View Full Version : Fear of scarey thoughts and images

29-09-12, 05:19

I have had anxiety on and on for five years now. A year ago I stopped taking Lexapro and whilst had anxiety attacks occassionally I managed ok.

However recently things have got on top of me, I have been looking for work for almost a year as the previous job I was in was only on a short term contract basis ( I think this greatly added to my anxiety as I only knew I had work for 2 months at a time and each time the work was overseas). After applying for about 200 jobs I finally got what you could say is a dream job in Fiji.

However my anxiety has come back massively. I used to work with people with Schizophrenia when my anxiety first started, it was a horrible job and of course I was terrified I was developing the condition too. At that time when I first started taking Lexapro I had some terrible nightmares and scarey images.

So now my anxiety has developed into a fear of going mad and I check to see if I am 'going mad'. I imagine what it would be like, I imagine scary images and then push them out of my mind to show myself I can control them. Though I am always on edge in case one day I cant control them, particularly if I have a panic attack, so I dont want to go to far away from my 'comfort zones'. My doctor has put me back on Lexapro which is a relief and I have been taking it for one week now, i know for me it makes me feel worse at the beginning. I am hoping these feelings and thoughts subside before I go to Fiji in a weeks time and am terrified they won't. I am terrified these scarey images and thoughts will take over my mind.

I feel I need extra support at this time from people who understand and so it would be great to hear from anyone who has a similar problem or anyone that understands.

Many thanks


29-09-12, 15:04
Sorry to here your having a bad time ,I also have these thoughts, dreams and images and remember thats all they are ,they are not real ,its unreal to think what anxiety can do to a person ,hopefully your medication will start to help you. Try and focus on the nice things like your holiday and try and get some rest hope you do well and have a lovely holiday :hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TAKE CARE