View Full Version : Silly Things Setting Off Attacks Today

28-09-12, 19:17
I'm suffering a panic attack. It hasn't reached a peak yet, but my vision is going blurry, I have a pain down my arm, my heart is pounding, I have tingling sensations all over my face and it's hard to breath. I'm trying my best to get out of it but it seems to be winning. It's times like this I wish I had the quick solution and could swallow a Valium and a Ativan. Terrified right now and find it hard to breath and my mouth is going dry and I'm connived I'm choking.

28-09-12, 19:19
You won't choke and it can not harm you, just take some deep breaths and let your stomach relax.

28-09-12, 19:21
Go outside and get some fresh air. I always find being cool helps me. Sorry to hear you're experiencing this, I really feel for you. Do you know what brought it on? Take some deep breaths and try to calm yourself down. Hope it passes soon.

28-09-12, 19:21
I'm doing breathing exercises Annie. I have to realize that I'm not going to die and that this will pass. It's just the pain down the arm. I get convinced that it's a heart attack because the signs of a heart attack are a pumping heart and a pain down the arm.

28-09-12, 19:25
it will soon pass just give it time to pass

---------- Post added at 19:23 ---------- Previous post was at 19:22 ----------

it is just adrenaline...you are in no danger

---------- Post added at 19:25 ---------- Previous post was at 19:23 ----------

It is normal for you to be feeling afraid and I know it is uncomfortable but it will soon pass

28-09-12, 19:26
Reaching a peak Annie. Breathing is so hard. I just took a Lyrica to help relax, but they take up to a half hour to kick in. Just breathing as best I can.

28-09-12, 19:28
Edward I have sent you a private message

28-09-12, 19:28
I'm doing breathing exercises Annie. I have to realize that I'm not going to die and that this will pass. It's just the pain down the arm. I get convinced that it's a heart attack because the signs of a heart attack are a pumping heart and a pain down the arm.


Try to think of a place and time that you where at your happiest and focus on that because if you put all you attention into the panic attack it will take longer.
Don't over think your breathing just try to do something that has a rhythm I find tapping my fingers in a slow constant motion ie: 1 2 3 4 helps bring my breath rate down..

But most off all STOP your heart is fine you are fine :)

28-09-12, 19:33
I've always believed you have an attack and then you panic.... I haven't panicked in years now due to this way of thinking...
An attack is the feelings coming on, sometimes for no reason, the heart starts racing, dizzy etc.... It's the thoughts you then add that build adrenaline and leads to panic.... The thoughts of oh god what's happening, I'm going o faint, I'm going to have heart attack....those thoughts cause the panic to build up..... So I learnt to just let the attack to happen, and just say, ok I'm having an attack, but I'm not paying attention to it....and without fuel (adrenaline)it just dies off....

28-09-12, 19:34
Easing off XtremX. Got a bit frightened there for a minute and begged my partner to call a Doctor to sedate me. He refused and is currently talking me through it by remembering good times we had together. Thank you so much for your advice. Annie, I'm replying to you right now :-)

28-09-12, 19:34
That is very good advice Stormsky

28-09-12, 19:39
Guys. This numb feeling in my face and throat isn't going away and my breathing is still shallow. I seriously need a Diazepam injection right now.

28-09-12, 19:41
It will go away, you just need to try and calm yourself down, focus on your surroundings and not on how you are feeling.

28-09-12, 19:50
I can't breathe Annie. The panic is sky high. I got my partner to ring a Doctor. I'm having a heart attack, a stroke or a brain aneurysm. I know I am. I want to go back into the ward. There I felt safe with the medical team around me and could easily get something to calm me.

28-09-12, 19:53
The numb feeling id just because you been over breathing or the other thing is because of tension the the neck muscles can cause numbness around the throat and upto the cheek and jaw area.

Plus the one thing you are doing is still being here on the forum typing that should tell you alot that you are having nothing more than a panic attack.

28-09-12, 19:56
These are all normal feeling from a panic attack and as soon as you calm yourself down they will go. :hugs:

28-09-12, 20:05
I ALWAYS get a numb face and heavy painful arms. Breathe and positive thoughts!! You will be fine!!

