alcohol too. Great isnt it, cant even have a drink now and again without feeling like death for a couple of days after :weep:

27-09-12, 20:25

I do drink a few every night, sometimes If I have one more than I should then the next day is awful...I have posted on here in the past about days after alcohol etc.
A few weeks ago I had a very bad episode that for a week after I didn't touch alcohol because i felt so bad and my anxiety was sky high....

A lot of peeps with anxiety give up alcohol altogether because of this


27-09-12, 20:32
I don't drink anymore because it makes me anxious. I do love a glass of red wine but it just isn't worth it for me. I feel like I'm "not with it" half the time with DP anyway so wouldn't want to inflict that on myself anyway lol

01-10-12, 10:45
I also have this, i am ok if i have a couple but i went out and had a BIG session drinking shots, alcopops etc and for 3 day now have felt horrendous. I know its to do with stimulants the same as caffine and nicotine and also dehydration and i have had this in the past a lot. Need to stiick to just a couple i think x

01-10-12, 11:53
I've had the first bad experience after drinking last Friday night. Saturday was really bad...and I still haven't fully recovered. I did drink a few glasses of wine...but limiting it to one or two glasses doesn't seem to have a bad effect on me.

01-10-12, 13:09
Havent touched a drop in 7 years. Never found it made anxiety worse but didnt like it.

01-10-12, 19:38
I always end up with panic attacks after a night of drinking so I avoid it these days.