View Full Version : So many problems so many fears!!!

30-09-12, 16:42
So I was just sitting here minding my own business on the computer when I decided to rub my hand through my hair and when i took it out. Atleast 30 pieces of my hair just fell out, I have short hair so they really small pieces, but every time I just rub my hand through my hair and back, a couple pieces of my hair come out with it. I don't know if its dead hair or something but it is seriously scaring me. I don't know if i'm over exaggerating and this isn't a big deal, but a whole lot of hair just came out with a simple rub through my hair and back.

Another problem of mine is the floaters, I posted about these a couple days ago, and everyone told me they were harmless, so I went on an did some research. Well it was a bad idea, It told me that a lot of floaters are a sign of something bad and I have so many of them. I bet atleast 50 times a day I see a floating fuzz go upwards, or a small piece of white hair floating downwards, at one point I saw clear circles! but that was only a one time thing. I've also read that flashing lights is very dangerous too. Well guess what! I have those too! they are little sparks of light, they look like fire flyes/lightning bugs. They are usually in the corners of my eyes, but one time they were dead center in my eyes, which happened during school and I got so scared and wen't home!

Now another scare I'm having is the pressure on the sides of my head, It almost feels like someone has both their hands on my head, each side of it, around the temple area, a little on the side of my forehead, and they're squeezing, or pushing together, and if it keeps going that my head will explode, I have it a lot, and i'm getting used to it, I am just not sure what it is and if it is dangers or I have a problem with my brain or something, in which I really wan't to get an MRI done to really see if my brain is normal or there is something wrong with it. To be honest I feel like all my problems are associated with my brain and thats whats causing all my symptoms. Oh yeah, along with the squeezing on my head, when I sit still, and focus on something, the type of focus where your in such a deep day dream in class or something, and your eyes are just focused on the bored even though your not paying attention, that your vision is blurry till you snap out of your day dream, that kind of focus. When i'm in that state it almost feels like i'm falling over sideways, or sometimes backwards. It only happens sometimes though.

There you guys have it, all my problems and worries for the moment! Problem more to come eventually! but for now I could use all the advice and support you guys got to give. Thanks!!

fozzy is crying
30-09-12, 16:45
So I was just sitting here minding my own business on the computer when I decided to rub my hand through my hair and when i took it out. Atleast 30 pieces of my hair just fell out, I have short hair so they really small pieces, but every time I just rub my hand through my hair and back, a couple pieces of my hair come out with it. I don't know if its dead hair or something but it is seriously scaring me. I don't know if i'm over exaggerating and this isn't a big deal, but a whole lot of hair just came out with a simple rub through my hair and back.

Another problem of mine is the floaters, I posted about these a couple days ago, and everyone told me they were harmless, so I went on an did some research. Well it was a bad idea, It told me that a lot of floaters are a sign of something bad and I have so many of them. I bet atleast 50 times a day I see a floating fuzz go upwards, or a small piece of white hair floating downwards, at one point I saw clear circles! but that was only a one time thing. I've also read that flashing lights is very dangerous too. Well guess what! I have those too! they are little sparks of light, they look like fire flyes/lightning bugs. They are usually in the corners of my eyes, but one time they were dead center in my eyes, which happened during school and I got so scared and wen't home!

Now another scare I'm having is the pressure on the sides of my head, It almost feels like someone has both their hands on my head, each side of it, around the temple area, a little on the side of my forehead, and they're squeezing, or pushing together, and if it keeps going that my head will explode, I have it a lot, and i'm getting used to it, I am just not sure what it is and if it is dangers or I have a problem with my brain or something, in which I really wan't to get an MRI done to really see if my brain is normal or there is something wrong with it. To be honest I feel like all my problems are associated with my brain and thats whats causing all my symptoms. Oh yeah, along with the squeezing on my head, when I sit still, and focus on something, the type of focus where your in such a deep day dream in class or something, and your eyes are just focused on the bored even though your not paying attention, that your vision is blurry till you snap out of your day dream, that kind of focus. When i'm in that state it almost feels like i'm falling over sideways, or sometimes backwards. It only happens sometimes though.

There you guys have it, all my problems and worries for the moment! Problem more to come eventually! but for now I could use all the advice and support you guys got to give. Thanks!!

What medication are you on? It does not include an statins does it?

30-09-12, 17:03
What medication are you on? It does not include an statins does it?

I'm on no medication. They won't put me on any since i'm only 16.

30-09-12, 22:04
Stress can cause hair loss, alopecia is caused by stress too... It doesn't mean anything serious.. But see your gp if your worried and if it continues, or causes bald areas... Anx can be the cause of your other symptoms...but again see gp if you worried.

30-09-12, 22:30
Hi, I am a hairdresser and on average we can loose up100 hairs a day. We r continuously growing new hair so please try not to worry

30-09-12, 23:36
Hi, I am a hairdresser and on average we can loose up100 hairs a day. We r continuously growing new hair so please try not to worry

Well that relieved one of my problems! Thank you :)

01-10-12, 07:04
The floaters and head pressure sounds to me like tension as I have has these symptoms before especially the head pressure. Again try not to worry as the more you worry the more the symptoms will linger

01-10-12, 22:34
The floaters and head pressure sounds to me like tension as I have has these symptoms before especially the head pressure. Again try not to worry as the more you worry the more the symptoms will linger

I've been having the floaters for about a week now and the head pressure has been lasting for about 3 weeks :\

01-10-12, 22:43
I pulled out..honestly about 200 hair strands today. I do have hair like a lions mane and it was all a knotted mass due to dumping it up on my head but every human loses hair everyday. I also get the floaters hat you are referring too. Mine look like little flashing lights.

02-10-12, 23:24
I pulled out..honestly about 200 hair strands today. I do have hair like a lions mane and it was all a knotted mass due to dumping it up on my head but every human loses hair everyday. I also get the floaters hat you are referring too. Mine look like little flashing lights.

I hate the flashing lights :(