View Full Version : Can anybody reassure me - tummy/back pain?

04-08-06, 19:27
Hello all...!

Could do with some reassurance yet again as I have been doing good for the last 10 weeks etc but one of my old symtoms has reappeared.

It all started Sunday night.
I woke up in the night with bad stomach ache (I did eat late).
I then had to go the toilet (approx 30 mins), which the pain then settled.

I went to work Monday worrying about it (sounds stupid but I did) and I appear to of carried the slight tummy pain with me ever since and my lower back hurts a little.

The pain is only about 2 out of 10 for the back and the tummy is mostly 3 out of 10 but at times does go quite strong and I have to visit the toilet.

I had this about 9 months ago as I also suffer at times with frequent urination and had all tests under the sun and everything was normal for the frequent urination etc.

1) Could anxiety cause my lower back and tummy ache feeling?
2) If I had tests done 9 months ago, surly nothing could of happened since then could it?

04-08-06, 19:37
Hi Red,

Sounds like my IBS symptoms. I have tummy pains and lower back pains, these are on and off since February this year. One of the definitions of IBS is pain relieved on defaecation. IBS comes and goes with no real rhyme or reason.

I think my lower back pain is muscle tension, due to anxiety. Like your's it isn't excrutiatingly painful but I am aware of it and it restricts the positions I sit or lay in.

If your symptoms are similar to that 9 months ago, then I would assume just same problem. Anything to be concerned about would be worsening over time, not come and go. Therefore if you've had 10 weeks where it's not a problem, then Id say it definitely sounds like the return of your existing problems, not nothing new or nothing worse.

Hope this helps. Maybe a warm bath would help ease your aches and pains, and can anyone give you a back and abdominal massage?


05-08-06, 08:56
Hi i have the lower back sometimes tummy ache, i get it on and off most days and have done since my anxiety started and like caroline says it sometimes restricts the positions you lay or sit in..im sure its muscle tension mine seems to move around my body its currentley in my chest at minute!
Have you tried a ho****er bottle on your achey areas...it always helps me, or have a warm bath and relax

05-08-06, 17:46
I've been to the docs with abdominal pain a couple times and got injected with more dyes and radiation than I care to think about. During my last bout, one of my kidneys was slightly swollen and my ureter was restricted. A subsequent CAT scan came up negative and my urologist determined I must have passed a small uric acid stone (too much protein he said) between tests. My symtoms were very similar to yours. The funny thing is, the x-rays showed all my problems on the right side, but my pain was on the left [:O] My advice for the next few days...

-Eat lots of fruit
-Drink copius amounts of water
-a heating pad works wonderful

If it's anything like what I had, it will soon pass:D punn well intended. I'm proof that kidney stones aren't necessarily deadly painful every time.

05-08-06, 19:02
anxiety causes both these although i feel less so the back pain for me any way

does it hurt when you go to the toilet, des it feel like it could be a urine infection,

either way it does seem as if the anxiety is doing what it does to us all , running us down in many ways

hope this helps


05-08-06, 19:55
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">anxiety causes both these although i feel less so the back pain for me any way

does it hurt when you go to the toilet, des it feel like it could be a urine infection,

either way it does seem as if the anxiety is doing what it does to us all , running us down in many ways

hope this helps


<div align="right">Originally posted by jackie - 05 August 2006 : 20:02:34</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">


I have been going the toilet ok, no pain!


06-08-06, 10:47
With this being on my mind, could it be me who is keeping it going, putting wood on the fire etc.?

06-08-06, 13:46
oh yes absolutely and by god we are all experts at that

i get alot of upper back pain and i know that that too is a sign of tension and never really relxaing so i know it can definitely be a factor.

as for the stomach pain and discomfort definitely anxiety and it can be the worst symptom for many people but the fact is that i focus so much on the chest and heart thing that i almost never notice it but it is there all the time


06-08-06, 19:32
In Claire Weeks book, she referrers to a churning stomach?

What does she mean?

07-08-06, 19:39
I have this a lot and I have been diagnosed with IBS.

I find that bread, pasta and other wheat based products can make it worse if I eat too much of them.

IBS is very closely linked to stress and anxiety.

Jo Fitzgerald

07-08-06, 19:55
I might go doctors tomorrow but I'm sure he will put it down to anxiety as always.