View Full Version : Returning after almost 3 years....massive bruises - leukemia??

30-09-12, 02:14
Im back on this site after 3 years, in that 3 years i have been doing great, yes ive had constant anxiety and emetphobia but i have been coping and controlling it, ive had a little boy in this time, got my own house, and been promoted to manager at work, then boom, one day (3 weeks ago) i was brushing my teeth when my heart started pounding beyond controll to the point i called an ambulance, they monitored me told me it was a panic attack but did say i could go to the doctor for blood work and an ECG, by the time i got the appointment i was back to my normal self the symptoms had gone so i cancelled the appointment (im always so busy with work, house, toddler etc) anyway all was good untill the start of this week when i started with the palpitations again, on and off for 3 days , then on thursday night my leg started itching at work, like a painful itch, i scratched it a few times nothing too hard, it continued to hurt, 4 hours later i got home had a bath, felt it hurt so i looked and what i saw sent me into MASSIVE panic, i have a cluster of HUGE bruises on the back of my leg (behind knee) red , black, purple, its huge, longer more than wider, i freaked and called the NHS, they asked me if id banged it etc which i havnt, so they told me to go get a blood test which i still havnt done, 1. because im too busy 2.because im scared of the results, im convinced after reading about the causes of bruising that its leukemia, a worry ive NEVER had in my life. My joints ache, like the ones in my arms, and my le where brusied aches, i have an absess on my tooth thats due to be pulled next month, i only had thrush 2 weeks ago, this morning ive woken up with a dry cough and runny nose and im always getting pains around my ribs and kidneys, i have palpiations, shortness of breath, practically every symptom of leukemia going apart from nose bleeds and rarely get headaches, ive never been so convinced in my life that i have an illness, ive also had pressure in my upper teeth constantly for 2 months, i have constant allergies so im thinking its sinus related, ive just let myself and these symptoms over load me and cause one big issue, that i now think is a disease im so worried ill leave my boy without a mum, i am booking in for a blood test on wednesday, in the mean time i cant cope im constantly checking to see if more bruises appear or if the current one spreads, PLEASE help me x

30-09-12, 02:17
I am covered in bruises all the time and no idea where they come from but I don't have anything wrong. You will find there are loads of us on here that are the same as well.

Best to get it checked out though.

I sent you a PM about your previous login on here as well.

30-09-12, 02:29
I had bruises in that exact location that terrified me until I noticed I was swinging my legs at my desk against a bar on the chair ... not hard enough to notice, but repeatedly enough to cause bruising. It could be anything really, even something that simple.

30-09-12, 09:06
Hi there the best thing you can do Is go see the doctor, not because I think your ill but for reassurance and peace of mind, if random bruises appearing is leukaemia then I must have it because I'm covered in them, sometimes you knock or bang yourself without even realising. As for pressure in upper teeth I get that alot with my anxiety, it's very common, it's all the pressure building up inside. Do you grit your teeth too because that can cause it/aggrovate it. I'm sure you are fine, stay positive!

30-09-12, 11:04
I bruise really easily and if ever I have an itch and scratch it for long I bruise in that area. You seem to have a busy lifestyle and it could just be that your body is telling you to rest more since you seem to be getting one thing after another. I hope the blood tests give you the reassurance you need :hugs:

30-09-12, 18:00
I hope you will be fine