28-09-12, 20:12
Still able to reply to posts so I'm sure there is nothing serious wrong. Feel like an utter fool now and I'm thinking back to the time I was in the Psychiatric ward and suffered a panic attack. The OT (Occupational Therapist) came and sat on my bed, talked me through the panic attack and when it passed the usual feelings of dread and shame came upon me (Did I make a fool of myself? What are they thinking about me now? They must be laughing at me because I got up in the middle of OT, scratching at my throat for air and generally making an utter fool of myself). So low right now and still waiting for the Doctor to come out and sedate me. I'm so sorry guys ok?

28-09-12, 20:15
No need to be sorry, but you need to see it for what it is, in case it happens again....you can't keep being sedated every time you get an attack......

28-09-12, 20:16
There is no reason for you to apologise at all, most of us here have all been in that same scary place. It is really frightening when it is happening, I am just pleased that you have managed to calm down more now. Try to relax for the rest of the evening, I am sure you are feeling quite exhausted now. sending you :hugs::hugs:

28-09-12, 20:25
It's drained me Annie. Stormsky, you are right. I can't be expecting to be sedated all the time. I have rang the Doctor and cancelled him. I don't need Valium. It's passing. I'm really sorry if I worried anyone. Will be posting a thread son regarding what happened.

28-09-12, 20:30
Pleased you are calmer now, you just have to remember next time that it WILL pass and you just have to let it go until it does and know that it can NOT harm you. Have a relaxing evening now, take care.

28-09-12, 20:45
You too Annie, and thank you so much :-)

28-09-12, 20:46
No problem :)

28-09-12, 22:06
Hiya guys,

I'm going back into hospital again due to GAD (Generaized Anxiety Disorder). I've been suffering for weeks now on and off. I just had the Doctor around and he believes that "Time Out" will do me good. I have to pack my bags now and get ready to go, but I just wanted to update people after my panic attack tonight. I don't know what will happen to me in there, but I suspect that they will put me through Occupational Therapy and help me manage my life again. The bed has already been booked and I am expected at the Psychiatric ward in an hour (I have to go through ED first to wait for the Doctor), but I'm sure the admission will be a fast process. Just letting people know that I won't be around for a while. Keep safe everyone and remember that panic attacks can't beat us. I'm going in due to hyper manic episodes and panic.

28-09-12, 22:12
Good luck Edward xx

28-09-12, 22:14
Take care Edward, hope you are back with us soon :hugs:

28-09-12, 22:24
take care x

28-09-12, 22:41
So sorry Edward, stay positive!

jude uk
29-09-12, 00:43
Thinking of you bro

29-09-12, 15:23
Hiya guys,

Following the attack last night the Lyrica helped me to sleep and I rested for a few hours in bed. This morning I was feeling very positive and the panic was gone. I went into the shower like I do every day, but this morning while washing my hair the water went up my nose and I went into complete panic mode. I thought that it was going to stop me breathing. I hyperventilated and stood back from the water shaking and with my heart pounding (Panic attack #1). I couldn't even stand back under the shower to wash the shampoo out of my hair (This stems from my Dad's friend telling my years ago that if water goes directly up your nose that you could suffocate).

So, I hopped out of the shower and took some deep breaths. I had no symptoms of panic, just the heart racing and the hyperventilation which calmed as I got away from the water. Things went back to normal and myself and my boyfriend were online checking out holiday destinations for next year's summer holiday (Because of the Agoraphobia we didn't get to go anywhere this year) when suddenly I become obsessed that there was blood in my stomach and up my nose. As I obsessed about this the numbness, tingling, heart racing took over and bang (Panic attack #2), I was in the middle of another panic attack. I had to take an extra Lyrica to calm me, but this took up to an hour to kick in and in the meantime I was obsessed about blood and a bleeding brain. Full blown attack and I had to escape because I was clutching at my throat fearing that the worst was going to happen.

The strange thing is, even after last night's attack when none of the horrible deaths I had imagined me having didn't come true, today all logic was gone out the window and I was "Preparing" myself for the worst to come. I envisioned the hemorrhage, with blood on the brain and then blood flowing out of my eyes, ears, nose and throat, the ambulance coming too late and my dying in the worst possible way.

