View Full Version : no appittite

28-09-12, 14:22
I have anxiety and depression got really streesed out haven't had an appittie for about 3 weeks now lost 20 lbs all I can eat is oatmeal pudding yogurt when I eat in the evenings I get bloated gas pains and stomach churned constantly anyone have this problem. Thsnks

28-09-12, 14:28
That is the worse thing for me with anxiety, I just cannot face food. I try to eat little and often. mashed bananas with milk, rice pudding, yogurt, fruit, plain biscuits, anything that will go down easily.

28-09-12, 14:30
I've lived off protein shakes and bananas mainly for 3 - 4 weeks. Just couldn't face cooking, or eating anything.

30-09-12, 09:29
I get this problem as well when I am anxious. This morning I woke up and had about a million and one things on my mind which lead me to have no appetite, despite being hungry...like Annie says, I find I will snack little and often and eat bland things which I know won't upset my belly. If the problem persists, then I would consider contacting my doctor?

30-09-12, 13:00
Your physical symptoms could be IBS???