View Full Version : i cant do this anymore.. my head is not right....im not well at all :(

30-09-12, 16:12
this cannot be anxiety :lac: these left head feelings have plagued me since july 23rd ,apart from a 2 week break i have had them constantly. some days worse than others, sometimes its a mild pressure inside, other times its a sharp shooting pain. i have also had twitching on left side as well as pins and needles and smell of smoke, however the more i thought of these things the more they happened !!! so can tick them off as being pschological.
as it is, i have had an annoying pressure/fluid build up behind my left ear for about 2-3month....only noticed it when blowing up balloons other week, could it all be related...
im abso fed up of feeling like this and normally im getting excited for winter and xmas, but this year i just cant feel the excitement.
in the past when iv had ha, iv worried about the "symptoms" for 1 maybe 2 weeks then its forgot but now its almost as though the symptoms have gone to my head, its weird but i can actually feel something going on in there :wacko:.... dont know what but it freaks me out!!! the inlaws have just booked us all to go abroad next year but i dont think im gonna be here :unsure: the same goes for xmas, i have nearly finished my xmas shopping incase im not here then my husband wont have to worry about wat to get the kids :unsure: for xmas.
some people might think im a total lunatic for thinking like this and i know i cant go on like this forever....
im fed up, been on citalopram 10mg fir 23 days now, they make me feel weird within an hour or taking them so i tend to take them at night now. also they were ok the 1st week but now im feeling the same....
iv got 3 gorgeous kids and the thought of them growing up without me absolutely tortures me till i make myself have a panic attack. noone knows to what extent i feel.

---------- Post added at 16:12 ---------- Previous post was at 16:11 ----------

so far the things i have came across which seem they could be a void answer to my symptoms are-
early menopause
brain tumour - however no headache has been present prior the citalopram.

30-09-12, 16:26
Im so sorry to hear your feeling so bad , Ive been where you are its horrible ,I no its lonely ,It takes time and I no thats not much comfort its took me months and Im still not there yet, but everyday I tell myself its not going to beat me and what kept me going is my kids and youve got three gorgeous kids who need their mum , so dont give up you can get through it sending you a:bighug1:

30-09-12, 16:44
Why not print this post off and take it your doctor's so they know how you feel?

30-09-12, 16:46
If I had read this a few weeks ago it could have been something I'd posted myself. I've suffered badly with every symptom you describe (and more) on/off more months. For the past 2 months it's been very much on. When I booked my holiday 8 weeks ago I couldn't get excited about it because I was so convinced I wasn't going to be here. So convinced was I that I had a tumour that I was just going through the motions of every day life. Nothing really mattered.

Then something happened. Even up until the day I went on holiday I was rough but the second I boarded that plane every symptom I had disappeared and for the next 2 weeks I felt more alive than ever. No headaches, eye pain, earache and for the first time in months..... no dizziness! I went paragliding, jet skiing, went for a turkish massage and just enjoyed myself and relaxed. I've been home for 4 days now and although I had a twinge in my head this morning I'm still symptom free and feeling positive.

This has been a huge revelation for me because I think I now know the cause of all my anxieties. I guess my point is that it's something for all of us. I don't believe we have all these symptoms for nothing - we are psychologically creating them. It's taken me a long time to realise that and for the first time since I started having anxiety, I don't believe I have a tumour, I haven't got MS and I'm not dying. Neither are you honey. Your babies need you and you need to be the best you can be for them and for you. I know it's difficult (god knows I've been where you are) but you will work through it. Sending huge hugs. xx

30-09-12, 17:06
i have been to docs 3 times now and 1st time it was a locum doc who said i had a history of assunming things so it was probably nothing, next 2 times it was my normal doc, se said it was all muscular as i had bad posture, i get in such a state i at the docs, she put me on the cit and refered me to counselling....:shrug:

Why not print this post off and take it your doctor's so they know how you feel?

---------- Post added at 17:04 ---------- Previous post was at 17:03 ----------

thanks :blush:

Im so sorry to hear your feeling so bad , Ive been where you are its horrible ,I no its lonely ,It takes time and I no thats not much comfort its took me months and Im still not there yet, but everyday I tell myself its not going to beat me and what kept me going is my kids and youve got three gorgeous kids who need their mum , so dont give up you can get through it sending you a:bighug1:

---------- Post added at 17:06 ---------- Previous post was at 17:04 ----------

gosh...really? my question is, if iv had anxiety for years with no symptoms like this then why has it come on when i was feeling okay? im fed up and know my kids need me...... i just dont know what to do , im carrying on with the cit in the hopre that they will work eventually......:shrug:
If I had read this a few weeks ago it could have been something I'd posted myself. I've suffered badly with every symptom you describe (and more) on/off more months. For the past 2 months it's been very much on. When I booked my holiday 8 weeks ago I couldn't get excited about it because I was so convinced I wasn't going to be here. So convinced was I that I had a tumour that I was just going through the motions of every day life. Nothing really mattered.

Then something happened. Even up until the day I went on holiday I was rough but the second I boarded that plane every symptom I had disappeared and for the next 2 weeks I felt more alive than ever. No headaches, eye pain, earache and for the first time in months..... no dizziness! I went paragliding, jet skiing, went for a turkish massage and just enjoyed myself and relaxed. I've been home for 4 days now and although I had a twinge in my head this morning I'm still symptom free and feeling positive.

This has been a huge revelation for me because I think I now know the cause of all my anxieties. I guess my point is that it's something for all of us. I don't believe we have all these symptoms for nothing - we are psychologically creating them. It's taken me a long time to realise that and for the first time since I started having anxiety, I don't believe I have a tumour, I haven't got MS and I'm not dying. Neither are you honey. Your babies need you and you need to be the best you can be for them and for you. I know it's difficult (god knows I've been where you are) but you will work through it. Sending huge hugs. xx

30-09-12, 17:16
You could try seeing an osteopath if the doc says it is posture and muscular.

30-09-12, 17:34
Hi . When I'm stressed the most common symptom is a neck and back of the head ache . The you think about these aches and pains the longer they stay like a school bully . Doctors see so many cases of anxiety today they think telling you it's nothing is enough to send you away happy ,but within two minutes of leaving his surgery you will question his judgment . For a anxiety sufferer that's normal . But you have seen two doctors ,both unnerved by your symptoms. So think to your self your ok. { I know easer said than done } . Also try this , in one of Claire weekes books she says.. Think about a symptom and try to make it feel worse and you will find often the symptom disappears . As if your frounting up to it . I tried this my self and it did work .
Anxiety is about the way you think , no the way you feel .
Hope I've helped take care