I've calmed down since then, but I'm still very anxious. Am I being silly, or has anyone else ever experienced panic and envisioning the worst possible death in the middle of an attack?

I had a feeling that every single feeling in my body will set me off today.

fozzy is crying
29-09-12, 15:33
Hiya guys,

Following the attack last night the Lyrica helped me to sleep and I rested for a few hours in bed. This morning I was feeling very positive and the panic was gone. I went into the shower like I do every day, but this morning while washing my hair the water went up my nose and I went into complete panic mode. I thought that it was going to stop me breathing. I hyperventilated and stood back from the water shaking and with my heart pounding (Panic attack #1). I couldn't even stand back under the shower to wash the shampoo out of my hair (This stems from my Dad's friend telling my years ago that if water goes directly up your nose that you could suffocate).

So, I hopped out of the shower and took some deep breaths. I had no symptoms of panic, just the heart racing and the hyperventilation which calmed as I got away from the water. Things went back to normal and myself and my boyfriend were online checking out holiday destinations for next year's summer holiday (Because of the Agoraphobia we didn't get to go anywhere this year) when suddenly I become obsessed that there was blood in my stomach and up my nose. As I obsessed about this the numbness, tingling, heart racing took over and bang (Panic attack #2), I was in the middle of another panic attack. I had to take an extra Lyrica to calm me, but this took up to an hour to kick in and in the meantime I was obsessed about blood and a bleeding brain. Full blown attack and I had to escape because I was clutching at my throat fearing that the worst was going to happen.

The strange thing is, even after last night's attack when none of the horrible deaths I had imagined me having didn't come true, today all logic was gone out the window and I was "Preparing" myself for the worst to come. I envisioned the hemorrhage, with blood on the brain and then blood flowing out of my eyes, ears, nose and throat, the ambulance coming too late and my dying in the worst possible way.

I've calmed down since then, but I'm still very anxious. Am I being silly, or has anyone else ever experienced panic and envisioning the worst possible death in the middle of an attack?

I had a feeling that every single feeling in my body will set me off today.

I am very confused. You have another thread you set up last night saying you were going into hospital for a while under Doctors orders and other threads you have not long set up today which seem you have internet in there or are at home but do not say where you are.

Did you not go in to hospital? If not I think you need to update your Hospital thread as lots of us are worried for you.

Sorry Edward the delay in my writing this I did not see your post elsewhere saying you did not go in. I am concerned for you but having trouble following your many threads. I am sure others might be having the same problem. Perhaps you might think of asking Admin to combine the simalar ones for you or start an umbrella one.

Anyway a big hug for you.

29-09-12, 15:36
I'm sorry, but that thread is updated. Please read it before jumping down my throat. I'm, seriously not up for being attacked right now. Ya know what, keep your forum.

fozzy is crying
29-09-12, 15:43
I'm sorry, but that thread is updated. Please read it before jumping down my throat. I'm, seriously not up for being attacked right now. Ya know what, keep your forum.

Edward I am ad never would want to jump down your throat and my post which is now update is only one of concern and support for you. It is not easy to keep track of lots of threads for me. I am sorry if you thought I was having a go I was NOT I am here for you.

29-09-12, 15:47
No, I'm sorry Fozzy. My mood today with all the anxiety isn't the best, but I have updated the thread now. I certainly didn't mean to cause anyone worry, but last night I was crippled with panic that I thought being in a safe around medical staff and where I could easily get Valium to calm me was the best option. Like I have said in the other thread, my Doctors are not happy with me, but I have chosen to fight this thing even tho I am feeling like crap today with two panic attacks behind me in the last few hours. Hugs to you :-)

fozzy is crying
29-09-12, 15:52
No, I'm sorry Fozzy. My mood today with all the anxiety isn't the best, but I have updated the thread now. I certainly didn't mean to cause anyone worry, but last night I was crippled with panic that I thought being in a safe around medical staff and where I could easily get Valium to calm me was the best option. Like I have said in the other thread, my Doctors are not happy with me, but I have chosen to fight this thing even tho I am feeling like crap today with two panic attacks behind me in the last few hours. Hugs to you :-)

No problem Edward. I am going through absolute hell here myself but still want to help you in any way I can. :bighug1:

29-09-12, 15:56
Hi Sorry I was confused the same as Fozzy is crying as I had not seen the update either but I am pleased you stayed home. It is a horrible feeling when you are having a panic attack and you imagine all sorts of awful things happening but you just have to remember that it is the anxiety and you are not going to come to any harm and you are safe. :hugs:

29-09-12, 16:02
No problem Edward. I am going through absolute hell here myself but still want to help you in any way I can. :bighug1:

Is there anything I can do to help Fozzy? I know exactly how you feel. Don't go through it alone. Never mind me for now. Let's see what we can do to get you through this ok?:hugs::hugs::hugs:

fozzy is crying
29-09-12, 16:20
Is there anything I can do to help Fozzy? I know exactly how you feel. Don't go through it alone. Never mind me for now. Let's see what we can do to get you through this ok?:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Well Edward one thing you could do for me and lots of others that would help me and others is perhaps to take up my previous suggestion of starting an umbrella thread for all new posts so we can keep up to date in one place to help you and for you to put a link to it on all your other active threads and say you will be only using that new one and not to post to the old ones. That way I am sure it will be of great advantage to you. But I can only suggest it. I am not having a go and not attacking you to do it. I just know if I were you I would do it

As to my problems I do not know if I can handle talking about them again at the moment. Forgive me I know lots want to help but my story and needs are vast and could add to others anxiety by getting upset about them.


29-09-12, 16:24
I completely understand Fozzy. You can always PM me if you need to talk. I don't know how to do what you suggested though. I would do it if i could.

29-09-12, 16:44

I think Gordon's point is that you have started quite a few threads over a short time and people aren't sure which to reply to. My advice would be to stick to one thread and use that to post on - this one's probably the best. You could post a link to this one in your other threads to tell people to answer you here.

I could also merge some of your threads into this one for you if you wanted.

Take care


29-09-12, 16:46

I think Gordon's point is that you have started quite a few threads over a short time and people aren't sure which to reply to. My advice would be to stick to one thread and use that to post on - this one's probably the best. You could post a link to this one in your other threads to tell people to answer you here.

I could also merge some of your threads into this one for you if you wanted.

Take care


That would be perfect Pipkin. Could you please do that for me? Thank you very much:)

29-09-12, 16:47
I didn't go in guys. I decided that I would fight this time. I can't run away and just to feel "Safe" around medical trained experts. My Doctor or the Psychiatrist on call weren't happy that I wasted their time, but I don't care. I know for a fact that if I went in there I would lose all hope of ever wanting to leave again. I'm not good today either but I'm fighting. Sorry guys, but this time it's NOT winning.

---------- Post added at 16:47 ---------- Previous post was at 15:28 ----------


29-09-12, 16:52
Which ones would you like me to merge into this one? I wouldn't do them all as it will get confusing.


29-09-12, 16:55
Can you pease merge "Please Help. Panic Attack Happening" and "Going Back Into Hospital Due To Attacks" into this one please Pip?

Thanks so much :)

29-09-12, 17:11
Edward - done. I've also left redirects on the merged posts for a week so that other members can find this thread.


29-09-12, 17:13
Thank you so much Pip and I apologize for any confusion caused :)

29-09-12, 17:25
Hey, nothing to apologise for. I hope you're starting to feel bit better.


29-09-12, 17:32
Thanks Pip. I'm getting there thanks. Not had another attack today, but am still feeling psychical symptoms like heart racing, numbness and tingling in my arms, face and throat, having trouble swallowing due to dry mouth and headaches. Doing a lot of cleaning around the house today though to distract myself. I was just thinking though. If I had of gone into the hospital last night they would have me back on Diazepam again. Thinking logically, after the hell I went through getting off of them it would have been a step back going on them again. Not a step forward. I know I annoyed the Doctors by wasting their time, but Pip, the genuine and sheer terror that I felt last night made me think irrational and that's why I wanted to go back in there for a while.

29-09-12, 17:43
Just got to remember, you had the worst happen last night, and your still here, so although terrifying , panic is just that panic, no more....lose the fear of it,and you won't get them.

29-09-12, 17:52
Just got to remember, you had the worst happen last night, and your still here, so although terrifying , panic is just that panic, no more....lose the fear of it,and you won't get them.

