View Full Version : Messed up tooth filling leading to irrational anx...

29-09-12, 18:31
Hello! :hugs:

I'm feeling really anxious at the moment -- I wouldn't say I am feeling phobic, but the anxiety levels are creeping up and up about an issue I have. :huh:

I'm not anxious about going to the dentist; I've had various treatments over the years, and some pretty painful horrible experiences, but for some reason it never seems to phase me - until now. I had a filling about 2-3 months ago, and I remember at the time, once the numbness subsided, thinking how the tooth felt a little strange and tingly. But I figured it would settle down in time.

Since then, the tooth has become very sensitive; so sensitive that just fresh air upsets it, and there is a constant tingling sensation in and around the tooth. If I am eating anything, I can't use that area of my mouth because if I catch the filled tooth, then it is really uncomfortable.

I realised that this means something must have gone amiss when I had the filling done. In my head I keep thinking, just make an appointment and sort it out -- but, I dunno, as time has passed and my tooth has become more uncomfortable -- the whole side of my mouth now tingles practically all the time both in my upper and lower teeth -- I've started getting irrational thoughts that I am going to need lots of teeth removed, or that I have got gum disease, or even worse things :blush::wacko:

I know this is pretty extreme thinking, even by my anxious standards!

Am I letting this discomfort totally escalate into wild notions -- yes, I know that I am. I think because I feel this tingling sensation all the time, it is starting to get to me and make me fret.

Plus, I don't know if this is a contribution to it all, but I have recently reduced then stopped taking my AD/Anx medication. I was taking 40mg Citalopram each day, but now I am medication-less on advice of my GP. I'm going to start a new medication next week.

I have stopped myself from googling about my tingling, over-sensitive teeth because, even though there will probably be some helpful results, I know that there will probably also be some real crazy results that will not be good for me to see while I am so anxious.

So, hmm... this is my current situation. I think deep down I am posting this topic just to get my feelings out, and I do apologise for making a whole new topic :blush: But also, I was wondering if anyone else has had this kind of experience with a tooth?

29-09-12, 18:39
I would go back to the dentist as it sounds like one of the nerves in your tooth maybe exposed causing it to be very sensitive. Maybe it just needs more filling in it or refilling. x

30-09-12, 02:01
Mybe not the nerve itself exposed - maybe the enamel damaged. I had this after a filling, it drove me nuts. The dentist suggested rubbing Sensodine toothpaste into it around the gumline - it tells you how to do this on the packet. It was better the first day I did it and after a week, it was completely gone. I still have to do this about once a month to keep it under control, but on the whole, it's fine.

30-09-12, 18:22
Yes, the enamel may be damaged.

01-10-12, 19:53
Hi guys :hugs:

I went for it today and got an emergency appointment at the dentist -- it was definitely time for it, as I was really getting some pain.

The dentist had a look at the tooth and it isn't cracked or anything like that; it seems that the metal filling is near to the nerve in the tooth and its aggravating it. I've had something painted onto the tooth today which should hopefully calm things down :) If it doesn't then I will have to have a root filling -- but I'm not going to think about that :shades:

I feel a lot better now - my tooth isn't hurting as much, but more so in my mind, I am much calmer knowing I don't have some sort of gum disease :blush:

01-10-12, 20:05
Pleased you have been able to get it sorted :)