View Full Version : Woke up with stomach pains, I'm really scared ;(

27-09-12, 17:48
Hello everyone.

I haven't been on here in many months because I've been doing well for the most part. School has begun again and I got a new cool job with lots of new exciting people. I've been too distracted to have anxiety worry me.

However, for the past week I've been having some anxiety. My mom has gone away on vacation for two weeks. She's coming home this Monday. It's well deserved for her because she does so much. But I've been missing her loads and I worry so much for her.

My anxiety has returned because of that and I feel like everything is coming back. I'm overbreathing, tensing my muscles, palpitations as well as reflux and ibs back with a full force.

I woke up today with stomach pains and it had went away and now it's gone and I'm also having mid back pain and I'm really terrified something is wrong with my liver or another organ.

It feels like a burning/cramping at the same time. I'm on my way to work right now but very scared. :weep:

Please can someone elaborate. Thanks so much!

27-09-12, 18:12
It is quite possibly the anxiety that is causing the stomach pains. I get bad pains with ibs. If it gets worse while you are at work tell someone there.

28-09-12, 20:31
It sounds like heartburn/indigestion/gas if you're getting burning type pains around your midback too. The body is so reactive to emotions so if you're anxiety levels are up then you're bound to be getting physical discomfort to go with it!
Try some chamomile tea which helps with stomach ache also very good calming.
Take care

29-09-12, 18:45
Hiya. In the past I have been admitted to A and E numerous times with agonising burning and cramping pains.

Since then I've had cameras down my throat, cameras up my bum, a laparoscopy (where they use keyhold camera to look inside), X-rays and ultrasounds. Absolutely nothing found except my bowel going into spasm - nothing sinister or scary. Just very severe ibs - yours sounds similar?
Buscopan is good for this? Or peppermint oil?