View Full Version : Just failed my SECOND driving test :(

28-09-12, 12:41
I'm in tears right now, I have just failed my driving test, I got 7 minors and one serious for something I don't think I should have failed on...I was waiting at a horrendous roundabout and cars kept coming round, I saw a gap and using my instructor's advice I went for it.
Afterwards the examiner said I shouldn't have gone because it was "too close" and the car behind coming round from the right had to break.

I thought if I had waited there that I would have failed for hesitation which is what happened last time.

I can't believe I have to pay another £100+ for a test, I'm so frustrated and angry at myself

28-09-12, 13:13
So sorry it didn't go well for you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

28-09-12, 13:18
Sorry to hear your news. Don't be too hard on yourself though, it takes lots of people several attempts for all sorts of reasons :hugs:

28-09-12, 13:21
Don't give up!! You will pass!! I passed 4th time!! It was nerves and wanting it SO bad that made me keep failing on silly things!! Just keep going....You will get there!!

28-09-12, 13:29
He was horrid and really patronising when telling me what I had done wrong :( I have just booked my 3rd, really hoping I pass this time, I'm so annoyed, why is there such a fine line between hesitation & too much confidence?

28-09-12, 13:34
It is SO annoying and I was so frustrated but once you pass (and you will) it won't matter! Just keep going! I had a friend that failed about 5 times so just quit. She then waited 5 years and eventually passed and I always wondered whether she regretted wasting the 5 years. It will be the best feeling in the world whenyou pass! I absolutely love driving and it is so worth it!!

fozzy is crying
28-09-12, 14:01
Sorry about you failing your driving test. However do not beat yourself up about it. It is only a driving test it is not the end of the World.


28-09-12, 14:08
Girlafraid, So sorry, What a lot of money!!!!! me--- I have no idea how much driving tests cost, or how much the lessons are,terrible to charge that much.
Do not give up though:hugs::hugs::hugs:

28-09-12, 14:09
sorry to hear you didnt pass, im glad you have booked your next one though, keeping going is so important. i had a break after id failed afew and it was hard to start again, i passed on my 14th attempt!!! so theres defiantly hope! nerves ruined me everytime but been driving 10 years now and im a very good driver, wouldnt risk having to retake it lol

28-09-12, 15:08
Don't give up, I passed on my 4th attempt, that was nerves. After each of my tests I bottled it and didn't try again for 6 months, don't do this, keep going!

28-09-12, 15:11
I'm really sorry. Please try not to be too disappointed in yourself. Driving tests have becone extremely strict now. Even experienced drivers make mistakes. The positive thing is that you're not letting this beat you and you're already planning your next attempt. That's the right attitude. You will get there in the end!

On my first driving test, the tester had to lean over and grab the stearing wheel! Needless to say, I failed that attempt. But I practised and passed in the end, and you will too.

28-09-12, 17:49
Sorry you didn't pass, but the more lessons you have, and the more tests you do, the better driver you will be in the end.

If the other driver had to brake when you pulled out onto the roundabout, then he was right to fail you as this is dangerous - had the driver not been paying attention he would have hit you, its also quite annoying for other drivers, as you will find out when you pass and are out there driving for real :)

7 minors is also quite a lot, even though they are minors, they all tend to add up in the examiners head.

Stick at it though, you will pass in the end !

28-09-12, 18:20
Sorry to hear you failed your test. Try not to beat yourself up about it though.

I never learnt to drive - I don't think I'd enjoy it as I'd be nervous and on edge all the time and I can also be quite clumsy at times.
Even on Mario Kart I can be pretty dangerous, lol! :roflmao:
Thankfully I live in a built-up area so I don't really need to learn to drive.

28-09-12, 18:42
He sounded like a right bully :(
So sorry you're upset.
But don't give up : ) you will get there.

28-09-12, 18:48
Sorry you failed, they are so unfair these days, they fail people on the stupidest things just so they make more money. Hope its 3rd time lucky for you!

29-09-12, 16:13
I was an anxious wreck but only got 2 minors and passed!

Best thing to do is have an hour drive/lesson with your instructor before the test. You will feel much more relaxed :)

29-09-12, 17:56
Just to cover your other question about hesitation and too much confidence - one thing that is important in driving is being able to judge the speed of other cars, for example if you are waiting to pull into a gap, or out of a junction, you need to know you can do it with enough time to not make the other cars brake ( although lots of people still do this, darting out in to a gap and making everyone else brake suddenly )

This really comes with experience, and also knowing the performance of your own car as the faster the car, the quicker you can pull out and get up to speed with the other traffic. On the test you should position yourself safely ready to pull out as soon as a gap is there, but also judge it so you know you have enough time to get out. Most examiners would rather see someone wait and be safe than pull out too quickly

29-09-12, 19:36
Hey! I'm in the exact same position right now my nerves got the better of me and I kept repeating the same minor mistake. It's gutting when you know you can drive and that you could have passed :sad: but hang in there! I'm going to keep at it till I pass and you should too driving tests aren't always fair, as like others have said they fail people they could have passed in order to make more money.

Good luck :hugs: