View Full Version : MAGNESIUM -- please read

28-09-12, 18:37
hello ive been on this site for a few years and suffer(ed) with panic disorder.. Magnesium is UNBELIEVABLY helpful for panic. i was on 80mg of propanol and 20mg of lexapro but came off it when i discovered the healing effect of magnesium... chelated magnesium and magnesium chloride are the best forms.. easy to get in a health food shop / amazon ... SERIOUSLY worth the purchase.. u'll never turn back:yesyes:

28-09-12, 19:29
Does it help Gad too? I don't have many panic attacks, just constant edgy feeling x

28-09-12, 20:24
Sounds good. Its definetely worth a try i say, so ill be buying some. Is Magnesium Citrate any good?

28-09-12, 21:45
Thanks for sharing Pablo!

Magnesium is great relief for panic attacks and anxiety, it's the calming mineral and 70% of the world isn't getting enough of it.

I also highly suggest a B-Complex.

Here is my thread it may help you out, http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=120215

30-09-12, 23:42
no magnesium citrate isnt absorbed very well ... look for a chelated magnesium, or any that are bound with an amino acid because they are highly bio available..

ye it helps with GAD ... definitely.

01-10-12, 00:42
can you take it with anti d's?

01-10-12, 05:27
Of course you can goodasitgets, All vitamin supplements can be taken with medication and usually help counter act side effects :)

Herbal supplements such as plant extracts on the other could interact.

I just bought a supplement called "Natural Calm - Magnesium" I have been taken it for 3 days now and have noticed a pretty positive difference in overall stress and anxiety, taking this along with my B-complex I feel virtually panic free!


If you can't find it in stores like I did (sprouts, Vitamin Shoppe, whole foods) you can always order it on amazon.

Much love.

01-10-12, 06:40
I am taking some now for sleep . I am not calm at night. I hope it works. Thank you again.

01-10-12, 14:21
Thanx for the tip pablo, off to the health shop asap. I have been given prop--- but they have made no difference after taking them for 2 weeks
Take care everyone x

01-10-12, 14:32
Thanks for this post. Im off to get some now and will let you know how it goes :)

01-10-12, 21:16
Of course you can goodasitgets, All vitamin supplements can be taken with medication and usually help counter act side effects :)

Herbal supplements such as plant extracts on the other could interact.

I just bought a supplement called "Natural Calm - Magnesium" I have been taken it for 3 days now and have noticed a pretty positive difference in overall stress and anxiety, taking this along with my B-complex I feel virtually panic free!


If you can't find it in stores like I did (sprouts, Vitamin Shoppe, whole foods) you can always order it on amazon.

Much love.

Thanks for the info I'm tempted but scared to try it stupid anx!!
Glad you've found it helps x

07-10-12, 00:39
propanol does not stop the anxiety remember, it only calms the physical symptoms. ALSO propanol actually makes u more deficient in magnesiuma and will make the condition worse.. magnesium is clinically proven to control stress hormone levels and help the adernals recover from all the work haha

that natural calm product isnt the best absorptive form///.. + it gave me the runs! best try a magnesium bound with an amino acid for optimal absorption (magesium ;, chelated, malate, taurate, or orotate)

07-10-12, 11:14
I am waiting for the health shop to get the magnesium tabs in.
They had the usual ones in stock, but I wanted the ones with that particular name
that was given, it may have been Greyclouds,dare not look as this message will be lost. thank you anyway
Tryed all the other vits but not these ones. no harm in trying:hugs:

09-10-12, 14:51
Hi All.

I've had some wonderful success with magnesium. From my own experience:

- I used Magnesium Bis-glycinate, 150mg x 3 a day with Taurine (1g each time) - this was pretty effective, I slept so well! It was about £5 for 30 tabs from Holland and Barrett.

- Conversely, I tried Magnesium Citrate, which is much cheaper and didn't have the same results.

- I'm currently using Carlsons Chelated Magnesium (Magnesium Glycinate) 200mg x 3 with Taurine 1g. Wow. This stuff knocks me on my backside - erradicated so many of my physical symptoms and felt so much better! Sleeping like a log. This is the stuff George Eby used. (look him up if you haven't). This is American, but pretty much the same price as H&B prices. I got it on Ebay.

- Magnesium Chloride is available as Magnesium Oil - it's the most absorbable form. I've only just started using it, so can't really comment. My mother uses it and found many of her aches and pains lifted in days.

- Apparently in the long run Magnesium Taurinate is not as effective as Magnesium Glycinate + Taurine.

- DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT buy cheap Magnesium Oxide, Glutamate or Aspartate

11-10-12, 16:18
I'm glad I'm not the only one who found this.

I actually stumbled across magnesium as an aide for panic.

I use to take it for general health and eventually stopped taking it for a few months. Then I had my "out-of-the-blue" panic attack a few weeks later, which has devastated my life. Initially, I didn't connect the two events, but
after reading a lot about Panic/Agoraphobia, I came across some people advocating magnesium. I tried it and it definitely helped. And I know it's not the Placebo effect, because I still had anxious thoughts, but my body wasn't producing the anxious sensations -- it was like they became disconnected.

I tried medication (SSRIs) in the past that I thought would work, and they did nothing for me beyond unpleasant side effects and withdrawal symptoms. Then I tried Magnesium, which I didn't think would work (I think Naturopathy is a scam), and yet it was so powerful.

I hate to think this, but if I never stopped taking magnesium in the first place, I bet that I would've never had that panic attack and the resultant Agoraphobia. One small choice to stop using a supplement has probably altered the course of my life in a very significant way...

At this point, I'm not using magnesium because I wanted to get over Agoraphobia with CBT alone so that I wouldn't need a supplement as a crutch (i.e., not rely on any safety behaviours). I originally planned to re-introduce magnesium back into my system once I was cured, but I'm starting to have my doubts if I will ever be cured with CBT alone, and so I may opt to use it to help me recover.

11-10-12, 17:00
Very interesting subject I brought some magnesium citrate a few months back and only took a couple the usual scared to take anything stopped me taking anymore
Now after reading these posts sitting here with the bottle and really want to start taking them......but reading the posts magnesium citrate is not the best:wacko::huh: and I don't really want to throw these and buy more because these are solgar brand which is know for being a good brand for any supplements and they was expensive also......so what do I do take these or not?

---------- Post added at 17:00 ---------- Previous post was at 16:56 ----------

just to add they are 400mg tablets and it says to take 2 a day
My sleeping is awful at the moment so would i be best to take 1 now and 1 at bedtime. Thanks

11-10-12, 17:30
I'm glad I'm not the only one who found this.

I actually stumbled across magnesium as an aide for panic.

I use to take it for general health and eventually stopped taking it for a few months. Then I had my "out-of-the-blue" panic attack a few weeks later, which has devastated my life. Initially, I didn't connect the two events, but
after reading a lot about Panic/Agoraphobia, I came across some people advocating magnesium. I tried it and it definitely helped. And I know it's not the Placebo effect, because I still had anxious thoughts, but my body wasn't producing the anxious sensations -- it was like they became disconnected.

I tried medication (SSRIs) in the past that I thought would work, and they did nothing for me beyond unpleasant side effects and withdrawal symptoms. Then I tried Magnesium, which I didn't think would work (I think Naturopathy is a scam), and yet it was so powerful.

Last year - I had awful chest pains and thumpy heart at the height of my anxiety. I started taking Inositol, which made me calmer - but there was still a knot in my stomach. On these very boards - someone mentioned that Inositol hadn't worked for them, but they'd added Magnesium which had worked. I almost disregarded it, but added it anyway. Looking back at my diary - my chest pains and thumpy all went away, as did the knot. But back then, I never realised quite how fundamental Magnesium is.

Skip to a week or so ago. I had all the same symptoms again, as I'd stopped taking Magnesium, was drinking, smoking, under stress. I'm also Diabetic. These are absolute killers for depleting Magnesium. I added it again to my diet and guess what - I feel like a million quid! This time around, I've really studied into Magnesium and it's unbelievable that this is so unknown, yet fundamental to well being! All my ailments I've suffered the last few years can be tied back to Magnesium depletion. Even the Diabetes. I recommend to absolutely everyone now that they start getting Magnesium into their diets, esp those under stress, anxious or depressed. I'd get every single member of this forum on it!

