View Full Version : Vertigo

30-09-12, 06:27
Hi everyone

I'm new to the site and am currently in pieces. I have always suffered from anxiety and have had a breakdown in the past (7 years ago). Now I think I'm really ill again. I have been off meds for 3 years since gettin pregnant with my little boy. Anyway for the past 3 months or so I've been under lots of stress, problems with my ex-husband, work pressures, stress of running around after a toddler etc. I'd been crying a lot and feeling really down. Two weeks ago my son went to Uni and that coincided with me having a virus and vertigo. I had vertigo 7 years ago during my breakdown and I was convinced I had a brain tumour :-(
I hate the feeling of being dizzy. So then I felt the anxiety come back, scared of leaving the house, scared of dying, feeling of foreboding and doom. I went to the dr who predefined me some meds but not the ones I'd been in before. I took one on Friday and felt awful, visual disturbances, anxiety and panic so I haven't taken anymore. I've just woken up and the vertigo is back. So I'm sitting here in bits convinced I'm going to die and leave my little boy. I'm ewaiting for a cpn referral which was sent urgently but I just can't cope with this anymore. I was supposed to be back at work Monday but if I've got vertigo I won be able to go. So scared and just wish I could be normal.

Sorry for the rant but if anyone has experienced vertigo linked to anxiety I'd be grateful to know.

Thank you

fozzy is crying
30-09-12, 06:37
Hi everyone

I'm new to the site and am currently in pieces. I have always suffered from anxiety and have had a breakdown in the past (7 years ago). Now I think I'm really ill again. I have been off meds for 3 years since gettin pregnant with my little boy. Anyway for the past 3 months or so I've been under lots of stress, problems with my ex-husband, work pressures, stress of running around after a toddler etc. I'd been crying a lot and feeling really down. Two weeks ago my son went to Uni and that coincided with me having a virus and vertigo. I had vertigo 7 years ago during my breakdown and I was convinced I had a brain tumour :-(
I hate the feeling of being dizzy. So then I felt the anxiety come back, scared of leaving the house, scared of dying, feeling of foreboding and doom. I went to the dr who predefined me some meds but not the ones I'd been in before. I took one on Friday and felt awful, visual disturbances, anxiety and panic so I haven't taken anymore. I've just woken up and the vertigo is back. So I'm sitting here in bits convinced I'm going to die and leave my little boy. I'm ewaiting for a cpn referral which was sent urgently but I just can't cope with this anymore. I was supposed to be back at work Monday but if I've got vertigo I won be able to go. So scared and just wish I could be normal.

Sorry for the rant but if anyone has experienced vertigo linked to anxiety I'd be grateful to know.

Thank you

Hey do not think for one moment you are ranting I have vertigo problems as well and it is very common. No joke I get vertigo standing on a chair but do not know why no problem 40,000 foot up in a plane.


30-09-12, 06:37
Hi Mrsg12

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

30-09-12, 07:06
yes labarynthitis. I didn't realise it is often connected to stress etc. I was diagnosed abou 7 or 8 years ago.scary but i can cope if i know what where how etc....meds work well. There is lots of help here, as Nicola says

fozzy is crying
30-09-12, 07:22
ammiemum or anyone.

Vertigo has been a big problem in my life and as time goes by gets worse. I have tried all sorts for most of my life to combat it still continues to get worse. Can it ever be cured even as in my case deep rooted for over 60 years?

30-09-12, 07:38
Thank you for replying everyone. I'm still sitting downstairs in the quiet house wishing I could go back to bed and sleep but too scared too because lying down makes the vertigo worse :-(

It's nice to know other people understand, although I wish none of us had to endure this horrible sensation.

So glad I found this website, thank you again.

30-09-12, 16:54
I really feel for you....I experienced it on holiday in France last year. It lasted for a week and I felt like I was living in a bubble. Very frightening. I was trying not to complain too much as we were meant to be enjoying a holiday....I even had to cling on to my little boy's buggy most of the time to walk around. After a few days, a woman in the next caravan started having it. We worked out it was probably a virus. I know how you feel though, it is awful. When I came home I was put on tablets and it faded away. the doc said, the more you panic, the worse it is. My auntie had it when my Nan died, literally every time she walked in to the solicitors to sort out the will.

I recently had a major op on my spine and sure enough, it returned. It lasted for two weeks solidly and was related to all the meds I was taking for the op and also from stress. I went on diazepam and it stopped within a day! I stopped the diazepam and it has not returned, touch wood!

I am now back running the roads...exercise is a great panic and stress buster. I try to go every day and it makes me feel good.

Vertigo is a vicious circle, the more you have it, the more you panic, the worse
it becomes etc.......have you tried Diazipam just to calm you down? A very low dose worked for me and I came off it straight away.

Julia xxxxxxx

30-09-12, 21:57
Hi Julia

Thank you for your post. I haven't tried diazepam as I'm really pill phobic!! I was on escitalopram for 4 years and stopped it about 3 years ago and it took hypnotherapy, counselling and a wonderful gp (whose since left) to get me through the side effects for the first few months until the dosage was right. Apparently I'm really sensitive to medication so experience quite intense side effects.

Of course none of that helps me really...I'm in bed now petrified to go to sleep in case I wake up with vertigo. I feel like a character out if nightmare on elm street only the vertigo is my freddy Krueger!

I just want so much to be better. I've noticed that over time I don't have a social life anymore. I don't enjoy any hobbies I'm just in this unnatural state waiting for "it" to happen.

This forum does help as it relieves the complete and utter loneliness I feel.

Hope you stay well.


30-09-12, 23:29
Hi Hun
I was struck down and took to hospital by ambulance with vertigo was confirmed had labyrinthitus, well felt detached, couldn't focus or walk for days and didn't drive for three months. I started having anxiety attackes two weeks later added to it had to get on plane for my son to have an op in America it sent me over the edge and hear I am lol
You not alone.