View Full Version : My Name Is Edward

28-09-12, 13:46
Hiya all,

My name is Edward and I am new to the forum. I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and I am on 75mg Lyrica twice daily to help with it. I used to be on very high doses of Valium, Ativan and Xanax before my Psychiatrist switched me to the Lyrica. I had a very tough time getting off of the benzos and had to be admitted to a psych ward in the middle of it because I overdosed on Valium ad nearly killed myself. I will tell more of my story as I continue to use the forum, but for now I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I'm hoping to make some good friends here.:hugs:

28-09-12, 13:57
Hi Edward_1980

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

28-09-12, 13:57
Hi Edward :welcome: I am sure you will find lots of support here, you have come to the right place :)

28-09-12, 13:58
Thank you so much Annie. It's a pleasure to meet you :)

28-09-12, 14:12
Aye, a friendly bunch here. Been here a week myself. You've come to the right place to talk.

28-09-12, 14:31
Thanks CrimsonKiss. I hope you are finding the forum helpful. I have been reading posts already and I can relate to them so much that I really feel like I will belong here :)

30-09-12, 00:19
Edward, reading your post makes me glad #i turned dow the drugs for now. Someone told me that the doctors try to waen you off the drugs too quickly. What do you feel??

30-09-12, 13:57
Welcome to the forums, Edward. :) I have GAD too.

30-09-12, 15:04
You will make loads of friends and have loads of support on here Edward! There are some AMAZING people on here and some have so much experience and knowledge when it comes to anxiety/panic/phobia..you name it...to help you along the way. I have received amazing reassurance and support. Who better knows what you're going through than other sufferers aye? It really isn't a place where we wallow and make each other worse..We all have our up and down days and its good to know that we can support and be supported by others!!! WELCOME!!!!! You are going to like it here! :D

30-09-12, 17:57
Edward, reading your post makes me glad #i turned dow the drugs for now. Someone told me that the doctors try to waen you off the drugs too quickly. What do you feel??

Hi Snapper. I was weened down in a matter of months. I went from 20mg Valium and 3mg Ativan a day down to just 1mg Valium in a matter of 12 weeks. I always assumed that the pills were the best thing that could happen to me, but I didn't know that Ii would become addicted. These kind of drugs should only be given in the worst case scenario. I hope you feel better soon :)