That's exactly what I am doing Stormsky. I know they won't kill me. I'm doing a lot today to help myself and the games on the site are actually helping me to think of other things instead of the panic. I am also cleaning, hoovering and did a bit out in the garden earlier when it was sunny. Today the panic ends for me.

29-09-12, 18:32
I'm glad you're feeling better today Edward. :)

29-09-12, 20:41
Thank you Sparkle :) How are you?

---------- Post added at 20:41 ---------- Previous post was at 19:04 ----------

Anyone around tonight? Starting to get anxious about as brain bleed.

29-09-12, 20:44
You are fine, you have been posting on peoples threads and you could not have done that if you had a brain bleed. Try to relax and enjoy your evening...maybe watch a good dvd and just relax :hugs:

29-09-12, 20:49
You are fine, you have been posting on peoples threads and you could not have done that if you had a brain bleed. Try to relax and enjoy your evening...maybe watch a good dvd and just relax :hugs:

I'm on Youtube watching Celine Dion videos to take these thoughts away, but the headache all day and the thoughts of blood on the brain are consuming me. I was fine all day because I cleaned the house from top to top, but now I have nothing to keep me occupied. I am my own worse enemy sometimes. Even googled the symptoms of a cloth in a brain a few minutes ago.

29-09-12, 20:52
Don't consult Dr Google, he's not your friend!
Watch xfactor instead!

29-09-12, 20:52
Googling is the worst thing you can do! Never trust Dr Google. Believe me you have not got a bleed on your brain. The headaches will be because you have been anxious and had a bad night last night...think positive and enjoy tour evening.

29-09-12, 20:59
I'm watching I Spit On Your Grave. I've taken two painkillers for my headache.

29-09-12, 21:09
I'm watching I Spit On Your Grave. I've taken two painkillers for my headache.

Jees I recall that film was banned in the 80s!

29-09-12, 21:15
Jees I recall that film was banned in the 80s!

It certainly was Stormsky. I obtained a copy of the original movie via Binsearch and downloaded it today. Just watching now and I can actually see why it was banned. The rape scenes are brutal. No wonder it was banned. I am nearly at the end of the movie and I found it horrible to watch, but the "Revenge" scenes are good. I'm glad Jennifer fought back and got her revenge, even though killing them was unnecessary. I found being gripped on this movie has taken away the panic.

29-09-12, 21:16
Watch something nicer next like Lassie or Benji!

29-09-12, 21:19
Yes I've seen it back in the 80s....wouldn't be keen to see it again!

29-09-12, 21:24
Yes I've seen it back in the 80s....wouldn't be keen to see it again!

I actually think that the remake is more brutal than the original.:blush:

29-09-12, 21:32
Won't be watching remake then! Give me an underworld film anyday!

29-09-12, 21:37
Won't be watching remake then! Give me an underworld film anyday!

What movies do you like?

I'm a horror fan myself.

Halloween, My Bloody Valentine, The Hills Have Eyes, Wrong Turn, Jeepers Creepers, Friday 13th, The Strangers, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


fozzy is crying
29-09-12, 21:40
I must be very odd as I love a a good fantasy story and the more unreal the better.

Not just novels also short stories and also films as well such as "In the Realms of the Unreal" a 2004 which is Documentary/Biography Genre.

There is nothing like as good escapism from reality tale.

29-09-12, 21:41
What movies do you like?

I'm a horror fan myself.

Halloween, My Bloody Valentine, The Hills Have Eyes, Wrong Turn, Jeepers Creepers, Friday 13th, The Strangers, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

I love horror...
Don't really like serial killer films, I prefer things that don't exist in the real world, so underworld, predator, aliens, resident evil, all zombie films, silent hill, etc

29-09-12, 21:45
I love horror...
Don't really like serial killer films, I prefer things that don't exist in the real world, so underworld, predator, aliens, resident evil, all zombie films, silent hill, etc

Jesus! You are like my partner. He loves those movies as well. He's addicted to Alien, Resident Evil and all the Zombie movies like Night Of The Living Dead ect. You should really get in contact with him lol

29-09-12, 21:52
Jesus! You are like my partner. He loves those movies as well. He's addicted to Alien, Resident Evil and all the Zombie movies like Night Of The Living Dead ect. You should really get in contact with him lol

Haha I've already got a horror film partner, my hubby loves same films as me too...although he like violent films like Bourne identity, godfather etc

fozzy is crying
29-09-12, 21:52
Jesus! You are like my partner. He loves those movies as well. He's addicted to Alien, Resident Evil and all the Zombie movies like Night Of The Living Dead ect. You should really get in contact with him lol

ooooer "Night of the living dead" a good film for horror, fantasy and so unreal.

