View Full Version : Feeling Bad :(

28-09-12, 09:59
Hi guys

I have woken up today feeling very shaky (as normal) but also feel very low, which is annoying me as I felt quite positive yesterday. I just wondered is it something I am doing? I do have an appointment with my therepist today, but havent really gotten anxy about that as its just talking really. I dont know, I feel conflicted as I love this time of year, autumn, halloween, christmas, but I also experience alot more flashbacks and nightmares as Sept - Feb is when past the thing happened, and its almost like I feel guilty for feeling a little bit good. I know I am over anaylising like I always do, but I cant quite seem to shut it all out.

I dont know what to do :/

28-09-12, 10:10
Try to concentrate on how many GOOD days you are having and not counting the bad. It could be because you have an appointment today, I get a bit shaky if I have any kind of appointment. I hope your visit to the therapist goes well and your day gets better :hugs:

28-09-12, 13:23
Thanks, I have just come back from seeing the therepist. She has stepped me up a level as she says I need more in depth help due to my ptsd. Got some breathing excercises to try whilst I wait for the appointment. Im feeling very very angry right now, "he" has taken so much of my life, self harming, eating disorder, panic attacks, flashbacks, anxiety, g.a.d and now p.t.s.d. I wonder what I would of been, who I could of been. Im so angry.

28-09-12, 13:36
I don't know all your story but I was in an abusive relationship for 13 years and felt so angry for a long time but then realised that getting angry was not getting me any where. I began to focus on the present and to look at what I could be in the future, only when I was able to do that was I be able to feel happier. You can come through this, it won't be easy but your counsellor will be able to help you. Feeling angry just holds you back, try to think positive and focus on your future not the past. sending you lots of :hugs:

28-09-12, 17:04
Hugs, you still can be whatever and whoever you want to be, you can still be happy, you just need to work on all this and you are going in the right direction, it didn't take a few weeks for you to develop your anxieties and it won't take a few weeks to fix them. What about a punch bag, let your anger and frustration out? Xxx

29-09-12, 20:52
Thankyou everyone

Annie with me it was childhood abuse. I was 10, and in a foreign country visiting my Dad for 5 months.

I know what you are saying about being angry, but Im finding it really hard not to me. I cant help thinking what sort of person I would of been if it hadnt happened, Im pretty sure I wouldnt be having all these anxiety problems. I guess I will never really know.

Thanks again, your advice did help :)

29-09-12, 20:56
Hopefully your counselling sessions will help you. Sometimes it can feel worse for a while when you are having the counselling because you are releasing so much. I have felt totally drained after a counselling session. :hugs: