View Full Version : Holiday panic

04-08-06, 17:44
Help !!am getting more anxious as Monday gets nearer , am leaving to visit my sister in Spain with my husband and daughter. I really want to go but have been so anxious this past week I have barely left the house alone, can only go when my husband is with me. Part of me is so excited to be going as I haven't been abroad for about 17 years and haven't flown for 30 years!! Am just worried the panic will go major and something will happen to me that hasn't happened before. I know if I bottle out and don't go that I would be really depressed. Has anyone made themselves do something like this and was glad they did?? I have forced myself to do smaller stuff like going to London to watch my daughter in a ballet show and I was so chuffed I was on a high for weeks after. What do you think?

04-08-06, 17:51
I know exactly how you feel, Im due to go to Egypt next Sunday, and cruise and stay, I have 3 flights, and it is the first holiday in 26 years without my husband so Im petrified.
last year i flew and also felt scared. I made a "rescue bag "up which I will do again this year, in it I have my music, including relaxation, rescue remedy or alternative, and something to keep me occupied, blue tac to fiddle and pull and stretch, (my lifesaver) crossword books, I spend the whole journey thinking about what is at the other end.
I am sure once you are on yur way you will be fine , it is the thinking about it,xxxxxxxxxxx

04-08-06, 18:13
Hi fairygirl

I flew to spain in may with my daughter and my friend and her duaghter and I was fraught with nerves. I coped by changing my thoughts to that of excitement instread of fear and I coped well. There were a few times I had a panic attack and felt unwell with anxiety but nothing Bad happened. I told myself that having a panic attack is the same no matter where I was, whether in spain or in my living room at home.
From now until monday do plenty relaxation, watch how you chatter to yourself, if you start having negative doubts, change them. the calmer u are between now and monday will help you immensely.

when i landed back home, i was on cloud nine, another achievement and another step towards getting over anxiety.

take care and have a good time


........life is for living not just for surviving

04-08-06, 18:47
Hi there, when i joined this site a few years back, i was exactly the same, i printed off all advice here (type in search and it will come up how people coped in their different ways) i took with me all my little comforts, i was prepared for everything and anything, but it was absolutely fine....in fact, when i looked around the plane there were people who looked worse than me (not poss. in my opinion) You will go, your hubby with be with you. you will enjoy, once there, make it your new safe environment for the time being, your panic will be no worse whereever you are- you can and will do it. enjoy!!!!! and let us know how much you enjoyed on your return......x

04-08-06, 19:00

I am on my holidays in USA and had four different airports/delays to deal with. Yes I have my hubby and in-laws and my ten yr old, but they can be insignificant while in a PA.

The best thing I can say is that anyone who is on the aeroplane etc is that you will not have to see them again!

The last flight I had, I had a major PA and told passengers I had PA's about travel. I rearranged the whole seating on the last flight as I was meant to sit on my own. Yet other people I did not know seemed unimportant.

Before I left for the USA I would joke with hubby that if I had a major PA I would end up flying the plane! Unfortunately I had an 8 hour flight between UK and USA, luckily for others I did not fly the plane!

You do not have to see the people you fly with again and I guess that is part of what helped me through!

I am sorry I cannot give you more.

Take care of yourself.

04-08-06, 19:15
Thanks folks for the good advice, knowing that others have done it and got through it and maybe even enjoyed a holiday!! helps reassure me. I will be letting you all know what happened when I get back.
Wendy x

polly daydream
04-08-06, 20:51
Hi Wendy, all I can say is have a wonderfull time sweet, I'm sure once you get there you will be fine, you can do it.

Take care,

Polly x

05-08-06, 12:50
Hi wendy,

i went on holiday in june to turkey and like you for about 2 weeks before, i had the if's, whats, maybe's, even when i was getting on the train to the airport my heart was pounding even when i got on the plane i thought oh my god please dont let anything happen to me now, but guess what, i went i didnt bottle out, i had a great time , and i have even booked another holiday for october. its really hard to try and stay focused and as it gets nearer to going the thought of it is a nightmare, but you will get on the plane and you will have a great time. just keep thinking positive and im sure you will be fine, looking forward to reading your sucess story on here

take care

ruth x x