View Full Version : chest pains from anxiety

30-09-12, 19:08
i have been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks now for just under 2 months and for the past 3 weeks i been suffering with really bad chest pains and dizziness i have been the hospital had ecg and even visited my doctors on numerous occasions! i was wondering if this is normal and if anyone else experiences chest pain on a daily basis and doesn't go away? i feel so alone with it and no one really understands my pain!
i have tired all different breathing techs to try and help the pain but nothing seems to be working anyone got any tips for me? :weep:

30-09-12, 19:21
Hi rachelsmith

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

30-09-12, 19:30
:welcome:If you have had tests done and they are all normal it will be caused by anxiety, I get chest pains a lot and dizziness is a very common symptom with anxiety. I hope you find lots of support here :)

01-10-12, 20:19
Hi, I experience chest pain even when I am not in the misdt of an attack, it starts with tighteness and the I get numbness and pain in my left arm and down into my leg, tingling in my fingers and toes and am convinced I am going to die which spirals me into panic attack.

The numbness in my arm and leg have somewhat gone away from excercise and not sleeping on that side of my body. Chest pain has got better since I have told myself it is not a heart attack as I would be dead by now.

Try not to worry, it is most likely a anxiety reaction