View Full Version : HELP! black & tarry stool this morning :( :(

28-09-12, 07:54
Hello everybody,
Today is the day of my driving test, I just woke up and went to the toilet - I have been constipated for days now - only managing to pass a little at a time.
This morning I pushed out a small round tarry black stool, it was about the size of a ten pence piece and I had it on the toilet paper.
As I had just woken up, my eyes were not focused properly and i thought I could see blood in there.
I have been having abdominal pain on & off all week and today i have the pain I usually have with constipation.
Today I have enough to worry about with my driving test, this is all i need!

28-09-12, 07:59
Was it hard or like jelly?

28-09-12, 08:11
In the middle - abit hard

28-09-12, 09:20
It is probably just because you have been so constipated, I wouldn't worry about it. Good luck with your driving test :hugs:

28-09-12, 09:26
Constipated. I have done the Cambridge diet before...which is just protein shakes. The last thing you eat before you start it your body clings to for days..when I finally went...it was exactly how you described it. Small,very dark and hard. DON'T WORRY! Poo changes!! GOOD LUCK ON YOUR TEST!! DRIVING IS AMAZING!!

28-09-12, 11:35
Black and tarry stool, the type accociated with bleeding is, as my doctor described to me, "as black as as a motorway and like thick jam". I don't know how accurate he is but that might help a bit.

28-09-12, 21:53
Hope your well did you pass your test

28-09-12, 23:52
if it helps, everytime i've been constipated the poo that finally comes out is small and black. i think its because its just been in you so long.