View Full Version : Feel terrible everyday .. Normal feeling ??

27-09-12, 14:53
As the title says really. For the last year I can't remember one day that
I have not felt dizzy/rocking sensation (feel like need to sit down ) or tight chested , eye floaters. Some times nose tingle and ear sometimes ring not much though , sometimes bit breathless is this normal and really anxiety ?!

I keep thinking doctor must of missed something. Currently taking tablets for acid reflux to see if this would stop tight chest. But it has not.

Had bloods done , ECG , and been to doctors twice for this currently doing cbt to about 10 sessions.

He says its anxiety same as doctor just hard to believe.

If it is anxiety why do it keep giving symptoms it's even when im at work not thinking about it and trying to enjoy the day.

Tried ignoring like cbt man says and recon it will subside to no luck.

Anyone else get this. The real worry is chest tightness every day !!

Thanks ric

27-09-12, 15:07
I would listen to your doctor. As hard as it is to believe they are all anxiety symptoms, it baffles me too how I can feel completely calm and yet still get all these weird sensations. It's such a nightmare :hugs:

27-09-12, 15:27
Hard as it is to believe, those are all things that can be linked to anxiety.

I remember last year, when my anxiety was at its peak, I felt dreadful every day. Even when I was at work. It's hard to describe but even though I was concentrating on my job, it was like a part of me was always aware of how bad I felt and what symptoms I had and what they could possibly be.

The symptoms lessened over time as I've found some anti-depressants that work for me and have seen a counsellor and done a CBT course to try find ways to be less anxious.

I'm sure you're symptoms are anxiety and not something else.

27-09-12, 17:51
I feel anxious all day every day too. Never thought i could have subconscious anxiety. How is that best dealt with x

27-09-12, 20:01
Thanks for all your replies , I try to think its anxiety but it seems so real.
And happens every day. Just wanting a let up.

Tonight I have a weirded taste in mouth / or dry feeling and keep swallowing loads. Ahhh !!

27-09-12, 20:27
Grrrrrrrr. do I know how you feel. I go everyday like this. That feeling of just being off. My biggest thing is the chest pains. I can be calm, and not even feeling anxious, and bammmmm I get that chest pain, and I feel like I am having a heart attack! I instantly go from the calm state, to full blown panic. I will never understand it, and I have a hard to convincing myself that is just panic, and not some underlying problem. Hope you feel better :hugs:

27-09-12, 20:39
Ric, I have constant dry mouth too! Or I think that what it is. I seem to be focussing on it. Is that what you have? Are you on medication? I have it all day every day, wondering if it is the tablets xxxxx

28-09-12, 10:00
I am only on tablets for reflux not anxiety. So it may well be these. Panickyme I'm the same chest pain comes out of no where , it feels like muscle tightness it usually happens more in the afternoon though and evening !!

28-09-12, 10:22
Has your dry mouth gone now then?

28-09-12, 10:28
Alirght mate, I know exactly how you feel iv suffered with it for years off and on. Hard to believe anxiety can make you feel so bad.

28-09-12, 11:14
I feel anxious all day every day too. Never thought i could have subconscious anxiety. How is that best dealt with x

Not all of our thoughts are formulated into words and your fight/flight responses, i.e. all of your symptoms will react faster than you can put your thoughts into words anyway.

Think about it logically:

The fight/flight response evolved in prehistoric times and is present in all mammals to deal with threats from predators higher up the food chain. Imagine yourself peering out of your cave and you spot a sabre-toothed tiger. Which of the following is more likely to happen?

1) You utter the words, "sabre-toothed tiger, he can out-run me so I guess the best course of action will be to start running now but do it quietly so he doesn't hear me and hope he doesn't see me until I am far enough away to be safe but then perhaps it would be better if I just kept very very still until he leaves"


Your adrenaline surges to prepare you to run as fast as you can or just freeze, your heart starts to beat fast, your breathing becomes shallow, your muscles tense up, especially around your neck to protect your spine, you feel nauseous as your digestion shuts down, you start to shake, your vision becomes tunelled and you can no longer focus at will (probing for danger) and all this kicks in before you even have chance to formulate the word "sabre-too..."

28-09-12, 17:05
Feels better today , although keep swallowing a lot. Just feel really ill not sure if its a virus

28-09-12, 18:20
I am glad your mouth is better!

Jules that is very helpful. But what happens to keep anxiety going! I have it all day. I think I have a fear of the anxiety!oh have I just answered my question?

I am always checking what symptoms I have.

Your knowledge is helpful! Why have I not come across this information before? X

28-09-12, 20:48
Jules that is very helpful. But what happens to keep anxiety going! I have it all day. I think I have a fear of the anxiety! oh have I just answered my question?

There you go!

As long as you perceive a threat you will get these fight/flight responses aka symptoms. As the fight/flight responses themselves are the source of your perceived threat they are self-perpetuating.

You need to accept that the fight/flight responses are normal, natural, they won't harm you and they will then gradually fade away.

28-09-12, 21:06
Wow Jules thank you so much for this. I cannot tell you how helpful it is to me and make me feel so much better. I just wondered where you got this information from so I can direct fellow sufferers.

Thank you again so so much

29-09-12, 11:11
ive had anxiety really bad since dec2011..before that it wasent as bad like my body is on high alert all time..i get chest pains outta no where that freak me out and loads loads weird symptons and worry about eerything and anything
its like my mind negative thinking 24/7 and wont stop its awefull .its robbed my entire year of living so far :-( i find it hard to belive its just all anxiety and nothing else to be honest...i feel for you all as i no how bad it all is ..i just feel like im currentley just excisting as such and not really living at all. this aint no
quality of life at all no way sad ......:wacko:

29-09-12, 11:52
I know how you feel, even though your not actually thinking about it you are, its subconsciously there at the back of your mind, if tests are clear that's great, means your perfectly healthy. As for eye floaters they worry me too, even though I get assurance that they are normal I can't help but think there something seriously wrong with me. Tight chested constantly was another big worry of mine, I felt suffocated and had this really weird feeling I couldn't take a deep breath, after months of worry and panic do you know what it turned out to be? anxiety, I was doing it to myself, constantly trying to take a deep breath was making me feel tight chested all the time a long with worry.

30-09-12, 15:18
Hello thanks for all your replies. Still feel rubbish. Had few spells of the feeling like I can't swallow symptom today and dizziness.

Chest pain is doing my head in hard to believe its anxiety !!

30-09-12, 15:38
Hey Ric77767!

I know EXACTLY what you're going through! I'm constantly feeling sick throughout the day (As if I'm about to puke. But never do) also have difficulty swallowing.

I've been told It's anxiety, although I don't believe so. Have you tried doing things to take your mind off it? Whenever I feel 'bad' I just go out for a long walk, but it only helps temporarily.... Most of the time, nothing helps. Since I don't know how to handle my anxiety, I'm afraid I don't know how to help. I'm sorry. :(