View Full Version : night time worries

30-09-12, 11:23
Does anyone else stay awake most of the night worrying about the most daft things? I am getting a new phone on Tuesday...a touch screen which I have never had before and I got all panicky through the night worrying if I will be able to use it or not! I was almost in tears thinking about it. I told my husband this morning and he said "well you might not be able to use it at first but you will learn" I worry about so many silly things through the night then feel anxious early morning. I still haven't really calmed down. I just wish I could have a really good nights sleep for once!

30-09-12, 11:31
I worry about loads of little things and big things alike! When you are lead in bed in the dark..everything is more intense isn't it? I tried a few drops of Lavender oil on my pillow last night and slept right through!!!
Everytime any of us get a new phone it takes some getting used to! xx

30-09-12, 11:35
I just feel so silly I wish I didn't have so many "What if's" in my head. One of my friends said to me that I will never have a disappoint in my life because I always expect the worst to happen so anything good is a bonus! I can't get through a day at the moment without constantly worrying about me being off work and thinking I am letting my colleagues down but I know my foot is still too painful for me to get through a day at work. xx

30-09-12, 11:36
Hi annie im the same ,I worry through the day but I can keep my mind busy and theres always someone I can talk to ,night is worse because everyones asleep but us lol so when I do wake worrying in the night I feel lonely, so what I do now is get back into bed I put my ipod on listen to music it works everytime its worth a try xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

30-09-12, 11:39
You will be ready when your foot is better! You can't help it! So try not to worry too much about work. I get like that with my job. Sick pay is not enough to live on and I now have a 3 bed bills to pay alone! So the thought does stress me out but I am not quite ready to return to work yet!! xx

30-09-12, 11:43
I seem to spend so much time trying to sleep then worry that I'm not getting to sleep. Usually the Bach rescue night helps me but I think because my foot is painful, if I lie on it it wakes me up then I start worrying about anything and everything!

---------- Post added at 11:43 ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 ----------

You will be ready when your foot is better! You can't help it! So try not to worry too much about work. I get like that with my job. Sick pay is not enough to live on and I now have a 3 bed bills to pay alone! So the thought does stress me out but I am not quite ready to return to work yet!! xx

I'ts just that at my sickness review I was told that I am needed back at school and sooner rather than later and I need to think of the impact it has on the students education. It has just made me feel so guilty.

30-09-12, 11:47
I seem to spend so much time trying to sleep then worry that I'm not getting to sleep. Usually the Bach rescue night helps me but I think because my foot is painful, if I lie on it it wakes me up then I start worrying about anything and everything!

---------- Post added at 11:43 ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 ----------

I'ts just that at my sickness review I was told that I am needed back at school and sooner rather than later and I need to think of the impact it has on the students education. It has just made me feel so guilty.

Your heath is number one. You can not reach your full capability in work unless you are in full health yourself. They will say anything to get you back. Well balls to them! You just look after yourself Annie! xx

30-09-12, 11:49
im also off work I use to worry and I made me feel awful ,I dont worry anymore because getting yourself better is more important, and worrying about work wont help you .remember think of yourself your job will still be there xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

30-09-12, 11:52
Haha My husband says the same as you loopylu! I know it is right and I say to other people that their health is the most important but I need to learn to listen to myself! They have sick notes from my doctor saying I am not fit for work but I just feel pressured.
I may be on here all day Tuesday asking people how to work my phone!!! or maybe I will surprise myself and get the hang of it straight away. xx

30-09-12, 11:58
You have a note!! Same as me and I feel that pressure too. It is ridiculous. There is more to life than stinking work and I refuse to let anyone make me feel like it anymore.

What phone are you getting? xx

30-09-12, 12:43
I have been trying to look it up because I can't remember! I think it is Samsung Ace android or something...all I really remember is it is purple lol

Jammy J
22-11-12, 20:54
Does anyone else stay awake most of the night worrying about the most daft things?

Hello Annie, yes absolutely. Night time for me is usually when i do most of my worrying and then it carries on when going to bed - its the smallest thing that sets me off.

I seem to spend so much time trying to sleep then worry that I'm not getting to sleep.

That made me laugh but its so true. Im an early riser as i start work quite early so i always worry and panic when i cant get to sleep as i need all the sleep i can get.

Im going to try some Lavendar drops on my pillow as mentioned by another poster, never thought of that :)

22-11-12, 21:11
Lavender is very relaxing. I buy Epsom salts and put them in my bath with a few drops of lavender oil.

---------- Post added at 21:11 ---------- Previous post was at 21:11 ----------

I also recently found Pukka nighttime tea. It has lavender, oat flower and lime flower in and that has been helping me to get to sleep.

Jammy J
22-11-12, 21:27
Thats great Annie, ive just done a quick google search on the pukka nightime tea... going to try and get some tomorro and i'l give the Lavender a go tonight.


22-11-12, 21:28
I got mine in Sainsbury's

Jammy J
22-11-12, 21:30
Damn, i was there a couple of hours ago, ah nevermind.

Ta :)

23-11-12, 22:38
Annie hope you are feeling better, I also lie in bed at night and think of some silly things,:wacko: that make me anxious, and keep me awake. :ohmy: I also don't sleep well at all :mad:. I toss and turn all night long. Then I always have to get up and go potty. (what an inconvenience!:blush:) Then I wake in the morning, and I am a nervous wreck over what the day will bring. Remember when you are sleeping, I am still awake,:hugs: so I will stay up with you when you are not feeling well.

24-11-12, 08:44
I got to sleep fine last night but woke up really early and feel so drowsy on a morning. I expect that is due to the increase in my meds.

25-11-12, 18:25
am already thinking "What if I can't sleep again tonight?" knowing that the more I think that, the less likely I will be to get to sleep! I really need to tell myself "You are going to have a good nights sleep"! hmmm...easier said than done :doh:

25-11-12, 18:38
Then I will keep you company, we will just talk. I think you are so tired though, you will probably sleep. Try not to think about it, just try to relax. Get in you pjs, and drink non caffeine tea, climb in that bed, and get nice and warm. (snuggle with hubby) and you will be counting sheep before you know it. :hugs:

25-11-12, 18:47
and if hubby starts snoring again tonight I will kick him into the spare room!!!

25-11-12, 18:50
If I've had a run of bad nights sleep with being anxious or thoughts running constantly through my head I find it helps to start a wind down to bed a bit earlier than usual. I put lavender in my oil burner, get into bed and read for a bit until I begin to feel a bit drowsy. Usually from the effect of a few days lack of sleep I'll drift off but in the event that I don't I'm in bed a bit earlier than usual and can at least console my self by thinking that even if I'm lying awake for a few more hours it isn't as late at night/early in the morning as it might have been. I find there's nothing worse than clock watching and thinking oh no it's 1 am, 2 am 3 am, not long til alarm and I'm still awake etc. Hope you catch up on the zeds tonight Annie.

25-11-12, 18:57
Thank you Smile for a while..I must admit I usually do clock watch, thinking I'm still awake and its 2am, still awake and 3am. Most of the time though, I get to sleep but just wake up about 3am and then can't get back to sleep. I think it has got worse recently because I am going through the menopause and getting hot flushes through the night so the duvet is on and off me every half hour! One minute I'm too hot, the next too cold...not fair what us poor women have to go through :D

25-11-12, 19:04
Awwwww Annie agreed, it's sooooooo not fair. :)