View Full Version : Food/Drink causing panic symptoms...?

28-09-12, 16:05
I've just had a cup of tea and now I'm having a panic attack. I've monitored this for a while... and it always happens after tea! I thought it was only huge amounts of caffeine (like in coffee) that caused these symptoms.
I don't even like decaf so I don't have that option.

Does anyone else find that food or drink brings on an attack?


28-09-12, 16:10
I find that drinking a lot of coffee bring me to a state where I'm rattling and having trouble breathing. I have cut both Tea and Coffee out of my die. I drink plenty of juice instead.

28-09-12, 16:10
Yes, anything with caffeine in it or large amounts of sugar, gets the heart pumping fast and the adrenaline flowing - PANIC.

Coffee, tea, energy drinks, chocolate etc.

28-09-12, 16:50
in my opinion............

no foodstuffs or drinks 'cause' panic, but certain foods and drinks increase certain anxiety-type symptoms in the body.

Panic is the result of misinterpreting normal bodily symptoms (heart racing, on edge, dizzyness, etc. etc.).

Therefore, millions of folk around the world drink gallons of coffee/chocolate/etc. everyday and they all have (more or less) the same physical symptoms after eating/drinking, however lots of them dont have panic as they dont misinterpret symptoms (dont even notice symptoms probably), however the ones that do get anxious at the symptoms are misinterpreting them as dangerous leading to.......... well you guessed it!!

hope this makes sense,

eat drink and be merry!! but most of all dont focus/worry about any symptoms you notice, they are harmless


28-09-12, 18:00
I sometimes can't eat because of the fear of choking. If something goes back my throat I'll stand up in panic and quickly grab my throat as if I am choking. It almost always happens when I eat Chinese hot and sour soup. The vegetables are a constant fear for me so I only drink the broth and throw away the other ingredients.

28-09-12, 18:50
Try decaf tea! To see if it makes a difference.
Caffeine can increase heart rate but so too can big meals.

I drink coffee but half a cup usually.if I had more than two cups in a day I would be paying for it!