View Full Version : I can't do this anymore

04-08-06, 16:59
i'm posting this message as i m desperate for help and i have no one to turn to. no one seems to understand how i'm feeling and i feel my life is drawing to an end. my friends don't understand attacks, i'm scard of letting my friends and family down and i have turned into a wreck that doesn't want to do anything. My flat mate doesn't understand, i seem to be living in my room as i don't want to be around people, i'm ignoring my boyfriend, spending half my day at work hiding in the loo's as i really feel i am going to have a major panic attack.
i am 23 i got a degree last year and i'm not employable by anyone, all my friends are going out getting graduate positions and i'm still working in an supermarket office - thought i do love my job,
i can't stop crying, i've been shaking for days, i can't sleep, my heart is beating far too fast, i'm breathing far to fast, my chest is so painful i'm scared, i feel so light headed and dizzy, i'm getting pins and needles, i feel like i don't really exist, i just want to be sick i an't even eat and this won't stop. my flat mate is went away to her parents and my family are all hours away and i don't know what to do. i just want it to stop as i can't deal with it

04-08-06, 17:31
I'm really sorry that you feel like this crazy chic. I have defo been there before. Not a nice place!!! Have you been to your G.P about how your feeling? Do you have a councellor? It's just it sounds to me like you might benefit from having one, mine has helped me alot!

Take carexx


onwards and upwards

04-08-06, 17:35
Hi Crazy chick
You poor thing , you are having a bad time. What you describe is typical anxiety. Have you seen a Dr? If not I think you should as they may be able to point you in the direction of help, not necessarily medication. You will get better you are just in a bad patch. Try and tell your self this is just panic and do what you can while you ignore it as much as possible. It always peaks and troughs, but it is vile when it's at it's worst. I think you should try and be with other people as they can often distract you a bit rather than spending time alone in your room as this just lets you focus on the panic. Keep going there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Look at some of the stories on this site, they are very encouraging
Wendy x

04-08-06, 17:47
i just can't do as i am so paranoid as to what people are thinking about me. if i take an attack, if i collapse, if i cry people think i an't cope with the basic things but i can i just have good and bad days and at the moment i'm having more bad than good. i take this anymore.
my doc has me on antidepressents and beta blockers and i've been visiting a hypnotherapist.
i can't see my doc again till monday and i'm scared i can't last till thn. i need to do something tonight but i don't know what but i need my life back i just can't deal with this and i think i'm going to have a complete breakdown because of it.

04-08-06, 18:14
Hi there, am glad you have a doctors appt. for monday and i can guarantee you will survive til then. All the symptoms you describe are all linked to anxiety, once you slow down your breathing (not easy when panicking) the other things will slowly disappear. I think you have done real good. and whilst you are feeling so awful you are still working! Of course you will feel more stressed, your flatmate has gone for a few days, now.....firstly please try to eat a little something, if you don't you will feel even more light-headed/dizzy and fast heartbeats. Drink lots of water.....put the tv on. have a bath/shower..put some music on, absolutely anything to take this awful panic feeling from you. read through this site, there are so many tips on how to survive/get through panics and they do help. ring home and have a chat, stop feeling like a failure, as far as i can see you are doing ok. just having a rough time at present. it will pass, that i can promise. maybe go into chat later? there will be others there who will settle you a little. take care and keep in touch. you can and will be ok. xxx

04-08-06, 18:18
hi crazychick

all these thoughts are going round and round just now and making you feel worse. Try taking some time out for yourself, maybe have a nice aromaptherapy bath, do a relaxation tape. Practice breathing from your abdomen. Dont make the anxiety worse by adding on all the negative chatter. Start saying, Ok i am like this just now but I am getting better.
Everytime we start saying what if, if this happens, etc we add fuel on to the fear and it escalates into panic. We tend to look at the big picture of what we cant do but try breaking it down into little things you can do and focus on how that makes you feel.

........life is for living not just for surviving

04-08-06, 18:21
thank you for your comments. this has been going on for ages i just need it to stop now. Dos anyone have any advice of anyone i can seek help from this weekend? i just can't last like this till monday. i just want this to stop. i can't phone anyone as they will all just go mad at me. no one understands me.

04-08-06, 18:25
hi crazychick

if u find you would rather speak to someone, what about giving No Panic a phonecall. It is run by volunteers who have experienced anxiety, panic attacks, etc and it may help u to talk to them.

There phone no is: 0808 808 0545 - it will list some volunteers phone numbers for u to call.

........life is for living not just for surviving

04-08-06, 18:32
Hi again, you can stop at lot of it for yourself if you try hard darling...deep, slow breathes, put some music on loud and sing move around, in the meantime i will try to check and see if there are any helplines that you can contact, i promise it will fade a little, whilst i check, have a look round the site at other posts when people have felt the same and how they coped, we have all been in this situation at one time or another, it does ease a little, have a little sandwich or soup, and drink water, anythng to distract you, put an elastic band on your wrist and ping it hard when you feel the panic rising, run up and down some stairs if poss. anything to take your mind off, i know of one helpline that can be contacted from 10pm but don't have the number to hand??? i will check and get back, hang on in there you are ok and will survive. xxx

04-08-06, 18:36
Hi there, darkangel beat me to it with the number...thanks for that mate. and i believe i got the times wrong.(sorry)..take care speak soon.

04-08-06, 19:07
thanks. i might try calling it later. i just feel so rotten and don't think i could communicate verbally at this present moment. i am a bit to hysterical. it never lasts this long. i've been fighting this for years and i thought i was getting better at long last but suddenly its ruined me again. i just think everyone is so fed up and sick of me and i sometimes wish i could just end it all.

04-08-06, 19:54
is anyone free to talk in chat?

04-08-06, 20:09
Lauren, talk on here, you will have lots of support from people who care.
You will get through this difficult time in your life with some help.
We all need a shoulder from time to time.

Dave x

04-08-06, 20:37
i just don't know what to do
i just can't deal with this
i've been trying to get it to stop for so long now and nothing is working#
why is nothing working? why am i so stupid? why me? why why why why can't this just go away its taking too much of my life i just can't deal with this

polly daydream
04-08-06, 20:57
Hi Crazychick, get yourself down to the doctors hun, you defo need some help, has something happened lately to make you feel so bad? it is defo anxiety, you may need some medication to calm you down a little, never be afraid to ask for some help, we all need it sometimes.

Take care,

Polly x

04-08-06, 21:03
i'm on meds.
i can't see my doc till monday as surgery is closed over the weekend. i am totally trapped in my house on my own. i don't know how i'm going to make it till monday.
i'm panicking so much i'm scared of passing out - i faint a lot with attacks and i don't like beng in on my own like ow incase i pass out and injure myself.

04-08-06, 21:17
The Samaritans are well equipped to help as well so why not call them for a chat.

You are making yourself panic more because you assume you will pass out every time.

Like I said before get a paper bag and when you feel bad sit quietly and breathe into it - it will help.


04-08-06, 21:36
thanks Nicola.
i'm sitting with my paper bags beside me. i've phoned the Samaritans three times today. i was even lower earlier today and phoned them. i just don't know what my doc will say and what state i'l bein by monday. i just want to be panic free even for the rest of the evening

05-08-06, 15:42
I felt a lot like you do three weeks ago. I thought I wouldn't make it through the weekend. I got the Sunday night but then I had to get my mum to call NHS direct because I felt so awful. I have social anxiety as well as this panic, so I can't use the telephone, meaning my mum or fiance has to do it for me. Try getting NHS direct to understand that! Anyway, they did eventually send out a doctor and I was given some valium, so there is the option of getting a doctor out to you if you feel so very bad.

I'm having another hard weekend as I've come off the valium. I'm reading Claire Weekes' book and it does help. Don't try and fight the anxiety, just accept that it's happening and let it flow over you. This helps me sometimes.


05-08-06, 17:18
thanks Ren, i didn't think of calling them. its hard deciding what to do. i do feel slightly better today and i'm going to force myself to go into work tomorrow and i've just got to hope i don't have a full blown attack there. but on the positive side it has been around 9 weeks so if it does happen there there has been a large gap - as it was happening daily.

07-08-06, 18:35
well i've managed two days at work. yesterday was ok but today was hell. i took three seperate attacks. i did complete my shift though but its got me really scared about tomorro. what if it happens yet again? or if it is worse?
also i've been sick with my attacks as well - a symptom i have never had before is this normal?