29-09-12, 21:56
Haha I've already got a horror film partner, my hubby loves same films as me too...although he like violent films like Bourne identity, godfather etc

I find those "Zombie" films terrible lol. Mark is the same lol. Seriously, between these zombies movies and "Alien", "Silent Hill" and "Resident Evil" I'm lost of an evening. I just look at the screen with a "What the hell? on my face lol.....Dreading going to the Cinema to see the new "Resident Evil" movie next month. I'll be bored out of my head lol.:lac:

29-09-12, 22:00
I find those "Zombie" films terrible lol. Mark is the same lol. Seriously, between these zombies movies and "Alien", "Silent Hill" and "Resident Evil" I'm lost of an evening. I just look at the screen with a "What the hell? on my face lol.....Dreading going to the Cinema to see the new "Resident Evil" movie next month. I'll be bored out of my head lol.:lac:

It's out now, my nephew said it was crap tho, so I will wait for DVD to come out...

fozzy is crying
29-09-12, 22:00
I find those "Zombie" films terrible lol. Mark is the same lol. Seriously, between these zombies movies and "Alien", "Silent Hill" and "Resident Evil" I'm lost of an evening. I just look at the screen with a "What the hell? on my face lol.....Dreading going to the Cinema to see the new "Resident Evil" movie next month. I'll be bored out of my head lol.:lac:
I know what you mean Edward. I often look at something or read it and say "what the hell?".

I wonder what is real and what is not all the time now.

29-09-12, 22:01
It's out now, my nephew said it was crap tho, so I will wait for DVD to come out...

Oh God, I'm in for it then:scared15:

29-09-12, 22:02
Oh God, I'm in for it then:scared15:

Why foz?

fozzy is crying
29-09-12, 22:06
Why foz?

Sorry Stormsky was that a question to me or a typo as it seems you are replying to Edwards post?

29-09-12, 22:06
Give me a horror movie any time, but "Zombie" movies? I can't see the appeal lol

29-09-12, 22:07
Hiya Edward_1980,

So pleased you got over last nite.

But please all this talk about horror films. The last one I ever seen was that hostel god what a bore that was put me off horror for good.

Bring back the old hammer movies and the good old black n white horrors.:shades:

If people ask me what i watch on dvd and i tell them they think i am crazy :roflmao:

But again glad last nite is behind you:bighug1:

29-09-12, 22:09
Hiya Edward_1980,

So pleased you got over last nite.

But please all this talk about horror films. The last one I ever seen was that hostel god what a bore that was put me off horror for good.

Bring back the old hammer movies and the good old black n white horrors.:shades:

If people ask me what i watch on dvd and i tell them they think i am crazy :roflmao:

But again glad last nite is behind you:bighug1:

This is really getting interesting. Hammer? Markus LOVES Hammer. He has the whole collection:roflmao:

fozzy is crying
29-09-12, 22:09
Hiya Edward_1980,

So pleased you got over last nite.

But please all this talk about horror films. The last one I ever seen was that hostel god what a bore that was put me off horror for good.

Bring back the old hammer movies and the good old black n white horrors.:shades:

If people ask me what i watch on dvd and i tell them they think i am crazy :roflmao:

But again glad last nite is behind you:bighug1:

Yes me too and even better still the silent days those horror films are so funny now.

29-09-12, 22:12
Sorry foz, I thought you'd said it, my error!

29-09-12, 22:13
Yes me too and even better still the silent days those horror films are so funny now.