11-10-12, 17:41
So glad I found this thread its like a light being turned on:)
another ? if anyone can help I also have a bottle of solgar no flush niacin(vitamin b3) it also contains inositol 78 mgs would it be ok to take this with the magnesium citrate I mentioned in my earlier post
I'm such a chicken when it comes to taking anything :weep:

11-10-12, 17:46
Very interesting subject I brought some magnesium citrate a few months back and only took a couple the usual scared to take anything stopped me taking anymore
Now after reading these posts sitting here with the bottle and really want to start taking them......but reading the posts magnesium citrate is not the best:wacko::huh: and I don't really want to throw these and buy more because these are solgar brand which is know for being a good brand for any supplements and they was expensive also......so what do I do take these or not?

---------- Post added at 17:00 ---------- Previous post was at 16:56 ----------

just to add they are 400mg tablets and it says to take 2 a day
My sleeping is awful at the moment so would i be best to take 1 now and 1 at bedtime. Thanks

I wouldn't sling that Citrate away at all. Magnesium will not harm you, not in any way, shape or form. In fact, it's going to do you some good. Stress - caused by anxiety and depression will deplete Magnesium - and boy do you need it!!! If your diet is high in white processed bread, sugar, crisps, cake, crackers, biscuits - this will deplete Magnesium. Coffee, tea, alcohol - all depletes it. In fact - check this video - very illuminating:


Are these tablets really 400mg each or is a serving 400mg (which comprises of several tablets????). (If they are these : http://www.solgar.co.uk/SolgarProducts/Magnesium-Citrate-Tablets.htm - then they're 200mg per tablet - start with 3 a day).

Start taking them. You want about 600-800mg a day. Start with 600mg. One for breakfast, lunch and then dinner. See how you respond. If you get tired early evening, push the final tablet to later on.

Get some Taurine - powder is cheap(Blackburn Distributions do cheap Taurine in 100g bags - cheapest on Ebay). Take 1g (1000mg) of Taurine with each tablet(1/4 a teaspoon). Taurine makes Magnesium more absorbable. Taurine also calms the nervous system - it will not harm you. Your pee may smell a little funny though!

Any questions - please ask me!

---------- Post added at 17:46 ---------- Previous post was at 17:42 ----------

So glad I found this thread its like a light being turned on:)
another ? if anyone can help I also have a bottle of solgar no flush niacin(vitamin b3) it also contains inositol 78 mgs would it be ok to take this with the magnesium citrate I mentioned in my earlier post
I'm such a chicken when it comes to taking anything :weep:

Hell yes Manda!

I used to take about 6,000mg of Inositol with 450mg of Magnesium daily! Look in my signature of the things I take daily!

11-10-12, 19:45
Thank you so much for your reply so informative, yes sorry I was reading wrong on the solgar it's says 2 tablets make 400mgs :unsure: not with it today
So it's ok to take 3 a day it says twice day on bottle( there I go again worrying)sorry
so the niacin/inositol is good to take at the same time as magnesium
Not a good day today the panic keeps coming in waves:weep: and my sleep it awful so that's not helping......I also suffer from somthing called depersonalisation which is not to good at the moment this came back on Thursday last week walked into my house after being out at the vets and everything felt strange so it's just got worse from there
Sitting here with the magnesium ready to take:huh:just need to go for it and stop being so scared anyway thank you so much for replying
Manda xx

11-10-12, 21:09
very interesting, will go tomorrow to get this, hoping it will do something to get rid of my back pain and chest pain, fingers crossed, on proponolol 80mg a day too and it has taken the edge of anxiety but does nothing for the physical symptoms which scare the heck outa me.

11-10-12, 22:40
Thank you so much for your reply so informative, yes sorry I was reading wrong on the solgar it's says 2 tablets make 400mgs :unsure: not with it today
So it's ok to take 3 a day it says twice day on bottle( there I go again worrying)sorry
so the niacin/inositol is good to take at the same time as magnesium

Start with whatever you're comfortable starting on.

If you want to start on 400mg - do that. But you are perfectly safe to take up to 1000mg a day. I would start on 400mg and see how you get on. If you feel fine and should do - go up to 600mg. The RDA on the bottle don't mean anything really - they're often completely contradictory.

Inositol with Magnesium will act more like a mild sedative than anything, but with such a tiny amount - won't do a thing. There are no interactions with Vitamin B and Magnesium.

