View Full Version : this head thing

04-08-06, 01:02
hi guys
four days now and i still have this thing going on with my head...not quite a headache but more a heavy head and like a buzz...my eyes also hurt...anyone else get this? i cant wait for it to go...days of this surely isnt right??

04-08-06, 11:37
hi i get this often i call it a muzzy head cos its not really a headache as such.. i dont think there is anything we can do to get rid of this i find mine just goes with time...i know its sooooo hard but relaxing is the best...or something that takes your mind off it..

04-08-06, 17:45

had this too, for weeks upon weeks. Even posted a topic on here months ago..but it goes away, they are tension headaches. The muscles in your neck are tense, making your head feel heavy and hard to move..restricting bloodflow to the head a little bit, also makes it feel a little wavy and and heavy..its not a headache but its a hard feeling to describe..but we all know what you mean..

and if you are tense for days, then having it for days sure sounds right to me .. =)


Two heads
04-08-06, 21:34
I have this every other day!I also have been worrying about it.But im sure it is just tenstion hun so try to relax more!xx