View Full Version : I Feel Like An Utter Failure Over A Panic Attack.

28-09-12, 20:56
Hello guys,

I joined the for forum today with high spirits and wanted to share my story. I suffer from "Generalized Anxiety Disorder" (GAD) and posted my story here. I was feeling great today and so positive I thought that Panic Attacks were on the thing of the past. I posted my story, bragged about how I had overcome the crippling illness that is Agoraphobia, and then a huge panic attack happened. I seriously thought that it was a stroke/heart attack and was convinced that my time was up. Right now I feel like a complete and utter fool. I aired my symptoms in public, desperate to find an answer as to why I was feeling that way, and right now the shame has kicked in and I feel lousy. I am on Lyrica (150mg Daily), Zyprexa (25mg Nightly) and Zispin/Mirap (30mg nightly). I took these pills tonight as I always do and now the anxiety has passed, but the upset and shame remains. I called a Doctor because I seriously thought I was going to die, but from the replies I got from my previous thread made me think twice and accept what was happening to me tonight. Right now I am so low in my mood and feeling ashamed about how I acted on the forum. I was begging for Valium, being totally irrational and basically making a total fool of myself. I'm sorry if I upset anyone. That certainly wasn't my intention.

28-09-12, 21:09
If we were all perfect, we wouldn't be here Edward, so don't beat yourself up about it. Tomorrow is a new day.:D

28-09-12, 21:12
You havent made a fool of yourself... panic attacks are scary, and no one here will judge you... weve all been there at one time or another...
Perhaps because you took the step to join today, and you put your story out there in words, reliving all youve been through in words, that it was all a bit much and may have caused the added anx tonight?
I personally dont feel that talking about it all the time helps recovery in the long run, ive read that you shouldnt spend all day reading about anx, talking about it... you cant overcome it if you spend all your time consumed in thinking about it...
but on the flip side, it does help people to join sites like this, to know they are not alone or going crazy....
ive been to hell and back myself over 12yrs, but have come out the other side, been med free for over a year now too...

28-09-12, 21:12
You did not upset anyone, we are here to help each other and I am pleased that we were able to do that for you tonight. You have nothing to be ashamed of at all, we have all been there and we are here to support, you have not made a fool of yourself. Be proud of yourself for accepting the advice and not needing to be sedated that is a positive for you.

28-09-12, 21:18
Annie, I realized that I don't need to be sedated everytime an attack happens. I can overcome this without Diazepam or Ativan to help relieve the symptoms. Storm, you made me realize that I need to go through this and not resort to being sedated. The panic attack has passed, just feeling lousy right now and feel like it was a step back, especially since I was begging for sedatives. I'm sure this will pass and I'm so very sorry that you have had a rough long years.

28-09-12, 21:26
Dont dwell on what happened tonight, it wont help, just tell yourself its a blip... and let it go...dont ever beat yourself up ..
tomorrows another day!

28-09-12, 21:28
And tomorrow I intend to put these shameful feeling behind me. Thanks for tonight mate, you were amazing. I can't thank you enough for what you did for me :-)

28-09-12, 21:32
And tomorrow I intend to put these shameful feeling behind me. Thanks for tonight mate, you were amazing. I can't thank you enough for what you did for me :-)

I assume you mean annie, if you quote Annies post before you post back, she'll know your above thanks was for her

28-09-12, 21:36
My thanks goes to both of you :-)