---------- Post added at 22:40 ---------- Previous post was at 22:37 ----------

very interesting, will go tomorrow to get this, hoping it will do something to get rid of my back pain and chest pain, fingers crossed, on proponolol 80mg a day too and it has taken the edge of anxiety but does nothing for the physical symptoms which scare the heck outa me.

Propranolol as you probably know does nothing for the mental aspect of anxiety, only the physical. Hopefully, the magnesium will help in the mental aspect and you'll start to cease to need Propranolol as the physical symptoms cease.

12-10-12, 20:02
Just a question for the people who say Magnesium has worked for them. What kind of symptoms did it resolve for you? Myself I feel constantly tense, on edge, like I want to throw up constantly. Is Magnesium something that could help that?

13-10-12, 11:20
I suffered anxiety, depression, chest pains, muscle pains, fatigue, muscle twitches. Magnesium helped with all that. Being in a state of anxiety will deplete you of Magnesium. Given that somehting like 70% of people are deficient - it certainly can't harm anyone to at least try it.

Go read : http://george-eby-research.com/html/depression-anxiety.html

13-10-12, 17:11
I use Berocca which does contain magnesium (25% RDA). Is this sufficient?

13-10-12, 20:35
I use Berocca which does contain magnesium (25% RDA). Is this sufficient?

Nope. Unless you're eating Magnesium rich foods - which I doubt.

17-10-12, 13:06
Hey. I phoned my doctor today to see if taking magnesium with propranolol would have any negative effect. He told me magnesium doesnt do anything for anxiety and is no good? I told him I've heard from people it helps panic and nervousness and anxiety and he wouldnt believe me :(
He told me he doesnt know about propranolol and magnesium and to ask my pharmacist, surely a doctor should know more than a pharmacist? Im not happy, I'm going to try the magnesium and see what happens. Ive taken multivitamins with propranolol before with no effects.

17-10-12, 20:16
I've just got some Doctors Best Magnesium Chelate delivered today. Going to start taking 2 Tablets a day tomorrow, think that will be around 400mg but not sure. Will see how it goes. The fact a Doctor told you it does nothing doesn't sound good though. When I went to my Doctor and mentioned stuff like Niacinamide and 5-HTP he had no ideas about them either.

17-10-12, 20:43
Bit of brain frezze today lol plus theirs loads of posts on this I'm going to holland an Barrett next week I take nothing at the moment what type of magnesium is best to take an anything to complement it advice an dosage would be appreciated xx

17-10-12, 22:06
I've just got some Doctors Best Magnesium Chelate delivered today. Going to start taking 2 Tablets a day tomorrow, think that will be around 400mg but not sure. Will see how it goes. The fact a Doctor told you it does nothing doesn't sound good though. When I went to my Doctor and mentioned stuff like Niacinamide and 5-HTP he had no ideas about them either.

Thats the magnesium I bought :) I spoke to another doctor today, whos actually been dealing with my anxiety and he said I can take them and see how I get on. Always best for a second opinion.

18-10-12, 08:50
Bit of brain frezze today lol plus theirs loads of posts on this I'm going to holland an Barrett next week I take nothing at the moment what type of magnesium is best to take an anything to complement it advice an dosage would be appreciated xx

People recommended the Cheldated/Glyc one as it is high absorbant and doesn't give you all the side effects of other Magnesium. So I went with the Doctors Best one. Going to take my first one now. And a heads up they are big tablets lol bit like the Immunace tablets I have, maybe a bit bigger than them.

18-10-12, 11:55
People recommended the Cheldated/Glyc one as it is high absorbant and doesn't give you all the side effects of other Magnesium. So I went with the Doctors Best one. Going to take my first one now. And a heads up they are big tablets lol bit like the Immunace tablets I have, maybe a bit bigger than them.

thanks very much what mg are you taking going to get some next week :)

18-10-12, 18:03
I'm not even sure. Mine are the Doctors Best High Absorption 100% Chelated Magnesium 120 Tabs. Got then on Amazon for like £10. I think they are 200mg tablets and I will be taking 2 per day.

18-10-12, 18:06
I got the Doctors Best ones too, had to break them up as they're too big for me to swallow. I've also got some chewable calcium as I've read you should take calcium and magnesium supplements together as they compliment each other

19-10-12, 10:33
I have to cut them into 4 to take them! They are huge. Already noticing a difference :D Not feeling sick and gagging in the mornings anymore and that nervous feeling that ran through my body has gone, I do feel slightly more relaxed :D

19-10-12, 19:59
I have also been taking Calcium with the Magnesium. Felt relaxed the first day of taking it but today I feel a bit nervous and sick again. Going to keep going for the week at the very least. I still have my bottle of Niacinamide that I never tried sitting in the drawer as well.

19-10-12, 21:09
Bit of brain frezze today lol plus theirs loads of posts on this I'm going to holland an Barrett next week I take nothing at the moment what type of magnesium is best to take an anything to complement it advice an dosage would be appreciated xx

If you're going to H&B, be VERY careful which one you buy. They have several types. The cheapest is Magnesium Oxide, which is next to useless for absorbability. They have a Magnesium Bisglycinate - it is the best they have. It's around 5 quid for 30 tabs.

---------- Post added at 21:04 ---------- Previous post was at 21:01 ----------

I have also been taking Calcium with the Magnesium. Felt relaxed the first day of taking it but today I feel a bit nervous and sick again. Going to keep going for the week at the very least. I still have my bottle of Niacinamide that I never tried sitting in the drawer as well.

You want to watch taking too much Calcium with Magnesium. Too much calcium and not enough Magnesium will have the opposite effect of what you want. Your diet probably contains enough Calcium already without supplementing.

---------- Post added at 21:05 ---------- Previous post was at 21:04 ----------

I have to cut them into 4 to take them! They are huge. Already noticing a difference :D Not feeling sick and gagging in the mornings anymore and that nervous feeling that ran through my body has gone, I do feel slightly more relaxed :D


I can tell you something as well - I just came back from Jordan, where I went swimming in the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is highly concentrated in - Magnesium Chloride. Man, did I feel great after that. :D

(And yes, you can buy Magnesium Oil - which is highly absorbable - BetterYou Magnesium Oil)

---------- Post added at 21:09 ---------- Previous post was at 21:05 ----------

Hey. I phoned my doctor today to see if taking magnesium with propranolol would have any negative effect. He told me magnesium doesnt do anything for anxiety and is no good? I told him I've heard from people it helps panic and nervousness and anxiety and he wouldnt believe me :(
He told me he doesnt know about propranolol and magnesium and to ask my pharmacist, surely a doctor should know more than a pharmacist? Im not happy, I'm going to try the magnesium and see what happens. Ive taken multivitamins with propranolol before with no effects.

One year after I started a Magnesium / Taurine combination and had subsequently stopped - I went to my GP to chat about my various anxiety related issues and HE brought it up to me that he'd been reading papers on Magnesium Taurinate and how it can help with anxiety, depression and sleep. I smirked and said I knew all this and wrote down the author's name - George Eby - which he then confirmed.

Anyone wanting to know about Magnesium, depression and anxiety should read George's work. He's a wonderful guy and always replies to my emails.


Of course - you can PM me or reply to this thread :)

EDIT. Any confusion over Magnesium Taurinate/Taurate and Magnesium Glycinate.
Magnesium Glycinate and Taurine seems to be the most effective way of getting Magnesium into your body. Magnesium Taurinate is a version of Magnesium that brings both of these elements together - however, Eby noticed that it was more expensive and after a while, ceased to work - whilst Glycinate PLUS Taurine carried on working and was cheaper. I ALWAYS take Taurine with Magnesium.

19-10-12, 21:57
I cannot believe that just after a few days of taking magnesium how different I already feel. It was funny one doctor was convinced it does nothing for anxiety and my actual doctor says its worth a go if it eases the symptoms of anxiety which is what I'm looking for. Not a cure, though I wish there was one!
I have to thank this forum so much for all the help, support and advice :D

19-10-12, 22:03
I cannot believe that just after a few days of taking magnesium how different I already feel. It was funny one doctor was convinced it does nothing for anxiety and my actual doctor says its worth a go if it eases the symptoms of anxiety which is what I'm looking for. Not a cure, though I wish there was one!
I have to thank this forum so much for all the help, support and advice :D

I'm so pleased for you Emma. It has done me wonders. Spread the word!!! :yesyes:

19-10-12, 22:48
Thanks for the tip White. I will stop taking the Calcium and just stick to taking the Magnesium and see how it goes. I'm seriously fed up of constantly feeling like I want to throw up.