I agreed to watch one Hammer movie with Mark and that was Bette Davis in "The Nanny". That was about as willing as I would go. And yes, I enjoyed it. Great plot and had me hooked:shades:

29-09-12, 22:15
Did you watch Spartacus blood and sand? Or game of thrones? I loved them both.

fozzy is crying
29-09-12, 22:16
I agreed to watch one Hammer movie with Mark and that was Bette Davis in "The Nanny". That was about as willing as I would go. And yes, I enjoyed it. Great plot and had me hooked:shades:

hehe. reminds me of the original Nanny McPhee film and how she sorted out the conniving lying brats. I can think of so many real live kids she could sort out.:yahoo:

29-09-12, 22:17
hehe. reminds me of the original Nanny McPhee film and how she sorted out the conniving lying brats. I can think of so many real live kids she could sort out.:yahoo:

It was a good movie lol:yahoo:

fozzy is crying
29-09-12, 22:20
It was a good movie lol:yahoo:

will have to see if I can arrange for you to meet her as you are also a fan. She is too scary for me :mad:

Mind you I could do with seeing a human being so beggars can not be choosers. :wacko:

29-09-12, 22:22
will have to see if I can arrange for you to meet her as you are also a fan. She is too scary for me :mad:

Mind you I could do with seeing a human being so beggars can not be choosers. :wacko:

Exactly, beggars can't be choosers :yesyes:

fozzy is crying
29-09-12, 23:33
Exactly, beggars can't be choosers :yesyes:

Edward. Just a thought. Have you tried the Chat Room yet?

30-09-12, 17:24
Edward. Just a thought. Have you tried the Chat Room yet?

I won't be going into the chat room at all Fozzy. I have read terrible things on the forum about people mocking you once you leave. I'll be giving that a miss :)

30-09-12, 19:17
I won't be going into the chat room at all Fozzy. I have read terrible things on the forum about people mocking you once you leave. I'll be giving that a miss :)

Blimey wonder what they say bout me! Haha

30-09-12, 19:24
Blimey wonder what they say bout me! Haha

LOL Stormsky. I have to learn to develop a thick skin before attempting the Chat Room:yesyes:

Just an update:

Today was fantastic. I woke up refreshed for once and had a good day. I went for a nice Sunday drive to the country with my partner and stopped off in a beautiful castle for afternoon tea. No panic whatsoever because I refused to let it ruin my beautiful day out. When I came home late this afternoon I once again cleaned the house from top to bottom and since it was dry I decided to do a little bit of gardening. I find it hard in the evenings a little because I have nothing to keep me busy, but I find the games on the site keep me occupied. I'm going to watch a DVD in a while to relax though. Today was a good one. How was everyone elses?

30-09-12, 19:27
Pleased you had a good day today Edward...hope it continues :)

30-09-12, 19:28
Good for you... See how far you've come since the other night! Your defo a fighter!

30-09-12, 19:32
Thanks guys. I really feel good inside. Ye are such an inspiration to me and if I can ever help anyone of you in return you just have to drop me a line and I'll be there. Ye all did so much for me the last few days :) XX

fozzy is crying
30-09-12, 19:40
LOL Stormsky. I have to learn to develop a thick skin before attempting the Chat Room:yesyes:

Just an update:

Today was fantastic. I woke up refreshed for once and had a good day. I went for a nice Sunday drive to the country with my partner and stopped off in a beautiful castle for afternoon tea. No panic whatsoever because I refused to let it ruin my beautiful day out. When I came home late this afternoon I once again cleaned the house from top to bottom and since it was dry I decided to do a little bit of gardening. I find it hard in the evenings a little because I have nothing to keep me busy, but I find the games on the site keep me occupied. I'm going to watch a DVD in a while to relax though. Today was a good one. How was everyone elses?

Well done.

30-09-12, 19:42
Thanks guys. I really feel good inside. Ye are such an inspiration to me and if I can ever help anyone of you in return you just have to drop me a line and I'll be there. Ye all did so much for me the last few days :) XX

Always a pleasure, never a chore..... Lol..x

30-09-12, 19:48
Well done.

Thanks Gordon. Feeling very positive tonight:yesyes::hugs:

fozzy is crying
30-09-12, 19:58
Thanks Gordon. Feeling very positive tonight:yesyes::hugs:

Good. So you can get on and plan that holiday with your partner. I far away relaxing deserted island with no Tinternet perhaps.

