View Full Version : Exhausted with health anxiety!!!

27-09-12, 19:28
I am really fed up today and all week I've nearly been falling asleep at my desk! I'm sure I'm making myself ill with all this constant worrying, sick of always worrying I've got a life threatening condition and wish I was normal!

People speak to me and I can't listen to them cause my minds going frantically, even now sat in with partner with tv on but I'd rather be on here because no one can understand what I feel like!

Who else is fed up with constant illness worry!

Jayne xxx

27-09-12, 19:47
Yeah all day every day. You feel all symptons too which feel life threatening ?!

27-09-12, 19:50
Hi Jayne

I know exactly how you feel!!!!

I have good days and bad days but mostly bad ones :weep:

People always tell me to do something to take my mind off the symptoms. I know it's difficult but it does help........try and totally absorb yourself in something. The alternative is go for a walk with your partner.... exercise helps me.

Take Care

Craig x

27-09-12, 19:51
Yeah it's a nightmare! Wish I could shake it off been thinking I'm ill for a year and half and obviously I'm still here! So what a waste of my life! Xx

27-09-12, 20:46
awwwww :weep: sorry you do not feel good. I think it's the stinking anxious thinking! I know I waste so much energy from the time I wake up, to the time I go to bed thinking of what I am going to worry about next, and what this symptom means, and whats wrong with me today, that i'm exhausted when I hit that bed. I always complain that I'm tired, even if I slept all night. I think it's anxiety. Just know you are not alone!

27-09-12, 21:56
jaynehal i really feel for you i have suffered on and off for over twenty years and am feeling really hopeless at the moment and despondent about how much of my life has passed me by i really hope you get out of this soon im starting some cbt next week and am trying to be optimistic good luck x


27-09-12, 22:05
Thanks guys! Just having a really crap week and bčing tired and nauseous isn't helping, I'm hoping my Cbt helps very soon I'm on week 7 and seeing no improvement feel very alone! Xxx

27-09-12, 23:17
I'm in a very similar situation. I've had a year of this and it's driving me crazy. I've recently taken the step to go on Sertraline - although not yet done it but have the prescription! I am hoping it will give me the head space I need to crawl back out of the enormous hole I seem to have fallen into. I'm also doing CBT but only on week 2. It makes sense but I think I'm going to need more than the obligatory 3 sessions they offer.

You are not alone and this forum has given me great comfort knowing there are others in a similar place. X

28-09-12, 08:55
me too! its hell on earth. i wish i could enjoy my children, its not fair on them, my hubby thinks im nuts..............people laugh, its so horrible, thinking 24/7 of an illness, tiring too. im on 5ml of escalipram now, it took about 5 weeks to completely kick in, but its helping MASSIVELY! i do still worry but i seem to think a bit more rationally. i so want to enjoy life. i had cbt but it didnt help one bit, its only you that can help yourself unfortnatly, if you want to get better. i think now..............imagine if i live till 95 im 31 now................and had this for atleast 7 years and it was getting worse........im SOOOO gonna look back at my life and see how many years ive wasted worring for nothing. if youve got something anyway, you cant change it, thats how im trying to think now. im young i SHOULD be enjoing my life. we are only on this planet for a small amount of time.....what its the point in wasting it. i keep telling myself this. and its true. please please listen to me, if i can do it...you all can believe me!! xxxxxxxxxx

28-09-12, 09:55
Know where you're all coming from. The last year and a half not felt one day where I don't get some sort of symptoms.

Go to work everyday not thinking of it , then bang symptoms appear and come at various points of the day.

This is why I struggle to believe its just anxiety ;( !!

28-09-12, 10:58
Know where you're all coming from. The last year and a half not felt one day where I don't get some sort of symptoms.

Go to work everyday not thinking of it , then bang symptoms appear and come at various points of the day.

This is why I struggle to believe its just anxiety ;( !!

When you truly understand how anxiety links your mind and body you will not struggle to believe it is just anxiety.