View Full Version : Seeing an Osteopath - my diary

29-09-12, 01:15
I was told about 2 years ago I had carpal tunnel syndrome and this was causing my numb arms and hands and pins and needles at night.

Move forward to 2011 and I had nerve conduction tests and they were normal so they suggested a hydrocrotisone injection which I had in my left wrist as this was causing me more problems than the right one.

This did nothing at all apart from give me a numb hand for a day.

Basically I am being woken up all night with the numbness and it was starting to get me down so went back to docs 3 weeks ago and he said he did not think it was carpal tunnel and to try an osteopath.

I had an assessment appointment last week and the first real session today.

All of my problems are in my neck and upper back apparently and I arch my back when standing and push my head forward. This is quite common he said with women with larger chests as they compensate for the breasts by arching the back to support them.

So today I had the manipulation or whatever they do.

It was quite painful as I am really tense and I did not like it when they crack your neck and back as the noise sends shivers down my spine (like when someone cracks their knuckles).

I came home and have been absolutely knackered all day and I have a nagging pain in my head - more like tension than an actual headache and tension in my neck that has been freaking me out as my worst anxiety symptom is a swallowing problem so this made it worse.

I am hoping it works so will update you over the next few weeks.

The reason I am posting this is that a lot of headaches and numbness of limbs is caused by problems like mine that can be easily fixed apparently.

So if you get numbness, headaches, tension in head, neck, shoulders, back etc then please do consider an osteopath.

It is not available on the NHS and it cost me £40 for a 20 minute appointment today so quite a lot of money to find if you are on a low income like me but I had to do something to help me sleep at night!

Will update more tomorrow if I have noticed any difference.

30-09-12, 23:38
Neck really stiff today - can't really turn it very far. This is normal apparently.

No improvement yet with the numb arms/hands when sleeping.

30-09-12, 23:47
Hey Nicola, I hope this treatment works for you. Sorry to hear your neck was really stiff today, probably due to all the manipulation. Good luck with it and I really hope you feel some benefit soon :hugs: Kitti xx

30-09-12, 23:53
Thank you for taking the time to reply Kitti

fozzy is crying
01-10-12, 00:12
Gosh I hope works long term for you. I have had cervical spondylosis throughout my spine fully diagnosed 34 years ago at what is now The Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases in Bath. At the time they said it was almost certain I had had it for at least 10 years. Unfortunately I was strongly advised by the consultant never to have any chiropractic or osteopathic treatment as it would do more damage than good. I therefore suffer pain day and night and with age has increased and reduced at times my mobility severely.

It has over the years all let to several permanently trapped nerves which give me not only increased pain in the neck and lower back but also my right hip and right leg to my toes, also the whole of my left arm. Being left handed that is a big problem. When I sleep if I turn onto my left side I wake up with most of my left side either numb or in pain and pins and needles. Being on very high levels of painkillers mean I have to have very regular across the board blood tests particularly in those tests looking at renal problems being causes by the painkillers.

I have been also advised any operation would be too dangerous and with a less than 25% chance of success. If it went wrong I would be paralysed from the point of the operation downwards and as the worse is in my neck I would be paralysed form the neck down not up as most will tell you. Lol

The problem also is for lower back problems exercise is very good, like walking bit for neck area it is better to be sat with the neck supported.. So having both I am in a catch 22.

01-10-12, 19:08
Hi Nic I am actively seeing an osteopath for various problems relating to my neck, spine and shoulder. Last year I had a frozen shoulder which is now 99% cured. I also have long term problems with my back. No obvious diagnosis has been made but now the osteopath treats the symptoms and frees up the joints. Last year and earlier this year I was off work with torn ligaments and muscle strain. He thinks it might be a disc problem but I am waiting for another flare up before I go back to the consultant. As you know I am unable to take/tolerate most pain killers so finding something else to relieve the pain is a godsend. I was seeing A under BUPA but he has now come out of the scheme. I pay £42.00 for half an hour. If I have a flare up I can still see his colleague for six sessions and then BUPA review. He also practices Cranial Osteopathy which is not the type that you are experiencing and does not involve cracking and crunching of the bones rather gentle massage of the painful areas. Sometimes I have to lie on the couch and he cradles my coccyx in his hands. It is very powerful and I feel intense heat. It is easy not to giggle or wriggle around. I usually have my treatment in my underwear and a camisole top (for modesty) I went to someone previously and I wore a gown (very odd) she was performing the treatment over the gown. He is not allowed to use anti inflammatory gel because of my other meds. I usually have some sort of oil. I would recommend him to anyone living in the Essex area. EJ

01-10-12, 20:12
Hi, just found this and will be interested to follow and see how you do. I saw my chiropracter last week for my neck and shoulder problems. He did a really thorough neuro exam and everything was normal that way. He did some manipulations, although I could hardly feel them, he was really light. I never would have guessed they could make a difference. He also did an ultrasound treatment.

The rest of the day and the next morning I felt a bit worse, headaches back, tightness, etc but since then have actually felt quite a bit better. This was Friday morning when I had my first appointment... I'm going today after work, wednesday after work, and then reassess to see my progress. If no progress, he's ordering up some xrays. But I think I'll have decent progress by then. Mine is all at the base of my skull and then spreads downwards, causing lots of headaches. I can't say mine is due to a large chest though, I'm lacking in that department!!!! Just bad luck and an old car accident I guess.

I've been told I can't take ibuprofin anymore bc of my anti-depressant and tylenol doesn't do anything for me, so I've been using Arnica cream ... it's natural and actually has helped a little to lessen stiffness. I'd recommend trying it if you do have stiff muscles associated with your troubles.

I hope you start to feel better!!! How has it been going? When do you go back?


01-10-12, 21:32
Nic I sometimes feel quite unwell after a treatment and want to sleep. If you have been feeling like this then it is entirely normal. EJ

01-10-12, 21:56
Thanks for your input Fozzy, EJ and swgrl

I have been feeling rubbish since Friday. A little better today but I came home from work at 11.15am today and went back to bed cos I was so tired.

I have had headaches on and off that I never get and the neck is still stiff.

I am going back tomorrow so will see what he says but I am sure it is "normal".

I will update tomorrow evening after the next session.

fozzy is crying
01-10-12, 22:57
Hi Nic I am actively seeing an osteopath for various problems relating to my neck, spine and shoulder. Last year I had a frozen shoulder which is now 99% cured. I also have long term problems with my back. No obvious diagnosis has been made but now the osteopath treats the symptoms and frees up the joints. Last year and earlier this year I was off work with torn ligaments and muscle strain. He thinks it might be a disc problem but I am waiting for another flare up before I go back to the consultant. As you know I am unable to take/tolerate most pain killers so finding something else to relieve the pain is a godsend. I was seeing A under BUPA but he has now come out of the scheme. I pay £42.00 for half an hour. If I have a flare up I can still see his colleague for six sessions and then BUPA review. He also practices Cranial Osteopathy which is not the type that you are experiencing and does not involve cracking and crunching of the bones rather gentle massage of the painful areas. Sometimes I have to lie on the couch and he cradles my coccyx in his hands. It is very powerful and I feel intense heat. It is easy not to giggle or wriggle around. I usually have my treatment in my underwear and a camisole top (for modesty) I went to someone previously and I wore a gown (very odd) she was performing the treatment over the gown. He is not allowed to use anti inflammatory gel because of my other meds. I usually have some sort of oil. I would recommend him to anyone living in the Essex area. EJ

Grrrr I would have to pay a Lady to allow me to hold her bottom in my hands :blush:

But the serious reason I am answering your post I am interested in your anti inflammatory gel problem

I use it a lot when I cannot take any more pills. What medication are you one that prevent its use. I perhaps should not be using it either. I have not been given it by my own Doctor and it was recommended by a chemist in Canada when I was there some years ago and I could not move never mind walk with back pain. Even then I was on high daily dosages of painkillers and even more now.


01-10-12, 23:04
I can't use anti inflammatory gel either because of medication I am on for crohn's

fozzy is crying
01-10-12, 23:27
I can't use anti inflammatory gel either because of medication I am on for crohn's

Gosh you as well Nicola. Perhaps I should ask my Doc to see it I should not be using it.

This site is amazing I learn someone everyday. Thank you so much for all you and this site does for us all.

02-10-12, 00:10
The particular one I am talking about is Voltarol Fozzy and thank you for the kind words

fozzy is crying
02-10-12, 00:42
The particular one I am talking about is Voltarol Fozzy and thank you for the kind words

No need to thank me ever.

Yep it is Voltarol gel I was recommended in Canada as having a much better active ingredient than Ibuprofen. It is a damn sight cheaper in Canada than here if you have to get it over the counter and you can get it over the counter in the largest size available. I also take it as pills [diclofenac] in high dosages when I get cluster migraines.


p.s. off topic as promised but I know you have lots to look at have sent you a pm re what you asked on a thread about my not being able to work.

02-10-12, 00:56
I got your PM thanks and will reply

Actually the reason I shouldn't use it is because of the Crohn's and not necessarily the medication I am on to treat it as it has an effect on the bowel.

03-10-12, 18:07
Glad you appt went well. I have appt a week Friday with a really good clinic I hope. I have used an osteopath before with great results. I did go last week to a new one and it was rubbish, did nothing. So have had to pick another one, which is further to travel but hopefully worth it. Anything to get rid of these headaches x