30-09-12, 20:04
LOL Stormsky. I have to learn to develop a thick skin before attempting the Chat Room:yesyes:

Just an update:

Today was fantastic. I woke up refreshed for once and had a good day. I went for a nice Sunday drive to the country with my partner and stopped off in a beautiful castle for afternoon tea. No panic whatsoever because I refused to let it ruin my beautiful day out. When I came home late this afternoon I once again cleaned the house from top to bottom and since it was dry I decided to do a little bit of gardening. I find it hard in the evenings a little because I have nothing to keep me busy, but I find the games on the site keep me occupied. I'm going to watch a DVD in a while to relax though. Today was a good one. How was everyone elses?

That's a fantastic achievement. Glad you had a good day after having such a bad time the other night :yesyes:

30-09-12, 20:04
Well, it will be next summer now, but at least I will be able to go:D

01-10-12, 15:33
Hiya guys,

How's everyone today? I have a question. Could I be suffering from Separation Anxiety? Mark went back to work today after being home for a while and being alone really scares me. I can't tell you the amount of rescue spray I went through today because I'm on on the edge all the time. I haven't had a panic attack or anything, but my stomach is sick, I'm agitated and I absolutely refuse to eat in case I choke and he won't be around to save me. Right now I'm anxious but not bordering on an attack, but I'm counting the minutes and watching the clock until he gets home. I rang him four times today because I needed to talk to someone.

01-10-12, 20:31
Another update:

I'm doing fine tonight because Mark is home and I managed to have a bowl of soup and a bread roll (I'm avoiding rice, pasta, vegetables, sausages, bacon, chicken and noodles because of the choking risk) for tea. I feel OK now, but am worried about tomorrow. I really can't ask him to take any more time off of work because he has done it for me for weeks and his boss is starting to get on his back about it. I'm using my spray tonight and I have also got Valerian pills to hopefully put me at ease.

01-10-12, 20:36
youll be fine, you did it today, and like you say he cant keep taking time of.. youve got the forum to come to, and just keep cleaning !!!

01-10-12, 20:36
You need to try and find something positive to do yourself. My husband works away a lot and sometimes I just cry when he leaves the house but I know he is going to be away for a few days so I just tell myself to stop the tears and I find something to do, housework, gardening, going for a walk, phoning friends, baking...the list really is endless. think positive and keep busy.

01-10-12, 20:42
Thanks guys,

I always have my rescue spray to help me and my endless cleaning lol. Just felt a twang of panic today being alone again in case something happened. Denied myself food all day even though there was a few cans of my fave Chinese Hot And Sour Soup in the cupboard. The veggies are a choking hazard for me. I will be doing things differently tomorrow though and keeping myself busy with the garden (Didn't have the weather for it today). I NEED to get rid of those weeds making my roses look common Lol. I'll also be checking in with Aware and The Samaritans if I begin to spiral into an anxiety fueled depression. It never hurts to talk, and I know I always have the forum to turn to if things take a turn.

01-10-12, 20:48
You need to eat through the day as going without food all day will fuel the anxiety. You seem to be preparing for "spiral into an anxiety fuelled depression" Think positive!!! Tell yourself it won't happen. If you prepare to be anxious it is more likely to happen.

01-10-12, 20:51
I can't eat when I am alone Annie. It's like my throat closes and things get stuck. If I choke while I am alone I won't have anyone to save me and I will die. I'm not thinking that I will go into a depression, it's just handy to have the numbers. It's something I hold onto.

01-10-12, 21:06
Just eat something like rice pudding, yogurt, tomato soup, banana mashed in milk. None of those can make you choke and you really must eat. :hugs:

01-10-12, 21:11
Just eat something like rice pudding, yogurt, tomato soup, banana mashed in milk. None of those can make you choke and you really must eat. :hugs:

What I do if the hunger hits Annie is open a packet of noodles and add the powder to boiling water and have a broth snack:hugs:

02-10-12, 14:21

If you are around today I just want you to know that I have been to my Doctor and put on Fortisip for weight gain as the Zispin isn't helping much. Two shakes a day for a month to see if that helps any. I have already had one and feel grand after it. Going out to the garden soon to check on my flowers. Just having a few games of Alex In Danger to calm my nerves :-)