View Full Version : Struggle in shops

28-09-12, 10:14
When I go in shops I just come across real dizzy.

It makes me want to leave the shop and I have to hold on too things.

Also feels the I'm walking really weird , this just another great anxiety thing ?!

28-09-12, 10:18
I get this..I always feel wobbly..I always put it down to anxiety and DP. Keep returning to the shops!! Eventually you will feel fine in there!!

28-09-12, 10:20
I do too..awful feeling, especially if I have to queue at the checkout.

28-09-12, 11:14
same, i kinda walk with my legs apart and i look like i have been on the old vino, and i really dont know how to rectify this?

fozzy is crying
28-09-12, 13:04
I have the same but rarely for all sorts of reasons go out. When because of the need for basic items etc I go to a large 24/7 supermarket at 3 in the morning. There is no home delivery in my area so I have no choice but to go shopping when I can and stock up basics to keep me going until the next time which might be weeks or sometimes a couple of months.

At that time there is usually only a couple of till operators around. Shelf stacker's have done their job on mass earlier and there might or might not be a couple of customers. As the store is big I can avoid everyone and then I use the self checkout. However sometimes even this is too much so I cut my losses and leave the shopping and go home before I get too bad.

28-09-12, 14:32
Shopping is a nightmare for me.
I do my grocery shopping on line.
When my old second hand computer broke, I new I had to get a
new one so, I had to go to a big retail shop.
First of all I had to ask for the music to be turned down because I could not concintrate.
My legs turn to jelly,and i need to sit down, I carry a small bottle of water
with me.
I have to do shopping for my daughter sometimes--- like yesterday. She
had broken her glasses, so off i went to specsavers.
IT was a new shop,plenty of space and no loud music,and all the assistants
were very kind, so i was ok then.
Take care

28-09-12, 14:47
i get that. i satrt getting all ahh worried about my breathing and and falling overso i tend to try and get out of there as quick as poss and then i feel fine outside the shop most of the time. :s annoying when i like shopping .

fozzy is crying
28-09-12, 15:01
I used to love shopping. Yes even guys can love shopping.

I would go and look round the shops all the time and got lots of enjoyment from it. When I had a partner most of the time I could go shopping on my own and it was only my disability that caused problems with the odd panic attack that meant I had to abort my trip out. Also when I had a partner we would go out shopping together and problems except my physical disability were very rare. She is a nurse so when with her and physical problems kicked in I felt safe and was supported.

For a long time now due to the stress of my mental health I have been without her or anyone to support me and shopping is my worst nightmare. If I could go shopping and there was absolutely no chance I would see a fellow human being while out anywhere then I could cope with that. I just cannot cope with being out and seeing anyone be it other drivers, shoppers etc.

28-09-12, 15:09
had this for years off an on,,at its worst this bright lights and annoucements drive me nuts,,i cling to my shopping trolley like a white nuckle ride lol,,yes the ground moves or i get a sudden spining or brain zap,,but i force myself to go into shops daily otherwise its ten times worse after even a days break,,
i find aldis or lidl much easier to cope with as they dont normally have the silly announcements or bright lights ,,but each shops different for me i also have brave days i even managed our huge tescos yesterday ,,

28-09-12, 17:00
Well it seems although I'm not the only one then. Hate the waiting bit too nearly had to run out last week , but lucky my order cell before I had too (in Argos )

Why is this is it just to do with our breathing and panic ?!

Driving me mad this is. Used to love shipping too !!

28-09-12, 17:01
I read that people with anxiety are more sensitive to fluorescent lights.
Funny they were they same kind of lights we had in school!

I too find that the temperture change from outside to inside can be a factor.

Also all the rows of clothes and things to look at it can take my eyes a while to adjust.

Also the loud music doesn't help, sensory overload.

Waiting in line, ah the feeling trapped, I hate lines my heart races and I get dizzy!!