View Full Version : More brain worries :(

29-09-12, 21:34
Last week I felt incredibly dizzy and just not with it, so I called an ambulance as I was sure I was dying ( not anxiety or panic attack feelings, which I've had for months ) they checked me out at A+E, took my blood, temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen, the works, all fine. gave me a bit of reassurance, now i've got a horrible headache, keep getting tingling sensations in my head and muscle twitches all over my body, would the tests rule out all kinds of brain problems/other illnesses,just my health anxiety seems to be creeping back and I'm needing a bit of reassurance :/

29-09-12, 21:37
Anx causes your body so much tension, that headaches are common.. I uses to get them all the time..but I don't have health Anx so don't read too much into it

29-09-12, 21:41
I get those symptoms with anxiety which is what I am sure they are with you :hugs:

29-09-12, 21:54
I have never experienced true anxiety until May this year when a tumour (non cancerous) was found in my spinal cord. It was removed in a major op and surgeon told me all was fine and very successful. Physically, I am mended, but mentally has taken longer. I have experienced palpitations, muscle twitching, neck stiffness, sensitive scalp, tingling in feet and hands, eye twitching to name but a few strange symptoms. I even demanded a brain scan from the doctor which I need to have repeated due to abnormal signals in the medulla (think due to after effects of op - not sure so panicking again!). Scan stated no tumour or lesions, which is great. I am left with tinnitus which is also anxiety related. I have learnt that anxiety is very cruel and can set off a vast number of alarming symptoms. I have a very busy job, which helps and two young children to focus on. I feel fit and healthy and force myself to think that every symptom is anxiety related.....most symptoms have now gone. Please try not to worry, the mind is a very powerful tool which can play very unfair tricks on your body...... Xxxx

Julia xxx

29-09-12, 22:00
Last week I felt incredibly dizzy and just not with it, so I called an ambulance as I was sure I was dying ( not anxiety or panic attack feelings, which I've had for months ) they checked me out at A+E, took my blood, temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen, the works, all fine. gave me a bit of reassurance, now i've got a horrible headache, keep getting tingling sensations in my head and muscle twitches all over my body, would the tests rule out all kinds of brain problems/other illnesses,just my health anxiety seems to be creeping back and I'm needing a bit of reassurance :/

Omg....These are the exact feelings feelings I am having today. A brain bleed on the cards. I can't relax at all with it in my mind. Good one you for seeking medical help.

29-09-12, 22:35
A brain bleed isn't what i'm worrying about, I figure if I had a brain bleed, I don't think I could type, but I worried about that for months and months, I can sympathise with you totally and I really hope you feel better soon, I don't think it'll be a brain bleed but I know how anxiety can play tricks on you.

I guess with me it's fear of the unknown, my headache isn't severe, it's just a pretty dull pain and I feel generally just pretty yucky, it's the muscle twitches and tingling sensation that really scares me :/ I know there's gonna be a thousand diseases out there I don't know about that I could have :(

If they discharged me from hospital because my blood tests were all fine, does this mean i'm "physically" fine?

29-09-12, 22:40
Yes I am sure you are fine if the hospital said you are, we must try to trust the medical profession, These feelings are all anxiety related and although frightening they will not harm you. As soon as you stop worrying about it they go. I had noises in my ear for weeks and high anxiety and as soon as I have got my anx levels down, I haven't noticed the noises or aches in my head. Anxiety can do strange things but it will not harm you.

fozzy is crying
29-09-12, 22:56
Omg....These are the exact feelings feelings I am having today. A brain bleed on the cards. I can't relax at all with it in my mind. Good one you for seeking medical help.

I am sure Ferry does not want to know of brain bleeds. You are I good guy I know with some good intents but you do need at times to learn a bit of tact my friend. I am not having a go so please take this in good spirit. We all put our foot in it from time to time without thinking. I am no exception in fact far from it.

29-09-12, 23:08
I agree with Fozzy Edward, Ferry you are correct in saying that you would not be able to type if you had a brain bleed...that is what I explained to Edward earlier in his thread. I know these feelings are all worrying Ferry and I know that in my earlier days of anxiety I always thought the worst but now I say 'oh it is just my anxiety again and I know it can't harm me. There is nothing wrong with going to the doctors for reassurance and I still do that but I trust them 100% and when my tests come back clear I am happy. If you can try to relax the symptoms will go. Sending you hugs Ferry :hugs: hope you feel better soon.

29-09-12, 23:08
I am sure Ferry does not want to know of brain bleeds. You are I good guy I know with some good intents but you do need at times to learn a bit of tact my friend. I am not having a go so please take this in good spirit. We all put our foot in it from time to time without thinking. I am no exception in fact far from it.

I think when Edward said a brain bleed is on the cards, he was referring that to himself.

29-09-12, 23:12
Thanks so much guys, I feel pretty ashamed posting threads every couple of days because there always seems to be a problem, When the health anxiety goes away, the depression sets in, once I manage to cope with it, The health anxiety sets back in, I guess sometimes I need some reassurance and I think I've Put my GP through enough....

29-09-12, 23:14
Don't feel ashamed, we all have these worries and it helps to share them and give each other reassurance, I hope you have a good nights sleep and feel better tomorrow. Take care :hugs:

fozzy is crying
29-09-12, 23:20
Thanks so much guys, I feel pretty ashamed posting threads every couple of days because there always seems to be a problem, When the health anxiety goes away, the depression sets in, once I manage to cope with it, The health anxiety sets back in, I guess sometimes I need some reassurance and I think I've Put my GP through enough....

My friend you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed about and you are doing all the right things. As to your GP well that is what he is there for and if he or she is like mine they will fight your corner tooth and nail. I am always saying sorry and sorry for wasting his time and sorry for being a waste of space or a lost cause to my GP and he says I have nothing to be sorry for he is there to help.

The only thing we argue about is my ever increasing physical pains etc nothing to do with mental health. He says "at your age you have to expect that" and I say to him "you cheeky sod Richard you are not that much younger than me and your time will come" :roflmao: