View Full Version : Phobia of sick!HELP!

29-09-12, 23:33
Ive recently moved in with my cousin and she has a 10 month daughter. i came home from work tonight with her daughter throwing up the second time. the first time on the sofa where i have to sleep! im so scared of catching a sickness bug i feel like i should go sleep in the hallway just to get away from it! i would normally stay at friends but i dont no anybody in this area and have no where to go! i keep trying to convince myself its because shes teething and thats why she is throwing up but i cant settle and it just seems like too much sick to be teething. im crying and in a right panic. what should i do!??! :'(

29-09-12, 23:36
Kids are sick all the time, you won't catch anything, just make sur it's all cleaned up

29-09-12, 23:46
my cousin had cleaned it up in the living room by the time i got home, but i still got to sleep in here tonight. just paranoid theres all the germs in the air that il breath in which will make me catch it.

30-09-12, 00:02
If its in the air, it's too late now anyway, as youve been in the room, so no point worrying