View Full Version : Flight/valium update

28-09-12, 16:08
Hi everyone, I posted last week voicing my concerns about taking valium before a flight so thought I'd just let you know what went on! I was prescribed 2mg by my doctor who said to take 2 if I felt like it. Because it was such an early flight (645am!), my friends and I decided to stay in a hotel next to the airport to avoid too much stress in the morning. We went to bed around 10pm and I took 2 valiums. I have to say I don't think they did anything for me! I didn't sleep a wink, and my heart was still racing. I think I was also thinking about having to get up so early too so that didn't help. Anyway. Morning arrived too soon, and I had "the dread". Took another couple of valium and I did feel a little better. At the airport I just wanted to get on the plane and get it over with. The flight itself was completely fine and even though I was nervous I had my usual "why do I worry so much!??!" talk with myself. We had a fabulous weekend, UNTIL the night before we left. It was an evening flight, last Monday and I had looked up the weather forecasts for the UK. Anyone who lives here will know how terrible the weather was, the wind and gales. I looked up turbulence forecasts and they were SEVERE for pretty much the whole trip! I was nearly crying and felt ill, I thought I would actually cancel my flight and wait til another day but again I took some valium and even though I was still petrified, I got on the plane. The flight was completely smooth, right until the landing, when the winds were rocking the plane but where I didn't care anymore because we were nearly on the ground! When we landed I was so relieved but angry at myself for being so worked up!! I know now that I can fly with no problems, I just need to stop talking myself into being in such a mess before I go. One thing that did help me throughout the flight was repeating to myself "we will be on the ground in 5 minutes". Even though we wouldn't but it helped so much and I think we can all agree that if it helps then do it!
I'm not sure if the valium was maybe too small a dose for my levels of anxiety, but I'm glad I went on the trip and I will NOT get so anxious about flying anymore! :)

28-09-12, 16:17
Pleased to hear it went well for you and you had a good time and especially that it has helped to overcome your fear :)

28-09-12, 21:26
Well done Mary! :) x

jude uk
29-09-12, 00:46
That is great and very encouraging

29-09-12, 09:42
Well done you.

Maybe 1 5mg before you got on would have helped and another in your pocket would have helped.

29-09-12, 18:08
Well done, I'm glad you had a good holiday. :)