View Full Version : Panic attack happening now!! I cant do this!

28-09-12, 19:52
I am having a big panic attack, I can't calm down!! I can't do this I'm so scared and it won't go away!! I'm on my own with my 11 year old sister and I don't want to freak her out! Everythngs scary and I'm freaking out!! What should I do! I'm scared!

28-09-12, 19:59
Sorry you are experincing this. Breath, deep slow breaths

28-09-12, 19:59
It can not harm you hannah just let it pass, focus on your surroundings and not the feelings. It is just an adrenaline rush and it will soon go, it cannot harm you :hugs:

28-09-12, 19:59
I just posted this to edwards thread......
I've always believed you have an attack and then you panic.... I haven't panicked in years now due to this way of thinking...
An attack is the feelings coming on, sometimes for no reason, the heart starts racing, dizzy etc.... It's the thoughts you then add that build adrenaline and leads to panic.... The thoughts of oh god what's happening, I'm going o faint, I'm going to have heart attack....those thoughts cause the panic to build up..... So I learnt to just let the attack to happen, and just say, ok I'm having an attack, but I'm not paying attention to it....and without fuel (adrenaline)it just dies off....
Basically it's the oh my god what's happening thoughts that are building up the adrenaline, go distract yourself, clean or anything to stop your current way of thinking

28-09-12, 20:00
Remember its just adrenilin and you will be ok. Big hugs xx

28-09-12, 20:02
I just posted this to edwards thread......
I've always believed you have an attack and then you panic.... I haven't panicked in years now due to this way of thinking...
An attack is the feelings coming on, sometimes for no reason, the heart starts racing, dizzy etc.... It's the thoughts you then add that build adrenaline and leads to panic.... The thoughts of oh god what's happening, I'm going o faint, I'm going to have heart attack....those thoughts cause the panic to build up..... So I learnt to just let the attack to happen, and just say, ok I'm having an attack, but I'm not paying attention to it....and without fuel (adrenaline)it just dies off....
Basically it's the oh my god what's happening thoughts that are building up the adrenaline, go distract yourself, clean or anything to stop your current way of thinking

This works for me too. I don't feed it. I accept it's happening and it dies off. I really anxious today and on the verge but have distracted all day so have not had the panic

28-09-12, 20:39
Thank you all again for your replies!! They have helped and I have calmed down a bit.
The thing is its not the symptoms at the moment like dizzy, racing heart. Its the weird thoughts I keep having. They sound weird to everyone but I'll try and explain. I keep thinking about the earth and how its to big, the skys to big and I don't know what's underneath me. To me when I look out the window its a straight line as far as the eye can see but then I think about how we are on a ball and there's so much stuff on this world. Its like I've never thought about the earth before, it was just here but now its like I can see it all and its really big and weird. Its freaking me out! Why is this happening to me, I'm scared!! All I keep thinking is what's under me what is under me!! Am I losing it?

28-09-12, 20:47
Sounds like a bit of de-realization, anxiety sypmton, - and anxiety does induce questioning life, why we are here, lots of other deep stuff....
your not losing it, ive had the similar thoughts in the past.....

28-09-12, 20:57
Hello Stormsky, thank you for your reply t has made me feel better. Its just so weird isn't it, I can't help but feel like I'm cracking up even though I know its just the anxiety, I'm scared of biig thngs anyway like planes, boats etc but know it feels like the world is to big and its scaring me. Does anyone how long derealization lasts for and what's a good way to get rid of it? I know its like asking how longs a piece of strings its just I need a little reassurance!!
You've all been great again thank you!! X x x x

28-09-12, 21:03
It depends on your level of anxiety, as its a symtpon... but its catch 22, the dereaslization makes you more anxious.... and then you suffer more derealization.... youve got to try and ignore it, change your thought process, and you need to deal with whats causing the anxiety in the first place.....
i suffered depersonalisation and derealization on and off for a very long time, dont get it much at all these days, but then im not anxious much anymore...

28-09-12, 21:08
Been there tonight girl. I know how you feel. This too shall pass. Be safe and I hope you feel better real soon. I know how frightening it can be. Suffered on myself tonight :-)

28-09-12, 22:25
Hey hope you're ok. The derealization stuff is scary but cant harm you.

28-09-12, 22:51
Please be sure to check out my thread.