19-10-12, 22:52
If you're going to H&B, be VERY careful which one you buy. They have several types. The cheapest is Magnesium Oxide, which is next to useless for absorbability. They have a Magnesium Bisglycinate - it is the best they have. It's around 5 quid for 30 tabs.

---------- Post added at 21:04 ---------- Previous post was at 21:01 ----------

You want to watch taking too much Calcium with Magnesium. Too much calcium and not enough Magnesium will have the opposite effect of what you want. Your diet probably contains enough Calcium already without supplementing.

---------- Post added at 21:05 ---------- Previous post was at 21:04 ----------


I can tell you something as well - I just came back from Jordan, where I went swimming in the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is highly concentrated in - Magnesium Chloride. Man, did I feel great after that. :D

(And yes, you can buy Magnesium Oil - which is highly absorbable - BetterYou Magnesium Oil)

---------- Post added at 21:09 ---------- Previous post was at 21:05 ----------

One year after I started a Magnesium / Taurine combination and had subsequently stopped - I went to my GP to chat about my various anxiety related issues and HE brought it up to me that he'd been reading papers on Magnesium Taurinate and how it can help with anxiety, depression and sleep. I smirked and said I knew all this and wrote down the author's name - George Eby - which he then confirmed.

Anyone wanting to know about Magnesium, depression and anxiety should read George's work. He's a wonderful guy and always replies to my emails.


Of course - you can PM me or reply to this thread :)

EDIT. Any confusion over Magnesium Taurinate/Taurate and Magnesium Glycinate.
Magnesium Glycinate and Taurine seems to be the most effective way of getting Magnesium into your body. Magnesium Taurinate is a version of Magnesium that brings both of these elements together - however, Eby noticed that it was more expensive and after a while, ceased to work - whilst Glycinate PLUS Taurine carried on working and was cheaper. I ALWAYS take Taurine with Magnesium.

Hi if you don't mind me asking we're do you buy yours from is their anywhere cheaper than holland an Barrett x

19-10-12, 23:44
Hi Lisa.

I did buy mine at H&B. Their Magnesium Bisglycinate, which appears to be fine, but seemingly less powerful than Carlson Chelated Magnesium(An American brand) - which I only picked up from George Eby's website. I got some from Ebay - 180 for about 27 quid(which work out 1p more expensive than H&B). I started taking these with Taurine and it knocked me out - sleep-wise the day I started taking them.

There does seem to be a deficit on 200mg pills in the UK, H&B do the 150mg (bis-glycinate) tablets and everywhere else does the Albion 100mg tablets. (Which you'd need to be taking 4-6 tablets a day).

I can appreciate the confusions and difficulty in knowing what to buy. Just ask or PM me. It does seem that the right Magnesium is not particularly cheap - but it works for me, so for the sake of 30 odd quid, I'll take the hit.

20-10-12, 08:11
Just thought I'd add my two penneth worth :)
I started taking Magnesium a week ago, together with Vitamin B complex, Omega 3 and Multi vitamins.
After reading this thread I opted for the glycinate form and have to say I feel much less anxious already. The constant muscle twitches I've been having for the last month are subsiding and the tip of my tongue which has been very red and tingly sore is slowly improving too.
Thank you White for all your advise and help

20-10-12, 16:56
Hi everyone,

Ive read this post with great interest and will certainly go to H&B tomorrow.

Can someone confirm the right magnesium to purchase please, the right dosage and if I need to take it with taurine? I think I will get a Vitamin B complex too.

Lastly im taking a strong opoid painkiller under a supervised painkiller addiction detox called buprenorphine or subutex. Im down to 1.2mg daily, am I ok to take these additional supplements?

Thanks in advance for your advice,


20-10-12, 17:15
Hi Aaron,

The best you'll get from H&B is their Magnesium Bisglycinate (150mg). You'll need to check the label on the back to confirm the correct one. It's this one : http://www.hollandandbarrett.com/pages/product_detail.asp?pid=450&prodid=509&cid=143

They also sell cheap Magnesium Oxide -you don't want this.

Take one, three times a day.

