View Full Version : Eyes and dizziness

29-09-12, 15:09
For the last few months ive noticed a bright flash occasionally happening in the corner my left eye, sometimes both eyes. More noticable in dim light.
Ive had terrible shoulder and neck tension too. I went to the doctor and she did my BP 164/100, she wasnt too concerned just said to keep an eye on it.
Shes made me an appointment at the eye hospital to have that checked. Im terrified of anything to do with eyes!!!!
Ive also woke up dizzy a few times, but now am dizzy 24/7, doctors given me pills for labarynthitis, they arent helping at all.

The headaches are daily too, I spoke again to a better doctor in the practice, she said that it isnt the BP causing the dizziness and the headaches.
Im getting myself in a real state, worrying and feeling panicy all the time.

Could this be another attack of the dreaded panic? I take 50mg sertaline and 10mg amitripylane daily and have done for years.

Im terrified i have a retina problem and that is the BP getting higher and higher
thanks for reading xxx

29-09-12, 15:16
If you can go to your a and e! Don't panic. But I had this, and I went to a and e and they tested the front of my eyes and checked the back of them the next day. Everything came back fine. Was diagnosed with ocular migraines, but have been ok since I was tested. Seems to be a symptom of panic. Do you have floaters too, as I have. Sometimes the vision in one eye used to go around in a circle. Very scary but harmless x

29-09-12, 15:22
I live quite close to an Eye hospital in London, but to be honest im terrified to go. I cant stand them looking at my eyes. My appointment is for the 6th Nov and im panicing even now.
Yes Ive had floaters for years and i also have aides tonic pupil ( 1 pupil is smaller than the other) had this for 15 years.
Never had the visual circle thing Thank god!!!!
Seems the only time im symptom free is when im asleep, which is more often than not lately. xx

29-09-12, 15:52
I know it is scary. I was terrified. But it was so quick. I went to kings college in London. They were brilliant there! Absolutely brilliant. Would say you should go to put your mind at rest. If there is something wrong, it can be fixed x

29-09-12, 19:51
Thanks honey, I do live near to Moorfields eye hospital and think I will try and find the courage to pop along to A&E. To wait until Nov is quite along time for a panicker!!!

29-09-12, 20:25
Yes there is a procedure they have to follow with eye problems and that is why I got an appointment 24 hours after a and e. give it a go. You will be ok promise xxxxx

29-09-12, 20:49
Hi, I was told that when your anxious and on edge you notice shadows and normal flashes/lines of light alot more, when normally when totally relaxed they are there you just don't notice them.

29-09-12, 20:59
Awe thanks so much Supersal im going to try and remain calm and sort this out.
Panic12, You know what you are right, Im so in tune with my eyes at the moment that im noticing every shadow, blur, even holding my eyes in a strange way with tense muscles.
I was convinced it was my high blood pressure but apparently it would have to be through the roof to cause symptoms.
My eye feels odd kind of gritty and tired and the flashes happen randomly.
Thanks so much xxxx

29-09-12, 22:10
Let me know how you get on xxxxx

06-11-12, 20:55
Hi supersal

Just to let you know I've been to the hospital had the tests and thank god
My eyes are fine.
Thanks again for all your help it means so much xxx

07-11-12, 08:00
Really glad you're ok love

Have you got any closer to finding out what's wrong?

I have some weird eye stuff going on tired and diZzy all the time etc

Saw gp yesterday and he said my blood pressure was bordering on high dontbknow exactly what it was wish I'd asked now!

He's doing a full lot of blood tests but wouldn't send me for mri etc