Magnesium is much, much better absorbed with Taurine - about 1000mg per tablet. The powder is found very cheap on Ebay. It's not strictly necessary to use it with magnesium, but I'd recommend it. Here's what George Eby says about it : http://george-eby-research.com/html/depression-anxiety.html#taurine

As for your final question - I can't really comment, as I don't know. You should check with a pharmacist or your GP. I would have thought unlikely though, as magnesium is a mineral and these don't tend to interact with medications.

20-10-12, 21:33
Thanks White I will have a look tomorrow

20-10-12, 22:47
I have been taking magnesium chelated after about 4 days i stopped because I felt worse. It might have had nothing to do with them- might have been something else.
I take asprin and cholesteral tabs and co-codomol for pain and also zantac for acid and sleeping tabs and libriam sometimes

20-10-12, 22:52
Hi Magic,

Sorry to hear that.

Can you tell me exactly what kind of Magnesium is in the tablets? (Oxide, bisglycinate, citrate, glycinate etc).

What sort of dosage were you taking?

Magnesium may not help everyone - the same as Prozac doesn't suit everyone!

Also - I can't say that with the meds you are taking, that magnesium may have a reaction with them.

Anxious lu
24-10-12, 12:40
I really want to give this a go!!

If I was to go out in the UK and buy some today where would I go and what would you recommend buying?

I live near a town which has most shops.

:-) man I hope this helps

24-10-12, 13:00
I really want to give this a go!!

If I was to go out in the UK and buy some today where would I go and what would you recommend buying?

I live near a town which has most shops.

:-) man I hope this helps


If you read literally several posts about this (post #45) it tells you what you can buy right now. :yesyes:

24-10-12, 22:37
Here's something people aren't aware of :

CUT from a PM:

"Chelated Magnesium - look at the ingredients - is it Magnesium Oxide?"

Don't take this. Oxide is a waste of space - it doesn't really absorb. It gives you Diarrhea.

"a complete hammering of intake of calcium. Calcium intake should not be higher than Magnesium intake."

If you're taking a large amount of calcium - this will negate magnesium. I eat around 300mg calcium a day, but 600mg magnesium.(calcium is found in ALL diary products - milk, cheese, yoghurt).

24-10-12, 23:52
If you're going to H&B, be VERY careful which one you buy. They have several types. The cheapest is Magnesium Oxide, which is next to useless for absorbability. They have a Magnesium Bisglycinate - it is the best they have. It's around 5 quid for 30 tabs.

---------- Post added at 21:04 ---------- Previous post was at 21:01 ----------

You want to watch taking too much Calcium with Magnesium. Too much calcium and not enough Magnesium will have the opposite effect of what you want. Your diet probably contains enough Calcium already without supplementing.

---------- Post added at 21:05 ---------- Previous post was at 21:04 ----------


I can tell you something as well - I just came back from Jordan, where I went swimming in the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is highly concentrated in - Magnesium Chloride. Man, did I feel great after that. :D

(And yes, you can buy Magnesium Oil - which is highly absorbable - BetterYou Magnesium Oil)

---------- Post added at 21:09 ---------- Previous post was at 21:05 ----------

One year after I started a Magnesium / Taurine combination and had subsequently stopped - I went to my GP to chat about my various anxiety related issues and HE brought it up to me that he'd been reading papers on Magnesium Taurinate and how it can help with anxiety, depression and sleep. I smirked and said I knew all this and wrote down the author's name - George Eby - which he then confirmed.

Anyone wanting to know about Magnesium, depression and anxiety should read George's work. He's a wonderful guy and always replies to my emails.


Of course - you can PM me or reply to this thread :)

EDIT. Any confusion over Magnesium Taurinate/Taurate and Magnesium Glycinate.
Magnesium Glycinate and Taurine seems to be the most effective way of getting Magnesium into your body. Magnesium Taurinate is a version of Magnesium that brings both of these elements together - however, Eby noticed that it was more expensive and after a while, ceased to work - whilst Glycinate PLUS Taurine carried on working and was cheaper. I ALWAYS take Taurine with Magnesium.what istaurine and how do you take it started my magnesium last thursday i dont take any thing else do i have to or is it ok to just take magnesiume thanks a bit scarey for me i dont normaly take anything but tired of mt 40yr battle so giving it ago take care trish